Re: Some illegal things that don\'t make sense.
We have spent the last three yrs trying to
fix a dog problem.We have several horses,some old,some real young ones,and
one with a permanet sore foot.This pack of
dogs,7, was running the horses on a regular
basis.We talked with the owners first.One
fellow claimed 3 as his,the other 4 lived
next to him but that person said her son
had left the 4.One put his up,the other did
not.Later date called animal control.Said they could try to trap strays.they can't be trapped.called back they told us we could
protect our own property.Had animal control
tell these people we were going to shoot the
dogs.They put them up until he left.Can't
shoot at 7 dogs running 10 horses in a
circle.Finally called sheriffs office.They came
out and told them they would have to pay
the vet bills on any horse that had been
injured from the constant running from
their dogs.They did keep them up awhile.I
am glad to say I'd didn't kill one dog.But
hubby killed 2 and the neighbors across the
road got 3.Still have a dog problem,they
kept 3 from the last litter and have another
litter now.Anyway it has got to be the owners
fault.We have 6 dogs,5 that are registered
pitbull.I have had this breed 26 of my 36
yrs.I have never allowed my dogs to run
loose.They are leased in public,and either
stay in house or are kenneled when at home.We own over 70 acres and our dogs
do not run it freely.Why should the renters
next door let theirs run it?As for the snakes
we killed 13 copperhead under our cabin.I
have been relocating kingsnakes to the
same area for the last 4 yrs.Seen the first
copperhead this yr,a young 18 ".I think the
kingsnakes are working. Yeah, the laws are
funny, but I think for the most part they