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Everything posted by flyrod64

  1. Re: Trout help?? Around here a mepps spinner works well. I also like to use a white rooster tail with a silver blade. It works really well early in the season.
  2. Re: 1 month away We actually have two opening days here in western NC. It opens on the 31 on the reservation and then the next Saturday on State waters. I'll be there for both!
  3. Re: TURKEY TEAM #14 I'm here Just been busy and haven't been on for a few days. Been workin my notice at work and trying to get my ducks in a row for my new endevor, my own business. But I'll be ready for opening day!
  4. flyrod64

    Fenwick Rods

    Re: Fenwick Rods I use fenfick flyrods and love em! Like birddog, I broke a tip off one of mine and it was replaced with no problems. The lifetime warrenty is worth the cost!
  5. Re: Few of my flies (photo) Those are some good looking flies. Keep up the good work!
  6. Re: trout fishing in wv It's been a long time since I did any fishing in WV. I used to make a few trips up Williams every year and this time of year I know the ice would be a pain.
  7. Re: This fly tying..... took me awhile too, and I still usually just half hitch mine. Lazy I guess LOL
  8. Re: This fly tying..... One thing you'll find out also is that they dont have to be perfect to work. I've caught fish on some crappy looking flies LOL.
  9. Re: 2007 Forums Turkey Contest Sign-up flyrod64 North Carolina Adult Eastern
  10. Re: Anyone have these... I don't own one but I have looked at the fly tying bible and it looked like it would be very helpful.
  11. Re: Starting fly tying.... Private lessons will really help but there are also alot of good dite on the net. I'm trying to remember a sight I used to go to that had a meeting every week to discuss fly tying and had a great visual section. It's been a long time though but I'll eventually remember and I'll let you know. LOL
  12. Re: Question for you ladies Thanks for the advice. It is greatly appreciated
  13. My wife has been hunting with me for 2 years now. At first she would only ground hunt, I finally got her to try stand hunting and she loves it. Now she is ready to try out a climbing stand. My question is what type of stand you ladies prefer. She is 5'5" and 110lbs. I don't want to weigh her down and she needs to feel secure in it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  14. flyrod64

    Come on Ice Gods

    Re: Come on Ice Gods Whats ice? We can't seem to even get snow here anymore.
  15. Re: Question for the big boys i'd check with bass pro again. I know alot of "big" guys that wear neoprenes
  16. Re: BUCK OF A LIFETIME!!! 2006 That is an AWSOME DEER!!!!! Congrats
  17. Re: Talladega: TRASHY Andrea, I go to Charlotte every year for the winston and have never had that kind of trouble. I usually take 2 of my grandkids when I go. I am surrounded by fans of about every driver, some like me have had the same seats forever, and we always rag each other about the drivers but in good fun. Also at LMS, the coolers are checked when you go through the gate and I have yet to see any glass bottles where I sit. There are always gonna be the (drunks) here and there that mess things up. I expierenced that from youth league sports to adult sofball to professional sports. Please don't let an unruly group ruin your taste for the sport. Atleast try a different section next time and give it one more shot!
  18. Re: two bass / one cast / one lure!!!! Thats awsome. And it saves time LOL
  19. Re: How long, how many, and the biggest... I've hunted for 25 years and been real lucky. I killed 70+ deer in Ga. N.C. and W.V. combined and have 5 mounted. 3-8pts, 1-10pt and a 13 pt.
  20. Re: Bluegills Detect Terror Attacks LMBO at bama!
  21. Re: Thank God I\'m a country boy, (Pic) Noce fish! I should be arrested, I haven't been but 2 times all year. I hope I have better luck getting to hunt! LOL
  22. Re: Trout Fishing Trip (pics) #2 looks like a fun day!
  23. Re: 2000 lbs in one night! That is UNREAL!!!!!!!!!AWSOME!!!!!
  24. flyrod64

    Lake or river?

    Re: Lake or river? I'd have to say flyfishing in the river is tops for me hands down!
  25. Re: OMG--You Have to Check This Out If you go, take lots of pics and have fun!