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Everything posted by womanwhohunts
I have done it myself and had it done by a vet,too.Not only my own dogs but a couple of horses too.I have discussed it with different vets and they agreed a .22 placed right is a humane way to end an animals suffering.I have made the mistake once of shooting a stray dog between the eyes.It was facing me growling and that was the only shot I had.That shot only enters the sinus cavitiy and is not a instant brain death.I prefer a down shot to the top of the head for a dog.A horse is put down by making a cross on its face,eye to ear,eye to ear,where the lines cross is the choice spot.It is never an easy choice to put an animal down.It does affect you.I have never shot anything just because it wasn't wanted.The only ones I have done were suffering and there was no other choice but to end its pain.That does make it easier knowing there is no other choice.I don't recommend anyone just tries it.I grew up on a farm and still run one today.We don't raise our own food to abuse it.I learned at a early age that you never ever inflict un-needed pain on an animal.If an animal is to be put down or butchered it is done as fast and as humanely as possible. I had another thought about an old dog,my own 6 year mutt dog is laying here on my feet.Could I put her down myself when she gets old and can't get around anymore?I'm not so sure.If she got hit by a car or someother accident tomorrow that I knew was really bad,I wouldn't haul her around looking for a vet.I would end her suffering.But if she lives to a real old age and just has no quailty of life left I would probably go for the vet.I will cross that bridge when it gets here,either way with no regrets.I figure God gave me the gift of doing what has to be done without looking back and saying what if.I am a strong person and can deal with lots of thing some folks can't.I live my life to the fullest and never do anything that I might regret.I hope whoever has to make the call to put their pet down knows they are doing what is best for the animal and doesn't let it affect them in a bad way. I might as well tell you the hardest one I ever had to put down.My youngest son was 8 years old at the time.He had been begging for a pup and some friends gave him a 6 week old pom mix.He kept with that lttle thing like you wouldn't beleive.Thought she was the grandest thing he had ever had.About 2 weeks later took her outside to go potty and came running back in the house hollowing theres a strange dog in the yard.I thought sure that big dog had got her.Turned out she chased it out into the road and got hit by a car.Ran over her rear end and smashed it.I will never forget sitting on the side of the road while he cried asking me what to do and please fix her.I just knew he would hate me for what had to be done.I let him sit with her awhile and she just kept screaming in pain.I guess he figured out for himself how bad it was.He finally told me just help her stop hurting.I haven't even thought about that for years,but thinking of it now still hurts.Putting the pup down wasn't what hurt,it was watching my sons pain that got me.
Need more hog hunting tips
womanwhohunts replied to womanwhohunts's topic in Land & Wildlife Management
Thanks for the replies.I have just today got satellite internet and just got back to see about this post.I haven't read the baiting tips but I fixing to.We've never even had the hogs feed in our trap so I'm pretty sure they're not freaked out by it.I think they just had too much other stuff to eat to bother with it.I was talking about using my mini pigs as decoys.The male is fixed but the female is not and comes in season very regular.I figured the way they carry on trying to make babies might help the wild ones think it was safer to come closer.I don't really know but I'm willing to try anything that might work.We have had up to 8 people at one time hunting them at all hours of the day and night.The few we did kill we just drove up on them in the fields and got a shot at them.I guess its just a non-stop battle we just have to stay after.Thanks again. Oh and I'm in north Alabama about 2 miles from the Alabama/Tennesse state line. -
Ok,so we've been trying to rid our place of hogs for almost 5 years.Killed a few.Haven't had any luck with trapping.We have been doing great at feeding several acres of corn every year.They can wipe out a few acres every few days.We picked real early this year to save what little was left.The hogs are still coming back to get what is on the ground.We did build a figure 6 type trap with no sucess.We are going to re-build it in a different place and we have a friend bringing another this weekend.I know having corn still on the ground is not going to help right now other than keeping them coming.I know about the sour corn but we really need to put as much as we can in the freezer.They have eat the corn we would have feed our own hog we usually raise.I don't know about feeding diesel fuel and then eating them.Anybody really try to eat one they trapped with diesel corn?My main concern is getting rid of them,next hopefully getting some food. I can use any and all tips,tricks,etc.I'm sorry this has got so long but I've got one more question.I've heard it helps to get one in a re-peating trap.This is gonna sound stupid but I have a pr of mini pigs.I know better than to put them in the trap,but could having them close to it in their own pen be helpful.Thanks,
So sorry the hear that,Snapper.Its been over 2 years since I posted here and I knew there would be something sad when I did check in.I know you did the right thing in letting him go but it sure doesn't feel good to have to do it.Remember the good times you had together,don't let the last days take away from the happiness he brought you and your family.
