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Everything posted by pointing_dogs_rule

  1. Early muzzleloader started this last weekend. Lots of doe, small bucks & one 10 point with 17" spread. Just not anything that excited me. Great to be back in the woods once more. Will hunt Monday and Tuesday night. Not expecting any success.
  2. Have a good trip back Steve & Connie. Just visited your beautiful state of Wyoming and was lucky enough to harvest two nice doe Antelope. Still trying to figure out how to move there. On another note: I may pass on the 2015 bear hunt. I can not locate anyone to come along. Just don't feel safe doing it alone. Tag cost $100... so it won't be a huge loss. Marty
  3. I've been hunting the same area for many. many years. I know where the scrapes are on a yearly basis. Usually the same places year after year. Mostly on trails with heavy use and at a junction point of trails. Over-hanging branch is a must. I don't think that the type of tree matters. I've seen them under many different types of trees. As stated above... clear away the leaves to bare ground. place scent. This year I've tried a new scent. It's called "Windpro". Since this is the first year I am still testing the product. Up to this point I am satisfied with the result. I have the buck and doe scents. NOTE: I have treid many scents in the past and have given up on them for many years. Saw this new product and thought that I'd give it a try.
  4. Rhino took the works out of my mouth. good luck to all the dog
  5. A cold front moved through Iowa and temps fell. highs were 50's and lows were 30's. I made a mock scrape and some of these guys started to show up. I would like to take the first buck with all the mass. My first choice. Notice what "TIME" he visited the scrape!!! I bet he will not do that when I'm in the tree This guy is tempting. Not sure how wide he is. Cameras always play tricks. Another photo of the above buck. Still like buck #1 the best. Hope that I can let this guy walk past me. Nice G1's on this guy, however, he lacks G4's Another average guy. Good luck to all the dog
  6. I agree with hooiser. 127ish. needs more mass. Good luck chasin' him.
  7. congrats on a great hunt!!! good luck to all the dog
  8. I agree. These "updates" always seem to be worse then what we had. Don't leave Mathews XT good luck to all the dog
  9. Bought two doe tags for Wyoming Antelope. Filled both tags. Had some nice encounters with some nice bucks using my "BE THE DECOY" outfit... during the archery season. I'm addicted to these animals. 236 yards. 247 yards Some of the bucks. A nice mule deer buck. good luck to all the dog
  10. Just hold on to your pants. It's like this every year. Teams will be picked and then you can post your deer. All the same in the end. good luck to all the dog
  11. Yep, was hard to get there at 2 pm on the holiday weekend. The 'puter did OK for me so if I lose I can blame the 'puter. good luck to all the dog
  12. This guy showed up on my trail cam recently.... with his buddies. I am guessing 150 at the most, however, he's very pretty. I shoot because I like them and they look pretty. Looks like a younger deer. I'm not too good on aging deer. Don't think that he's really old. good luck to all the dog And he has smaller friends
  13. Low 120ish. lacks brow tine length. good luck to all the dog
  14. Take lots of water for the blind sit. Drink a bottle every hour. Under armour is good. Take water to wet the shirt and it will help to keep you cool. Wet Bandana on the head also helps. I have heard of people taking little electric fans into the blinds also. http://www.homedepot.com/p/O2Cool-5-in-Battery-Operated-Portable-Fan-FD05004/203121391 I'll chase them in late September during the rut. good luck to all the dog
  15. Take lots of water for the blind sit. Drink a bottle every hour. Under armour is good. Take water to wet the shirt and it will help to keep you cool. Wet Bandana on the head also helps. I have geard of people taking little electric fans into the blinds also. http://www.homedepot.com/p/O2Cool-5-in-Battery-Operated-Portable-Fan-FD05004/203121391 I'll chase them in late September during the rut. good luck to all the dog
  16. Had one on this site last year. Can not remember who set it up. Yahoo sports. Count me in if it goes. good luck to all the dog
  17. Work pays for mine so I don't worry all that much about price. With that stated I often travel out to Wyoming and other western states to hunt. VERIZON has the best coverage out west of any of the carriers that that means anything to you. good luck to all the dog
  18. Antelope tag & Whitetail tag. OOPS, that's actually two things.
  19. Yep, pay it off every month and it's OK. Use it for gas mainly at the Cenex station and get 2x points & the biggy is applying for out of state hunting tags. Build lots of points very fast. good luck to all the dog
  20. CONGRATS!!!!!! Keep us filled in on the hunt. What unit??? good luck to all the dog