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Everything posted by dg

  1. I hope this country won't have to endure and witness ANOTHER sub-tier team playing from a two-team conference for the NC getting their hind-end waxed by the SEC AGAIN. Maybe 3rd time is the charm? Sooner or later, a squirrel finds a nut.
  2. Only your eyes can determine if .019 or .029 is okay for hunting. The color is important also for low light. Yellow shines the most for me, so it's my 20 yd color. Then green at 30 and red at 40. As for the peep, I have mine drilled to 1/8" and with the draw and size of sight, the hole is aligned with my Spot-Hogg sight housing. A short ATA bow with a sharper string angle at full draw may require a different peep size vs. a long ATA that positions the peep closer to the eye.
  3. New England Patriots won a few games in a row too. Houston will be remembered if they win the championship. If not, their name will reappear only when another team gets a hot streak.
  4. Thanks for the entertainment! Y'all are so easy.......
  5. I had a good time stirring y'all up!:D:D So easy!
  6. MU, UM.............whatever. Like the guy said on the movie Rocky #1 about the Rocky poster and the wrong color of pants....does it really matter? Welcome to UWV's world. I mean WVU's........
  7. We didn't get it done against Pitt like MU couldn't against Boone U (well at least Pitt is an interconference Div-I opponent vs Appy St a Sat Div-II paycheck monger team). or OSU and unranked Illinois (who got blown out from another conference). And I think MU lost against a few more not mentioned. But we won't mention that! Give yourself a star. But we did turn it around against OU. Seeing how we lost RR, I guess that is a good thing. OU thought the next play was a bubble screen and 3 yard pass. Enjoy MU.
  8. The hilarity is how OSU played in the NC game twice and still had nothing for the SEC. If they had anything, you'd think after the Florida massacre, OSU (the best of the big 10+1:rolleyes:) could have given LSU a better game. But since the big 10 didn't learn against Fla, they got schooled even more about football by LSU. The nation saw the truth. Go back and schedule Lancaster High or somebody. That's more OSU and MU's speed. Just dont schedule Div-II Appy St. You never know what might happen against such a small team!
  9. Maybe so, but the West Virginia coaches (FROM WEST VIRGINIA) converted them from boys to men. Don Nehlen was from WV. (care to research our early 80 results against some okie team?) RR was from WV. Coach Stew is from WV. The out-of-state players got climatized to Mountaineer football. And that requires climbing a hill. The rest can can get a 4-wheeler. Seeing how you are from Okie, I guess it doesn't really matter based on the beatdown the nation's prima donna OU got from a bunch of losers.
  10. The only ears are MountainEeers! Go WVU. We'll stick to the 3star kind of guys and take it to the nation's prima donna's. Just ask Oklahoma and Georgia. Mountaineers lives are always uphill. It makes us stronger. I've taken a couple FL and TN buddies to my place bowhunting and they huffed and puffed uphill with nothing more than a treestand on their back and a bow. I was 12 years their elder and should have been the one waiting for oxygen. Instead, I had to listen to their heavy breathing just from walking up a ridge. I don't use 4-wheelers. And I couldn't understand their problem. Montani Semper Liberi.
  11. Youngstown St, Akron, Wash, Northwestern, Minn., and Kent St., a struggling MSU team, and an unranked Illinois team. That's some awesome competition to get to the NC.
  12. dg


    With todays bow's, it's not the brand. It's the human behind it and the money behind the brand.
  13. I like GT XT Hunters. I've had the same dozen for about 2 years. The price is right and they hit where I'm aiming.
  14. I'm just repeating history. OSU wrote the script. And it's DG. Dee. Gee.
  15. Michigan or OSU can have Pryor. He loves sucking up the attention and has no heart for anywhere. I'll take a 3star player with a grudge and heart over any 5 star coddled prima donna. It works in Motown. Ask OU, GT, and UGA when they played them.
  16. We hate OSU only because it's a good waste to place a team like that for the NC only to cough and choke AGAIN.
  17. I guess a squirrel finds a nut if he looks long and hard enough.
  18. Do you think WVU WASN'T predictable? Let's see: bubble gum screen, bubble screen, Pat White take off and run. They were so predictable, that's why they lost to USF and Pitt. If the OC had a brain, Owen Schmitt would have carried the ball more and the 6"7" Lyons would get thrown the ball more DOWNFIELD like they did to Tito Gonzalez in the FIESTA BOWL over Oklahoma. Calvin McGee, the OC, loosened up during the Fiesta Bowl under Coach Stew because he wasn't under the reins of RR. When RR saw UGA come back in the Sugar Bowl, RR was scared crazy wiping his sweat. WVU took OU to the woodshed.
  19. Ohio State football is ****. You played Florida and LSU and got manned both times. Maybe you should go back and play Youngstown St where you belong.
  20. I could care less if someone had all they needed and threw it away for nothing. He was an actor that played a script written by whom. Whoopdy do. There are GI's, Police, and Firefighters dying everyday so we can enjoy this great country. Do we go 2-4+ pages of posts for each of them? The guy was just some actor...................he lived a fake world. The REAL people I mentioned do things for REAL.
  21. 1991 Browning Mirage. When I decided to start, I did it right!
  22. The future is looking just fine.........We're not rebuilding the ENTIRE staff as you say. We still have our asst now head coach, we still have our DC. And we are getting some good replacements with WV ties. The Mountaineer spirit lives on. And we took the Big 12 to the wood shed.
  23. It's a good movie. And the Bowden helping Marshall bit is true-----not some hollywood crap.
  24. This does happen alot in other places. The media just loves to dig up schtuff on WV. Next season, WVU will be famous for burning couches again, although OSU fans (what 15?) were arrested again. WV always gets stereotyped. It's a handful of punks. Don't lump all into one category. There's enough idiots all over the country. Watch the news.