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Everything posted by womanwhohunts

  1. Re: My horses (Including pics of the new colt) Those are some good lookng horses.I really like your dun/gray mare.Did you know gray hores have a merleing gene that almost always they have a colt that matches the stud.my mares have done that 6 times.The only down side was my black and white filly turned into a gray and white mare.Foals are funny that they change color so easy.A really black foal will gray-out and a lighter colored foal will darken.
  2. Re: Food Plot Question???? Dog Doc ...you're right on. The weeds have already made seeds....can't kill'em till they sprout again.The weeds have taken all they nned from the soil so fertilizing now will feed the grasses/brassicas that are left.We burnt off our last field today,gonna do a little disking,and plant something.Ain't really in a hurry...gotta wait on rain anyway.
  3. Re: Anybody read the latest F&S article on bowhunting? Yeah..thats real simple...lol.but so true...It can't be the pressure of company 'cause I shoot my best when my boys try to match me.After that I can't shoot more than 3 out of 5 on the mark.And then I'm consistent to my left 2-3 inches.Maybe my aim pin (15 yds)should be moved.????? I'm starting to wonder if it is my form or my target...No way I'll get a shot at a deer...he'll see me checking my form for sure.LOL. Thanks so much for the replies.I feel more accurate already.
  4. Re: Anybody read the latest F&S article on bowhunting? I can answer those questions.I had my bow set for me at the pro-shop,got some new carbon arrows and started with some very good advice from local folks that shoot all the time.I think I'm still not consistent with my form,thats why I miss when I try to aim.Maybe I should go back to the pro-shop and let them watch me shoot some more and see if they can see what I'm doing wrong.Don't know but I really wanted to be ready to hunt this year with enough confidence to take a deer.Thanks for the reply.I am determined to do it and I ain't giving up.
  5. Re: A Troop Supporter ?? Some very good points made here about this subject.As a mother of sons I do understand her loss.I do not understand why she would say "America is not worth dying for".I'm not saying I would willing give up my sons but I do beleive our soldiers know what they are fighting for.I do beleive she is dis-honoring her son.As is anyone that supports this protest.I don't have a problem with a protest,we're all entitled to them.But why would anyone send a message to our troops that says give up and come home?Can you imagine how hard it is to actually go one on one with the emeny in this war?I can't.How does it feel as to hear our nations support of our Commander in Chief has declined?We must support our fellow Americas until the end.The outcome of this war depends on it.I couldn't care less who folks voted for,my biggest concern is the morale of our troops.We all need to stand up and praise our greatest defense....our troops....they are counting on us to do so.How could any American do less?I would dare to say anyone who doesn't support our effots are trying to be un-american and we all know where those folks should go.God Bless our soldiers and bring them home safely soon.
  6. Re: How many of you ladies... I don't have any "ladies camo".Everything I wear is boys or mens.My latest find has been some fleece,jacket and pants,that fit very well and was fairly cheap at wal-marts.The camo pattern,which is realtrees hardwood green is excellent.Its really,really warm and great for layering.I lucked up and got a pair of youth size camo lacrosse boots at the co-op for $27.My feet sweat with all types of socks in them and I've never had any that made my feet that warm.I would never pay more for a label that said ladies when I can get better cheaper.I ain't looking to look good in camo,don't need no fancy stuff.
  7. I've have read this article several times.The whole thing is titled "never miss again" and it covers bows,rifles and shotguns.The part about bows really seems to make alot of sense.I'm still very new to a compound bow and still trying to learn as much as I can.This is only my second year of bowhunting and I've not had a shot that I felt good about taking and yet to fling a arrow at a deer.This article really puts alot into having form well before being accurate.I've been told that over and over before.I seem to do really good until I start to aim and then I lose it.I reckon I'm trying too hard to make the bullseye.I hit the middle of the bail until I try to hit the center and then I sometimes miss the whole thing.I was wondering if someone had read this article and if it was really as simple to shoot a bow as it seems to make it when you shoot like it says.I'm still green enough to try and set my form different if thats what I need to do.Any and all advice appreciated.
  8. Re: WHo\'s from Bama? Never lived anywhere but Alabama.Best place in the world.
  9. Re: Where is KansasCutie??? Don't know,TG.But its good to see you here.
  10. Re: It makes me so mad... Been there done that. Not much you can do unless they are shooting deer on you.Then its not only trespassing its also very dangerous.We have moved green fields and such and planted stuff so no one could see over the line.The game warden has got a couple,they put a feeder on the line 20 yards from my dads stand,we got 3 more when we saw them shoot a deer,then we questioned them about it,they left and we got a deer we didn't shoot.My best advice,watch for them,don't get shot,don't run deer out for them and let them know you know they are facing you with their stands and you are hunting there.If they're aiming on taking a deer on you they'll think twice when they know you're watching.Good luck and be safe.
  11. Re: Hey there folks!!! How\'s it going? Sorry to hear things are not any better yet,Norm.You are offen in my thoughts and always in my prayers.Don't know really what to say......just don't give up.You really do need this time for yourself........don't worry about everyone else....just take care of yourself.I'll continue to pray for you and yours.I remember not long ago feeling really down and kinda lost,too.Someone here,I'm sorry I don't remember who,told me to pray for peace.It worked,I had a easing of mind and body,I didn't realize how simple a request it was until then.God Bless you Norm.I,too,treasure your friendship.
  12. We're getting ready to plant some fall plots plus some plots that will last a few seasons.Still debating on what to plant.We've had crops of Alfa-rack,redland clover and Buck blend.Looking at some Whitetail Extreme this year.Our corn is coming in good,except for what the squirrels and groundhogs are eating and all the trees we fertilized are loaded.I just wondered what the deer were eating elsewhere.
