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Everything posted by Strut10

  1. This dude just flew on to a pole below the house then saw me and circled back over me. Took these from my front porch. Looks like he had something in his left talons. I could not tell what. About 100 yards out: Flying right over the porch:
  2. MR mallards. Caught this pair romancing in a little hilltop pothole on the Strut10 Ranch. Hope they raise a big, happy family.
  3. Strut10

    new here

    Welcome aboard !!!!!!!!
  4. Looking purely at the should be a cake walk to Lord Stanley for the Pens. Looking at the way they've ABSOLUTELY crapped their pants the 1st two games against Philthydelphia........they better be calling for the best tee times in Myrtle now.
  5. $3.999 - $4.049 here. I'm sure we've not seen the end of it.
  6. BOOYAH !!!!!!!!! :gunsmilie: CONGRATS on your first bird !!!!!!!
  7. Never knew it existed. Pretty neat and VERY unique. NEW 1996 COLT ANACONDA REALTREE HUNTER - The Outdoor Community
  8. I sat on a hilltop a couple Sundays back watching a couple hard-gobbling birds and got a tick stuck in my side. That's my best story so far..................
  9. We only have two seasons in PA................ winter and construction.
  10. Gotta agree. PA isn't a very nice place to visit. But I'd hate to live there. Glad you two had a nice trip otherwise.
  11. Just missed out on an '07 or '08 TBSS end of last week. SOLD. The 2012 SRT-8 is one of the vehicles in my dream garage. Just a whisker outta my budget. Have since located an '08 5.7L GC with much better miles than the '06 for a couple $K more. It's 100 miles or so away, though. Decisions............decisions.
  12. Nice score D-man !!! I love my G27. Don't get to shoot it enough. But it's a GREAT little pistol.
  13. WELCOME to the forums !!!! CONGRATS on a great bird !!!
  14. Anybody have one of these ?? My daily driver (1996 Grand Cherokee) is still running great. But it's developing a couple of electrical and one tranny..........that lead me to believe I could end up walking some day. Found a dandy deal on an '06 GC Limited with the 5.7L Hemi. Drove it briefly today and was VERY impressed with the overall smoothness of this machine. Anybody here have one ?? Let's hear about it.
  15. You did alright. Enjoy shooting it !!
  16. I am in the puckerbrush near the Indiana/Armstrong County border.
  17. I only wish the ticks here were that "horrible". Was out tracking an archery deer for a cousin one night back in November and was picking ticks CONSTANTLY. Picked over a dozen off my pants at one time !!! Stock in permetherin is going up.
  18. We got VERY little snow this year and had VERY mild winter temps. That suited me just fine. But the ticks were an issue every month throughout the winter. If it was 30 degrees or warmer, you were picking them up when in the woods. I don't think a cold winter -vs- a warm winter has anything to do with tick numbers. We had a MISERABLE winter in 2010-11 and the tick numbers did not subside a whit.
  19. Welcome to the Realtree Forums, Hungry Horse !!!!! Good to see another SW PA feller on the boards.
  20. Getting ready to hit the shwer last nite and there he was. Rotten boogers !!! Stuck in my right side about 1 rib up from the bottom. This is the first one that's ever given me the classic "bullseye rash" around the bite. Called the Doc and have an anti-biotic coming. These things just suck !!! We never had ANY problems here with ticks until about 3 years ago. NONE. can't do ANYTHING or go ANYWHERE outsidee but what you're either picking them off yourself or digging one out of your hide. Rotten boogers !!!!! :angry:
  21. Dang, I wish there was a facility like that around here !!! That looks like a whole lot of fun !!!!!! Nice piece of shootin' sir !!!!
  22. Hodgdon's calls for a starting charge of 55.0 gr. of H-1000 with a 140 Nosler Partition. I would guess this to be a safe starting mark for the XLC. BUT.......... I cannot be certain of it. Best bet is to give Barnes a call and ask to talk to a ballistician.
  23. Hey, Dean-O !! Good to see you crawling outta your hole !! Hopefully you saw your shadow and we get 6 more weeks of good turkey huntin' !!!!
  24. Both my older kids shoot the Winchester Supreme #5's through Comp-N-Choke XX-Full tubes. VERY impressive patterns and VERY rough on a turkey's noggin.
  25. Pretty good one-night haul, I'd say !!! Congrats !!