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Everything posted by womanwhohunts

  1. Re: Out of our hands, Sorry to hear that,wtnhunt.I know you and your wife have been trying hard to help that young fellow.Luckily we have never had to deal with anything like that in our family,but I have freinds who have.I hope everything works out for the best for all of you.I would try to stay in his life even if his father doesn't want you to.Not to push anything,just to let the young fellow know who really do care and you are there for him.God bless you both for doing all you can.
  2. Re: Heres a few backyard pics Great pics!
  3. womanwhohunts

    My luck

    Re: My luck Lots of Action!!!!!!!!!!!Sounds like a great hunt!
  4. Re: Make the best Sounds familar.We were seeing lots of turkeys about 3 weeks ago and only a few tracks now.I think us working on our feilds so much has caused them to move over.Our season doesn't open until April 10.I was seeing a flock of 8 jakes/toms right behind the barn.I sure hope they move back soon.Got a new shotgun thats ready to go!
  5. Re: Cannot take much more Keep up the good work with the kids,wtnhunt.Don't worry about"Dad".....he's tring to trick everyone.We are so lucky that our family gets along so well,most of us anyway.I've got a ex-brother-in-law that should be shot.He has a angel for a daughter and he totally left her.He don't even try to see her.Our kids need love....don't really matter who birthed them.We just have to show them love and they are fast to learn it.
  6. Re: 2000 posts Congrats! I wonder if I'll ever get that far.lol
  7. womanwhohunts

    Hunting partner

    Re: Hunting partner Way to go Dad!Looks like you are a real lucky fellow with a lucky daughter.Keep up the good work.
  8. Re: I miss you, Dad... I read your post right after you put it up but didn't have words to reply.Sounds like your Dad was a very special man that taught you a whole lot.If they get this forum in heaven,I bet he's smiling now.I noticed your Dad was born the same year as mine.I cannot imagine life without my Dad.He has done so much for me and my family.Not money wise,he's just there any time we need him for anything.I don't tell him enough how much he means to me,but I am going to.My Dad is not a religous man,but he is a fine example of what a man should be.He never fails to make folks laugh even at the times when folks are at their lowest.He claims my husband as if he were his own son.I've heard him talking to my husband about my mom and he'll say "ya's moma" just like we're both their kids.Thanks so much for sharing your Dad with us.It helps us all remember to cherish everyday with our families.
  9. Re: HOW IS LIVE CHAT DOING WITHOUT ME ? Lots of folks in the chat lately.Hurry up and get back,too pointer.You ain't gonna know all the new folks.lolj/k.
  10. Re: Teaching kids to shoot? I'd say let her learn to shoot with open sites first.I learned to sight with a BB gun when I was 8 and by the time I started using a rifle I had no problem with open sites.Seems to me scopes give a false sense of sercuity,the target is bigger,it looks closer than it is.Being able to hit with open sites builds confindence and that will make learning a scope much easier.Keep in mind that the scope has to be the right distance from your eye to see though it.
  11. Re: Have not had any time Welcome back,wtnhunter!
  12. Re: No business hunting I think I know what you're talking about.Un-loading a gun at any deer that comes by.That what we deal with on a regular basis.I did miss a buck one year and my dad and my husband bawled me out for not shooting again.I didn't have time to be sure of another shot,so I didn't take it.We eat what we shoot so we try to make shots that take down the deer without tearing up alot of meat.But the folks that hunt the land next to us just unload their rifles as fast as they can.I know I couldn't stay on a running deer enough to keep firing at it 4 more times.I know folks miss or something and take another shot,my husband missed one this year twice,just plain ole missed,dropped it with the third shot.I think if you make a good hit and it runs some distance thats OK,but I've seen deer that were fatally hit but running off and then shot again sometimes they were hit 3-4 times.Those deer were not fit to eat and were not wallhangers either.I get quite jumpy when I'm in the woods and those folks next door start unloading.
  13. Re: This is messed up That really doesn't make sense.I don't understand some people.
  14. Re: Well I did it agian..... We have a few tame hogs and I've seen them catch and eat chickens that got in the lot with them.They even killed one of thier own last year and eat him too.No they ain't staving......they're just like that I reckon.
  15. womanwhohunts

    If I could

    Re: If I could I agree wtn.We all should spend more time with our families.My Dad has taught me so much.I wish I could somehow repay him for all he has done for me,my husband and my sons.He had only daughters and I know he wanted a son.I try to make him proud of me in all I do.I think I have done some in that he now has two grandsons and a son-in-law that he really seems to be proud of too.We also bought land that he hunted as a kid and can hunt again now.I know the day will come when I will lose him and I think that is my biggest fear in life.I have a very good life with my husband and our boys,but I cannot imagine life without my dad.I can only pray for the strengh to deal with that day when it comes.You should tell your kids all you can about your dad so they at least have those memories.
  16. Re: new medicines and how they are used? I have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.I have been told surgery can help.I don't think my arms hurt that bad.lol.I wear braces on my wrists when I work,so I don't hurt them more.I know that is sorta different but it does help to rest/support them so they heal.They take awhile to heal.Best of luck to you.
  17. Re: Some illegal things that don\'t make sense. We have spent the last three yrs trying to fix a dog problem.We have several horses,some old,some real young ones,and one with a permanet sore foot.This pack of dogs,7, was running the horses on a regular basis.We talked with the owners first.One fellow claimed 3 as his,the other 4 lived next to him but that person said her son had left the 4.One put his up,the other did not.Later date called animal control.Said they could try to trap strays.they can't be trapped.called back they told us we could protect our own property.Had animal control tell these people we were going to shoot the dogs.They put them up until he left.Can't shoot at 7 dogs running 10 horses in a circle.Finally called sheriffs office.They came out and told them they would have to pay the vet bills on any horse that had been injured from the constant running from their dogs.They did keep them up awhile.I am glad to say I'd didn't kill one dog.But hubby killed 2 and the neighbors across the road got 3.Still have a dog problem,they kept 3 from the last litter and have another litter now.Anyway it has got to be the owners fault.We have 6 dogs,5 that are registered pitbull.I have had this breed 26 of my 36 yrs.I have never allowed my dogs to run loose.They are leased in public,and either stay in house or are kenneled when at home.We own over 70 acres and our dogs do not run it freely.Why should the renters next door let theirs run it?As for the snakes we killed 13 copperhead under our cabin.I have been relocating kingsnakes to the same area for the last 4 yrs.Seen the first copperhead this yr,a young 18 ".I think the kingsnakes are working. Yeah, the laws are funny, but I think for the most part they work.