  13. Re: Alabama get-together sign up It really depends on where.I wish I could invite everyone here,but hubby won't go for it I don't reckon.LOL.I'm closer to Wheeler State Park than Guntersville.Can't beat either.....but one is closer and probably the same fishing,lodges,campgrounds,etc.I can't say for sure just yet,but I do beleive I might could.
  14. Re: RT get-together in AL or TN??? That is a great idea!Don't know if I could go,but its a good idea.It would surely be fun.Keep us updated.
  15. Re: Summer Activities Gotta be fishing,camping,hiking,horseback riding.....not to mention all the work in the garden plus the foodplots and green fields.We're always extra busy during the summer.It's all good except for the bugs.Them dang skitters 'bout eat me up.LOL
  16. Re: Just checking in....had to leave something..... Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers.It really feels good to be here among friends.So much has happened over the past few months that I'll never get caught up,lol.I reckon the best thing we've got going right now is our ability to still laugh and still enjoy everyday things.I love life too much to be alive and not be living.I'm hoping i'll be able to get in here more often and I can't wait to see you all in the chat room.So many things I've got to tell.... God bless you, one and all.
  17. I can't tell you folks how much I miss this place and the good folks here.I saw the post about favorite members and couldn't beleive anyone remembered me.LOL.I think about this place alot.I just have so much to do lately I don't take the time to visit.I'm still hunting and fishing as much as ever maybe more.We've gotten access to 3 neighbors land to hunt this year and have been having a ball.I can't wait till deer season. I guess I should tell ya a couple reasons I haven't been here.My Mother-in-law had a massive heart attack in Jan. and we've been taking turns staying with her 24/7.She was in the hospital for 5 and a half weeks.She is home now and doing OK but her heart is damaged really bad and there is no hope for surgery.She did get a pacemaker but that can only do so much.It really rocked our world,seeing her so close to death.It really made us want to live life to the max.She is terrified of being alone,more so at night.I can't fully understand what she fears so much.It almost unreasonable.We're doing all we can by staying with her although,its a awful strain on us all.Its all we can do.She's a really sweet lady and I love her dearly.Our prayers were answered since we are getting more time in this world with her. The other main reason I ain't been here....my poor ole computer just give up and died.LOL.I turned it off one day and it never came back on.My son got a new one about a week before so I have had access,I just don't like bothering him for computer time.My grandmother gave me the money the buy one but I reckon I'm saving that for something more important.I want to try to fix my old one mostly because I had so many pictures on it.Some i've got copies and some are gone unless i get it fixed.Oh well...it'll all work out I'm sure. I just had to let you good folks know....I didn't get mad,I ain't quit hunting,and I want to get back in here and meet all these new folks you have recuited.Hopefully things will slow up alittle and I will have more time to visit.I'll be back to check this posts for a few days.You good folks take care of yourselves and each other.Good hunting and God Bless.
  18. Re: How many ladies post on here I used to post all the time.Just don't have enough time lately. I have always fished and hunted.I love it.I have always prefered outdoors over indoors.I could write pages about my ourdoor adventures.LOL.I think actually I have. Tominator....your reply floored me.Thanks By the way....this is what I've been doing the past 21 days.My second and biggest ever.
  19. Re: BETTER NEWS! ! ! Thats great news,Chris! That is surely proof of answered prayers.
  20. Re: dog help please!! Sorry to hear that,sureshot.Its amazing how much we can love our pets.I would get the surgery done and go from there.It could be that that is causing some of the other pain she has.At least if you have it done you'll know you did what you could....if you don't you'll always wonder if it could have helped.If you do end up putting her down....please don't say you never want another dog because this one broke your heart.There are too many good dogs that are put down because no one wants them.You know how you feel about the one you have....you can feel that way about the next,too.Best of luck and keep us updated.
  21. Re: Realtree 2004 Christmas Exchange Results You're very welcome,TG.I'm just sorry you didn't get them before Christmas.Oh well...as least you did get them and they wasn't lost in the mail forever.LOL.
  22. Re: So you can get dressed up, but do you dress deer? I do mine and anybody elses that needs it too.I rather enjoy it.I always like to follow the entry and exit wounds and study what kind of shot was made.You wouldn't beleive it but we've got tons of pics of half gutted deer where we said'Check that out!"LOL.As far as skinning a deer without gutting it....you're leaving the best cut of meat a deer has in there.We call it sweetmeat.I think most folks call it inner tenderloins.Our kids love it.I almost beleive they could it raw.They fight over whos sweetmeat it is.Congrats to all you ladies that take on the gutting.It ain't so bad.
  23. Re: Realtree 2004 Christmas Exchange Results Got mine from Turkeygirl.Real neat water bottle with some funny looking camo.LOL.j/k.I hate to say anything,TG,but I'm worried about your cooking,those cookies tasted kinda funny.LOL.Oh well....the dogs liked them.Thanks so much.Yours should be there anyday now.
  24. Re: what kind of weapon do you use ladies? Good question.I love my Savage .243.and the 30-30 and the 12 gauge and .38 and my PSE.Heck...I've got a big rock I enjoy,too. One of my favorites I took down with a buck knife.I reckon it ain't the weapon...its how you use it.
  25. Re: (For Buckee\'s Sake) What kinda perfume do u wear?! LOL.It could be the lack of perfume...you know?When I come in and pull off the rubber boots and wash my hands the boys gather 'round looking for eats.Oh....its makes for good huntin' too.