Thank you,Andrea.I don't know if it matters but did you know oprah bought and shut down our eguine slaughter houses putting 2300 americans out of work and a overload of un-healthly, un-sound horses that at this moment are causing folks to abandon them on public land?I reckon its better to do this than provide someone with a meal that could save their and their childerns life???I like to eat cows...reckon who will step up and say I can't eat beef?We must all pay attention to who supports what and why.It will matter to all of us very soon.
I ain't posted in awhile.I can't beleive folks have already deceided whats gonna happen.That is the first time i've seen that pic of obama but I am not surprised.I can't understand how folks are so confused that they would even consider voting for biliary or obama.Bill Clinton was impeached...forced to leave the white house.How does that qualify Hilary to take on the same job?Obama was raised in a different culture,thats makes him good for ours?I don't aim to offend anyone but this is kinda important.Promises made by these folks don't really amount to much.We have to look at the person and their history to get a clear picture of what they are and what will be good for this country.I've never taken sides early.I don't really care what folks call themselves.I only want whats good for us not what might be good.I want folks to vote their heart and feelings not what someone else thinks is best but what they really feel is best.This whole election has been like a hollywood stunt.We have to keep it real and not let the fake stuff impress us. I'll step down now,thanks.
We have recently have found hogs/pigs on a place we've had for 12 years.We didn't lose any pigs and our neighbor didn't either.????SOOOOOO....how come we now have herds?We need to know what works best to control these critters.Any and all tips would be welcome.
That would be really easy for me and my family.We all know how important it is to save money,time resources,etc.You can do that by giving up a few luxuries.I've really have to kinda snicker at the folks that think its a "roll in the dirt without getting clean" type of life.If you only imagine how many gallons of water was toted from wells,creeks,springs and collected in rain barrels.I know how to make soap and yes I can make it smell like flowers.You ever heard the saying " don't toss the baby with the bath water"?Thats cause the baby got the last bath and by then it was getting kinda dingy.LOL.It is really simple if you don't have to drive to work and you don't depend on someone else to feed you.That means you at home working hard and taking care of your own.It works as good today as it did 200 hunderd years ago.
Re: Don\'t step on the ducks!!!!!(joke) Thats the funniest thing I ever read.Thanks for the laugh.
I was wondering if anyone was having problems with their pets because of the canned food that has been recalled.I feed only dry feed,sometimes soaked in water,and haven't had any trouble.I heard yesterday that it was thought that the fillers they use in the feed was the problem.Today they said it could be pesticides on the wheat used to make the canned stuff.This really gets to me because I know cats and dogs are meat eaters and the stuff we buy to feed them has very little meat in it.And that could be fixed real fast if it wasn't for the antis causing so many slaughter houses to close.Folks in Kentucky are turning loose unwanted and sick horses because there is no market for them and they can't take care of their own problem by putting the horses down.15-20 years ago there was a great demand for horsemeat over seas and there were slaughter houses to do the work.I know some folks are sickened by the thought of butching ol'paint but having a purpose and providing food for other animals or people is way better than being set"free" to fend for themselves.People really need to step up and take responability for these animals.Its way past time for people to stop humanizing animals and do the right thing.And if you want to know...yes I do have horses and I would send unwanted ones to the slaughter house.
