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Everything posted by texastrophies

  1. Very nice Gregg. Your son is getting big.
  2. That would be a very nice gesture on your part. I am sure he would appreciate it. I am sure it happens where the spouse sells something of the person that is deployed without their knowledge. But I imagine a lot of times, it is agreed on that items need to be sold to help the family through this time when their bread earner is serving our country. Who is to say which this is. Sounds like this lady may be having a hard time making ends meet and is going home to live with parents till times get better.
  3. Deer & Sheep regs are out for Arizona. Application deadline is June 8th @ 7:00 pm MST
  4. Had a couple of airline vouchers that were going to expire in the next couple of months if I didn't use them, so this looked like as good a use of them as anything else. Otherwise, yea, it wouldn't have been worth it. We are way to far behind max points to ever have to worry about Unit 10 or any of the deer units north of the ditch as I was informed the locals call it. (Grand Canyon)
  5. Didn't realize you were going to be in Kingman. Could have met up with you Sat. night. We were in hunters ed class Sat. from 7am - 7pm. Then hit Denny's for supper.
  6. Jacob & I made a quick trip out to AZ this past weekend to take the AZ hunters ed class to gain an additional bonus point. Here are a couple of interesting pics I took out of the car on the way back from Kingman to Phoenix yesterday. The quality isn't the greatest, as they were taken out of the car doing about 70 mph. The first two are a couple of Saguaro Cactus. These cactus take up to 75 years to develop a side arm. They can live for more than 150 years. Take a moment and think about the things that have happened while these plants have been living. These next few are just some interesting (to me) pictures of rock formations. We went through one area probably about 5 miles long that just had rocks & boulders all over the place.
  7. If you haven't been down through Sugarland in the last few years, you owe it to yourself to make the trip. You won't regonize the area. It has exploded. Enjoy your time with your Dad, being with family is always good. Have not heard of the Lopez place, but I am not in that area real often and when I am there it is usually just passing through. All of the Pappa places are good eats. Looks like rain in the morning and then it should be clear for the rest of the weekend.
  8. I agree. From January to June is spent researching hunts, or waiting on draw results with anticipation of that great tag. May not be quite as good as the hunt itself, but it sure helps to pass the time during the off season.
  9. There is always next year. That is what I keep telling myself, anyways. Jake & I got the email from Utah, 0 fer. Didn't really expect anything there though.
  10. Have fun. Chance of rain saturday, but other than that the weather should be great. I would try to meet up with you, but we leave tomorrow afternoon for a quick weekend in AZ.
  11. Sounds like you are turning into a regular ol' snowbird. South for the winter, north for the summer. have fun and be safe in all of your adventures.
  12. Sounds good. Hunting with family is always nice and makes some good memories. And we all know Ohio is just chocked full with huge bucks, you should do great. Nice touch with the plants, that will be something the whole family will be able to enjoy and know the real meaning of them being there. Congrats.
  13. As the old saying goes, the check is in the mail.:turned:
  14. Deadline for Nevada applications is tomorrow, April 19th.
  15. Good deal. :gunsmilie::gunsmilie::gunsmilie:
  16. This is still more of Bush's fault. He should have passed that law about volcanos when he was in office and he didn't. This didn't have to happen if he would have simply acted.
  17. That is one of the two songs that my wife insisted on having at her service. It has a special place with me.
  18. I got it Steve. Saw most of it last night. Entertaining.
  19. It is not my fault. It would take you going through at least a years worth of post to find 2400 words that I have typed.:D:D
  20. Rumor has it Utah is hitting the credit cards. If you applied you might be able to get a sneak peak on whether you have drawn or not. I haven't checked yet, but don't expect any love from Utah.
  21. Yep. Kind of hard to get in early enough to get the right size on a few items though.
  22. Decorations. Around here, a lot of the restaurants and other types of businesses have mounts as decorations.
  23. Last year I bought a used 80 mm spotting scope with a 20-60 zoom eye piece. The scope was nice, but it just wasn't near as clear as my binoculars are. I have heard good things about their warranty work, but was not really expecting anything on this because I was at least the second owner. About a month ago, I called up the service department, told them my problem, they said to send it end and they would take a look at it and get me an estimate on it. I shipped it out on March 10th. I knew through UPS that they had received it. Time passed with no word from them, then on April 1st I got an email that said they were shipping it back to me and I should have it on the 8th. It just showed up. The paper work said they did an internal cleaning and inspection on the scope and did an internal cleaning and inspection on the eyepiece and replaced the eyecup and cover. At the bottom of the page was a big NO CHARGE. I put it together and went outside, now it is very clear, just like my binos. I am definitely a Swaro. fan now. Thank you. Got my spotting scope in like new condition just for the cost of me shipping it to them. Hard to beat that, especially since I wasn't the first owner of it. BTW, if any of you happened to watch the show On Your Own Adventures on the Outdoor Channel last year, and saw the host looking through a spotting scope. That is the one I bought. He sold it when Leupold started sponsoring his show. My spotting scope has been on TV.
  24. Yes he does. I wasn't able to do that when my wife had to have the shots for her MS. Couldn't even watch her getting them. He has my respect. Good job, Sir.