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Everything posted by womanwhohunts

  1. Re: *Realtree 2004 Christmas Exchange Assignments* Excellent draw!LOL.I lucked up and don't have to worry about shopping for a fellow.j/k.I owe TG anyway for always being a good friend.
  2. Re: The passing of a pet It is hard to lose a pet.My last lost pet was stolen.Kinda leaves a person with questions.My best advice...replace them. I don't mean there's another pair just like them....but there are too many needing homes.Just share the feeling you had for your lost ones with some little ones that need you ,too.They ain't invented a "pet" to out-live us yet...but our life times allow us time for several"pets" to call our own.Love all you can while you can.
  3. Re: Realtree Forums Christmas Exchange Entry Thread! womanwhohunts......USA
  4. Re: Update on Norm That is good news!Thanks,Steve.Thoughts and prayers sent as always.You know Norms' from Tenn.He's a good ole boy and thats as good as it gets!
  5. Re: Guys!!! Very nice post,buckshotbabe! You folks have some really sweet replys,too. Just goes and proves how great it is to have both genders hunting. I've heard the "you don't need make-up" thing.Thats OK.Maybe I don't....but sometimes I use it. Is that a problem? Whatever works is good enough for me.Just don't take on more meat than you can process.
  6. Re: have u Yeah,I've been hunting and fishing since I was little.My Dad got me hooked on fishing when I was real little and that got me to fishing and hunting somewhere to fish.LOL.That got me on to hunting with the rabbit and bird dogs.From there I got deer fever.I do beleive I am a born hunter.I cannot not hunt.I don't understand why everyone doesn't hunt.I know nothing else.Lets eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Re: Question for you ladies I've got a Savage youth model .243 and I love it.Very little kick and lots of knock down.I wouldn't trade it for anything.
  8. womanwhohunts


    Re: Rose So very true. Thanks for sharing,jimt.
  9. Re: Plot upkeep Dogdoc is right on as always.LOL.We haven't used any so far.That stuff is higher than round-up and there is no guaretee it won't kill what you have planted.We try to keep ours cut during the summer.Right now weeds are dead or dieing.I almost think we could re-plant as cheap as we could try to kill the weeds in it.You might want to make sure you fertilize when its best for the clover and not when the weeds are trying to grow the most.Best of luck.
  10. Re: Windshield wipers That is sweet,william.Thanks for sharing.It is so true,too.We should all be able to think as clearly as our childern do.Plain and simple.Without thinking about what so and so thinks.Just do what your heart says and you're doing good.
  11. Re: Neighbor lost a calf to dogs Sorry to hear that.We don't have cows yet but hope to sometime in the near future.Our neighbor has cows and lost 2 calves last spring to the same thing.I always keep my mares close to the house when foaling time comes.I'd be happy to help take care of these type dogs.I'm thinking of getting me a small herd of goats.We have new laws for goat farmers that make it almost the same as cattle.The police will come out and take note when dogs are killing livestock.The worst part is ,I hate to waste good goats to catch worthless dogs.I beleive in letting folks know beforehand,I have dogs I keep up,so far no one has ever complained that I let my dogs run anywhere,because I do everything I can to keep them up.I would hope someone let me know if one of mine was loose,everyone knows I really don't want them running loose.Sometimes we have to be responsible for more than our own dogs.We're forced to.Do what you need to and don't even sweat it.
  12. Re: Processing questions? Help please It does take some practice.We do all our own.We hang it up and then quarter it with a saws all and put in a fridge.We then take each quarter and remove anything we don't want to eat.Then we remove each muscle.You can take your fingers and find where they will come apart easier.Then each muscle is cut, according to the grain,into steaks.Shoulders don't make very big steaks.They usually go into the grinder,after they been cleaned of anything that ain't red meat.I think it would be harder to cut steaks if you de-boned it while it was hanging.It would be harder to figure out what peice you're working on.We've done so many I can pick up a peice and tell you where it came from.It does take some work but I thinks its worth it.We can cut what we want,when we want it.Sometimes instead of steaks,we cut thinner to make jerky.If we're low on hamburger we cut more into stew-type chunks and grind it.The only part we don't fool with is ribs.There's not enough meat on them to mess with.We've got 3 deer right now to work on.I'll make some pics and post them to give you an idea of how we take a ham and make it into steaks and hamburger.Best of luck and good eating.
  13. Re: Got one with the rifle yesterday morning Congrats!Nice buck.I bet there's a 10 running around there.best of luck.
  14. Re: Baby Pics.... Really nice pics.Thanks for sharing.You've got some really great looking babes there.Count your blessing. BTW,if you wan to take the Mrs hunting I'd be glad to babysit.My babies are getting to big to tote around.Enjoy it while you can. Again congrats and God Bless.
  15. Re: It\'s Official Congrats to you and the Mrs. Bring on the pics.
  16. Re: Nov 20th Congrats to you and the Mrs. We hit 18 years in July.Wouldn't trade him for anything.
  17. I know what this is.Do you?Its a back quarter ready for cleaning.It you look real close to the center of the pic,you can see a round-like grey spot/lump.Thats a gland,a lymph node I think,its called.There are several in a deer.I've heard of folks that threw deer away because they found these spots.Every deer has them.Not many folks really look at them.I don't want it in my sausage.
  18. Re: Ignorance leads to much sadness That is awful.A very little bit of common sense could have prevent these terrible accidents.
  19. Re: Plans falling apart Thats tough,William.You can always go hunting.Time with family,however is limited.My husband and I will be hunting at different times most of the time.We quit trying to find a babysitter years ago.Sure,my parents or his or even the neighbors will keep the boys.No problem.We just don't like leaving them.I hope all 4 of us get to go together opening day.I haven't figured out how we'll work up 4 deer it we all score.LOL.I'd gladly pass on mine to see the boys get one. I'm sure you and your wife will get your hunts.Take the kids if need be.Its all good. Best of luck to you all and safe traveling. Don't forget to sharpen your knife,you want to ready ready when she brings you that 8.LOL.j/k
  20. Re: Think shes hooked? That is great.It is so exciting.I kinda get all excited just talking or listening to a good hunting story like that.Once you've seen stuff like that,you know what folks are talking about and its so much fun to share.
  21. Re: Finally my wife got her deer Congtrats Mrs wtnhunt.
  22. Re: WOW, temps dropping Ain't it nice?lol.Got things moving around here.I saw 5 squirrels,20+ turkeys and 2 deer this evening.That was while I was working on the fence.I hope I get time to hunt tommorow or sunday.
  23. Re: How old is this one? I'd guess about 2.5-3.5 years old.He looks mature,but he also looks kinda young.I'd think in another year or two he would be huge.Only one way to find out.LOL.Well,maybe two.
  24. Re: Really came together-(pic) Congrats! Real nice buck and a good story to boot.
  25. Re: question to moderator Are there female morons?LOL.just had to ask.ROFLMBO.