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Everything posted by dartonman

  1. Re: Scrape Juice bowhunters setup Since Im in Northern Illinois, and pretty close to Packer country, Im gonna have to suggest to leave the tinks at home, and remain focused on the Bowhunter Setup....keep in mind that bucks and does are attracted to the stuff, and really focus on getting the stuff in your shooting lanes, I will sometimes wear a surgical glove, or rubber glove and place a lone cotton ball on a bush, only 30 inches off the ground in a shooting lane, and shoot some spray on it, and the ground to it.....this works awesome, just remain focused on ONE scent right now..the bucks are cautious but feeling more testostreone flowing in them, and they want to fight, and fight, and beat up a tree or two.....just remember too buddy, that deer tend to sneak with new scents, so be standing as long as you can on stand, dont move or shift your weight alot, just try to move your eyes around to scan the woods, and what works for me is if the buck or doe is on the trail, and is following the scent, DONT CALL, just let them follow the trail their on, trust the stuff, and remember to focus when their head is out of sight, its time to draw the bow....be three steps ahead, trust yourself, and have a great weekend...just use one scent for now, and the bowhunter set up is a great choice......................al
  2. dartonman


    Re: JimT=Choker Big Jim...,my extremely honest friend...buddy, first day of season, I nicked a doe, then she went out and fed on beans and kept looking around for the evil one trying to shoot her, I whispered to my friend that I only miss one time all year.....trust me buddy, better things to come....have faith, tighten down your gear, and try to remain FOCUSED for the last 5 seconds of the shot......you will never miss again....if you need meat, I have some tasty snack sticks next weekend from the swamp buck....you can naw on one till the does come back.......this will be the one and only miss of the year.....now get that predator instinct kicking in, and make us proud................al
  3. Re: My buddys 151\" bow kill What a great looking high rack buck.....nice deer, congrads to your friend indeed.........thanks for posting pics of such an awesome deer...........al
  4. Re: the pressure\'s off now ...lol..got my first deer o Congrads on freezer meat buddy.......have a great season, and thanks for all the updates with Norm...al
  5. Re: norm\'s going home.... Wonderful news, I will continue to pray for Norm and his family............al
  6. Re: Buck down!! *Pics are in* Alright buddy.......I knew it was your season man....first we whacked great turkeys in the spring, and now, we both have 9 points with Muzzy issues...lol.............great deer buddy, glad to see the Realtree hat hard at work......................glad to see your season is going great, have a good one buddy..............al
  7. Re: norm had a better nite ...and day Thanks so much for the update buddy...better luck with the truck.........al
  8. Re: Saturday Hunt Well at least you were in the woods....better luck next time buddy......al
  9. Re: Scrape Juice bowhunters setup Matt....do this....where you walk to your stand, spray the tips of your rubber boots....and every 15 yards spray a weed or branch deer head level.....keep their interest....then walk past your stand and spray the stuff on leaves and stuff at about 30 inches off the ground in a shooting lane...this will keep their interest while your depositing an arrow in their chest account...lol.................keep me posted, keep the spray low, not from your stand, you dont want them finding you.....al
  10. Re: First Bow Kill Awesome post, so glad to hear you watched where she went.....so many first deers are lost due to inexperience.....good for you for paying attention after the shot...great job buddy...........al
  11. Re: meat in frezzer Great deer buddy.....Im looking to fill a doe tag soon enough...me and an old monarch doe have an understanding......she cooperates, and Ill shoot her.....lol...........al
  12. Re: first deer(260lbs,massive 11point) Great looking deer buddy....congrads..al
  13. Re: **Updated with Pics**D-mans swamp buck**** Your right Lil....he must of found some trouble before he took up residency in that swamp.....he was extremely cautious when he crept along the swamp.....I just caught a glimpse of his antler out of the corner of my eye.......al
  14. Re: **Big 9 point Swamp buck is dead to D-mans arrow** Horst, the old broadhead was right above the back leg, at the bend in the spine, along the backbone....as you can see, the fat and puss had grown around it, and the one inch of arrow also was covered in hide....been festering awhile...thanks again gang for all the comments...............al
  15. Re: First one of the season is down. (pic) Great job buddy....awesome looking buck, great backdrop with the fall colors.......I smell the backstraps.....................al
  16. Re: **Big 9 point Swamp buck is dead to D-mans arrow** Sorry for the delay on pics gang....Ill invest in a camera soon enough....thanks for posting for me Billkay.....the broadhead was estimated in him for at least two seasons, as the hide had grown over it...it was found in the spinal area, right before the back leg....the deer was estimated at 260 pounds, and over 4 years old....guess he was on a downhill decline, but he is still going on the wall.............Can anyone rough score him, Im thinking 120-130 maybe, the tallest tines are 9 inches in length, with a 15 inch spread............................al
  17. Re: norm\'s update 9-16-04 Thanks so much for the update Tom....if you could please print the pics from my swamp buck in the bowhunting room, I know Normster wants to see them, I updated him and Sandy this morning....tell her Im sorry if I spoke in a rush, had to get the door (in-laws), and soccer games....God Bless, give Norm a hug from me...............al
  18. Re: Scrape Juice bowhunters setup Yes....Yes....Yes...........I have had alot of deer follow me in with this stuff.....a little goes along way...its a fine mist, and spray the leaves and trail lightly heading to your stand...walk past your stand, and spray a spot in a shooting lane, you'll be glad you did.............al
  19. dartonman