Re: So what is your plan? Yes we do have a planter.It a old john deere 4 row planter.we did use a one row and this bigger one is so much easier except we still have to refer to the manual to get it going every year.lol
I decided that to really figure out what turkeys really do was to raise some myself and see how and what they did as they grew up.I hatched 14 eggs in a incubator last spring and now have 5 gobblers and 4 hens.They are the coolest birds I have ever had.They are wild and part-wild birds.Two toms are white and will probably be the first 2 I cull.I saw these 2 toms strutting the day they hatched.I thought at first they were just acting funny but after watching them awhile longer I determined they did indeed start strutting when only a few days old.I know this is not the same as really wild tukeys but the sounds they make and the way they relate to each other is.They follow me everwhere I go "talking" to me if I don't put them up.And I have to keep them up part time to keep them from wondering to far or the dogs getting them.I've even had owls trying to catch them.they've even learned to run or fly to their shelter when the dogs bark a certain way.Its like they think its a warning call for them to hide.I had 2 real wild turkeys raise their little ones in the pasture with my horses last spring and I could hear them up here at the house and I know they could hear my turkeys down there.When the hens left the young ones this past fall they came really close to the house I think looking for mine that they could hear.They finally went on off in the woods,I guess they didn't find what they were looking for.My toms /jakes are starting to shock gobble now and will gobble at anything they hear.I wondering whats gonna happen when my hens get ready to breed.I'll be keeping them up so there's no chance of them getting with the real wilds ones or vice versa.I set up a decoy in the yard to see what happened and while they were interested they would not get close to it.kinda makes me think the decoys will only work when the gobblers are really love sick.Don't know yet but it has been a blast raiseing these critters and I hope what we've learned will help when we hit the woods in about 2 wks.
Re: HOW MANY TIMES DOES A HEN BREED? From what I understand a hen can breed once and lay fertile eggs for about 8 weeks.She can lay a nest of 10-12 and if that gets busted up she can lay another without being bred again.I think I read that in the latest Field&Stream.
Re: So what is your plan? We will be planting 7-8 acres of corn.Plus a couple acres of Whitetail Extreme.I'm also gonna plant a few plots of sunflowers to help keep the turkeys around.We've got a 2 acre spot that has aways been corn and we'll probably plant it in redland clover.
Re: Prayers Answered! Thats wonderful news,Chris.
Re: Quick Prayer Please Prayers sent,Chris.Will be thinking of you all.
Corn planting problem solved
womanwhohunts replied to QDMAworks4me's topic in Land & Wildlife Management
Re: Corn planting problem solved You will surely like that rig.We got one almost just like it for $150 and its great.We used to use a one row planter and this one we have now just beats the heck out off it.It also came with a manual thats been real handy...tells you what plate for what and what link to set the chains for how much fertilizer you want...etc.Don't lose that manual.LOL.Oneida Man is totally right about the augers...lol...try it and see we did.Now if I could find a one row cornpicker worth the money. -
I was just visiting and hit the whos online button and thought....it would be cool if you could hit the chat and all those folks would be in the same room.lol.That would be a "real" treat.
Re: New to Forums - Here to Say Hi Welcome to the forums,Jersey Girl.Lots of great info here.You should feel right at home real soon.
Re: buck growl I seen it on the Deer and Deer Hunting program a couple days ago.The fellow had shot a doe and this buck comes in and starts to plow into it,picking it up off the ground,almost like he's trying to kill it.He was making that growling noise and more bucks came in and one even chased that one off and went on to lick the downed doe.It is a weird sound for sure.I have heard all kinds of grunts and such in the woods but nothing quite like that.I wouldn't even beleive it if I hadn't heard/seen it for myself.We recorded it and have been playing it back trying to make the sound ourselves.LOL.The dog thinks we're crazy and leaves the room or barks at us every time we play the video.
We always plant several arces of corn for the deer and turkeys and we usually pick some to feed our hogs.This year the deers have eat every ear in the 3 different fields we have.They always get some early on but never wipe it all out.I can't figure out they would wipe it out so early in the year.We have been having hunter choice seasons for 3 years now and i thought all those extra does that have been killed would make a difference.I think we've got more deer than ever before.I hope we get the frezzer full this year.
Re: Alabama get-together sign up I'm still hoping we'll be able to make it.After Mothers Day would be better.I'd like to see a big turnout.Alabama is at her best during the late spring.
Re: Saw the cutest thing! Thats cool,TG.Some how all babies seem to really capture our hearts.I bet those are some great pics.
OK....whos the master whistlepig slayer????We need tips.Them suckers are tearing our corn down.Hubby has got one with the 12 ga. and we got one in the trap.There are at least 4-5 more on this one field.We have both hunted hours at a time waiting to see a fat head poke-up.They can run faster than the deer around here.Just one tip that will get one more would be helpful.LOL.The last one I skinned had at least 3/4 inch fat all over him.I can't really afford to keep them rats that fat.
Re: Alabama get-together sign up We would probably pitch a tent,if we stay overnite.Its only a couple weeks after my birthday so I'm pulling all the strings I can to get there.LOL