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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. I have purchased all my archery stuff at the store pruts mentioned and I have had nothing but good service there. When I went in there I told the guys what I could afford and they showed me a bunch of bows in my price range and let me shoot them all. I did not buy a bow that day I went home and did some resource on the different bows and bought the one I liked best about a week later. So I guess what I trying to say is you should give them a chance. I have in there lots after I bought the bow to ask some question and tips and always got great service.
  2. I would like to sign up but the rules state that you need at least 75 posts. I am not sure if I have enough post and not sure how to check.
  3. I was just on the pse website and I did not see any info on the spyder so it may be an older discontinued model. May be worth checking into so you don't end up with a bow you can't get parts for if something goes wrong like needing new limbs. Look into a pse stinger I like mine a lot and it shoots great with a good price.
  4. I have a pse stinger that has the same nrg cam system. It is very easy to adjust the draw length and let off. You can have a string stop installed on the pse. You will have to get the string served were it makes contact with the string stop. Pse makes a string stop for there bows called vibracheck. I would also recommend adding limb bands I also had them put on my bow and it definitely made a big difference in the noise and vibration from stock.
  5. I don't go into the woods without my rangefinder. This year will only be my second year bowhunting so if my rangefinder did not work I don't think I would feel comfortable trying to take a guess at yardage when your emotions are all jacked up.
  6. Yes is in the flyer
  7. I bought a new 2 man ladder stand yesterday. It's a Rivers Edge I have read a lot of good reviews about this stand does any body have any of there products. I have never hunted from a stand before so can't wait to try it out. I think I should set it up and practice shooting my bow from it. Any tips and tricks I need to learn?
  8. I got mine in the mail today.
  9. I had a vibracheck string stop but on my pse bow in the spring. It took most of the vibration out of the bow which in turn helped with the noise level. I think they are worth taking a look at and try one on your bow.
  10. Trevor

    Bow tune up

    Went in to my local archery shop to have my bow checked out before our season opens in October and to shoot a little. Well while I was there I bought a new trueglo carbon xs 4 pin sight. The guys in the shop installed it on my bow and then went in the range to sight it in. We got it close to where I can fine tune it. So far I like the sight the pins are nice and bright.
  11. Trevor


    I shoot a cobra works well for me
  12. I have a Mckenzie shoot blocker. Me and my brother in law shoot the heck out of it all the time and it still works well. It's good for field points and broad heads.
  13. I've been to Indy twice. I can't agree with you more there is nothing on earth like a top fuel dragster. The ihra nitro jam series is coming to grand bend Ontario at the end of the month so a am looking foreword to that event to. More nitro.
  14. Any body out there follow NHRA dragracing. On Saturday my friend and I drove 4 hours from London Ontario to Norwalk Ohio to the NHRA Summit nationals. It was great to see all drivers live and get my nitro fix. Unfortunately it was a 105 degrees in Ohio on Saturday put we still had a great day at the drags.
  15. Did mine on Friday on the telephone. Hope to get a doe tag in the mail around August. This was the first year I put in for a doe tag. Good luck to everyone this upcoming season.
  16. I have a 4 year old female yellow lab named Kaboose. She is just a great family pet. For a retriever she does not get it. She will retrieve a ball in water all day but not on land. She will shake a paw, sit, stay and speak. She loves to go to the dog park and play with the other dogs. She is just happy all the time.
  17. Well I finally got time to get in the woods on Sunday morning. Got to my blind around 5:15 and got my decoys sent up and settled in and waited to her the birds fly down off the roost. Heard the fly down around 6:15 or so. I just sat quietly for a few more minutes them I let out a few purrs and waited for a call back but nothing. I just waited quietly and called every once and a while but still nothing. By around 8:30 I was starting to get sleepy cause I did not sleep well the night before the hunt. So I decided to take out my iPhone and read the local morning news while i waited for something to happen. Well I got wrapped up in a news story and did not pay attention outside. When I looked up from my phone what do I see, a nice size Tom in full stutt trying to get it on with my hen decoy. By the time I realized what was going on in front of me it was over and the Tom started to walk off before I could get my bow up for a shot. After the bird disappeared I just sat there laughing at myself that this just happened. Today I am kicking myself for not paying better attention to what's going on around me. Hopefully I see another bird next weekend and a will definitely pay more attention to my surroundings. Just thought I share my little adventure.
  18. Check out a company called otter box. They make a case with real tree ap on one side and blaze orange on the other side. The case I was looking at was made for the I phone but maybe they make one for your new phone.
  19. Well I finely got my blind. I bought the Ameristep bone collector hub style blind. Can't wait for the season to open next Saturday. Plan to put the blind out in woods on edge of the corn field on Wednesday so the turkeys get used to it being there.
  20. On my way home from work I almost hit a low flying turkey with my truck. I thick a wild turkey could cause a lot of damage or go through a windshield.
  21. Hi guys,fairly new to the forum. I grew up in nova scotia and been out in the bay of fundy in a lobster boat. The day went out was pretty calm. Living on the bay I have seen some pretty big seas. My hats off to anyone who makes a living on the water fresh or salt.
  22. Trevor


    Sorry make that bow tuning
  23. Trevor


    Go to tuning and click on the knots page and the video will show you the proper way to tie the right knot for your cat whiskers. Hope this will help.
  24. I have a 2003 F-350 truck I drive every day for work. It has 7.3 l power stroke with 973000 km on it. My boss wanted to get rid of the truck but I wanted to see if it would go for a million km. The truck has never let me down,has original trans,injectors,fuel pump and turbo. I get the oil changed every 10000 km faithfully. Hope to have one million km by June are July as long as it keeps running. So I'd look for a truck with the 7.3 L power stroke and has lots of power to pull a RV.