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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. It moved a my stuff around too. The best thing it did was that Siri now works in Canada. Before the update it would not find places or business in Canada.
  2. I just checked out the calendar and only four Fridays. I looked three times just to make sure I wasn't jumping the gun. Lol
  3. We had dinner at my wife's parents place yesterday. Today is just a relax day, I am going to hunt in the afternoon today. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving long weekend.
  4. I had these two small bucks around my stand this morning. They are too small to shot this early in the season. I just enjoyed watching them and taking there pictures.
  5. I too use a whisker biscuit and blazer vanes. It is a pretty simple setup. Like camoguy said full containment and no noise. Mine is three years old with to many arrows through it to count with no sign of wear. I think it's a great arrow rest.
  6. Just make sure that at least 1inch of the arrow is sticking out past your rest.
  7. No hockey on tv and the jr hockey season started today. My wife and i and friends went to the Budweiser Gardens to support the London Knights vs Erie Otters. Great game the knights won 8 to 2. Just have to get your hockey fix somewhere. Lots of talented kids in the jrs and get to see them play before they make it into the NHL.
  8. Trevor


    Good to see you back on RT. Have a safe drive home and hope the time away was enjoyable.
  9. I will go with Jeff Gordon he needs some good breaks:)
  10. More pics still trying to get the hang of this
  11. Here are some pics of Thunder Bay I took when we were there last week. 1_zps6a002df7.jpg[/img]6_zps0ff18f3a.jpg[/img]
  12. Trevor

    how to post pics

    Can to post pics from your smart phone or do you have to do it from the full site and how do you do it??
  13. Has a great trip to thunder bay. The scenery was awesome and the drive was fun. Pack to work on Monday. I will try to post some pictures.
  14. Trevor

    Vacation time

    All packed and ready to go. Going to head out around 3am. Hopefully we have good weather and looking foreword to some cooler temps. Talk to y'all when we get back
  15. Trevor

    Vacation time

    Saturday morning my wife and I are heading to Thunder Bay to visit our daughter. I have never been that far north before so I'm looking forward to the drive. We are going to travel up through Michigan back into Ontario and around the top of lake superior. A long drive about 18 hours but I'm sure the trip will be a lot of fun.
  16. Well the weekend can to an end really fast. Had a great time with friends and family. Back to work for 4 days and then off for a weeks vacation. Hope every one had a great long weekend.
  17. Weekend got a rough start. Went to friends last night and while we were there my yellow lab got sprayed by a skunk. So had to deal with that at night a wet smelly dog
  18. I forgot to mention Monday my brother in law and I are putting up our stands too.
  19. What is everybody doing for the last long weekend of summer? Me and the wife or heading up to our friend for the weekend just to relax and have BBQ and a few cold ones. Hope everybody has a great long weekend.
  20. Trevor

    New House

    Congrats on the new house it's nice to have your own place
  21. I was just wondering if anybody hunts from a ground blind and if so do you set it up and leave it in the woods or do you set it up and take it down in the same day. The land I hunt is private property owned by a friend of the family but in the past we have had some trespassers so I dont want to leave my blind in the woods. So do deer get spooked if I but up my blind and take it do when I leave.