    Re: Pray Praying right now Chris, thanks for the information...so sad to hear.....al
  20. Re: First Deer with a Bow Great job buddy.....it sure is awesome to hear success stories...very happy for you.............al
  21. Re: Hunters Scored for 2004!!! I killed a 9 point Illinois buck with the bow this evening, will post pics in the morning...........al
  22. Pics will be posted in the morning, better light, and its cold and raining here.....my story is this....I located a few weeks ago a swampy bog at the edge of a small town with lots of dead trees, a creek, muddy run offs, and corn, corn, corn......I got permission, and hung a stand....I did not trim anything up, just hung a stand in a staging area and left.....I was in the stand tonite before the rain, temps hovering in the upper 40's, spitting rain, and breazy.....at about 605pm I glanced toward the edge of the swamp and corn edge, and noticed an antler....then the eye, nose, and here he comes walking the edge of the swamp, and was going to pass at 15 yards....problem was that he was gonna wind me as soon as he was in the clearing.....I grabbed the small bottle of doe pee I bought in our classified ads from Mr Wiggley, and started dropping small amounts down the tree onto limbs.....he started to wind the urine immediately......I had to get to my knees for a clear shot, so I did...while sitting on my knees in a small portable stand, I let the Darton launch the goldtip arrow, and I purposely aimed low, due to the fact I have a tendency to aim too high...lol.........I drilled him, seen the arrow bust through the low center shoulder, and he immediately tucked his tail under him, and lowered his head, and charged into the swamp.....he went 50 yards, and I heard him crash......the broadhead sliced the aorta, and I got both lungs......I went home and got my friend Terry, his little boy Trevor, and my boys Hunter and Marshall.....I let the boys track the deer to the tree......he is approx. 3-4 years old, and 285-290 pounds....he is a nice Illinois 9 point Swamp buck..........lessons learned folks, its not always the big properties that hold deer.....this deer was killed 150 yards from a sub division, and he has lived back there undetected for years.......well, till tonite...God Bless, pics are in the morning, he is a fat one, Pics are now posted, and thanks so much to Billkay, I really would like him to post a third pic of the deers body size, he is a hog, and the deer carried in his spine, a cheap Wal mart broadhead from years past, deer are great survivors...........al
  23. Mr Wiggley is selling doe pee in the classified ads...I am happy to announce the stuff works.....I had a 3-4 year old 9 point buck come into my wind, and I started dropping drops of the doe pee on the branches below......he sniffed away, and was in love...right up to the point I shot him through both shoulders and he piled up 50 yards away....his live weight is est. at about 285-290 pounds...Ill post pics in Bowhunting in the morning......Im ordering more pee ASAP........................al
  24. Re: I am a LOSER..... Boy...ohhhhh Boy....this kinda reminds me of my smokepole season a few years ago, when I practiced with a guy till I only had one load left, shot over a doe....now completely out of ammo for the smokepole, and 83 more deer walk by.........yep, your our grand pumba Moron till next week.........lol................Hail Dogdoc..............al
  25. Re: First Deer EVER... Great to see posts like this....congrads on the first deer buddy.......it just gets more addictive NOW......have a great season..............al