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Everything posted by Tominator

  1. Tinks will work. Not all the time, and I seriously doubt there's any product out there that will work all the time. Time of year plays a part too. I don't know where you are, but I don't think I'd use Tinks until you start seeing pre-rut, seek phase activity.
  2. That's awful pretty Tom. Thanks for sharing
  3. He's not too wide, but I'd say that deer's in the 160's.
  4. The school district where I teach was just given an "Excellent With Distinction" rating for last school year. This is the highest rating in the state of Ohio. I don't know how many districts qualified this year, but 2 years ago when we got it for the first time, only 16 school districts in the whole state achieved this status, last year 81 out of 305 districts reached that status. Just had to brag a bit.
  5. I think it's really a personal choice. If you want the deer, shoot it. If you want to see how big it will get, don't shoot it and take your chances on it slipping by the neighbors. Unfortunately, 9 acres isn't going to hold 1 particular deer.
  6. Their population is on the rise here, but I haven't seen one in a few years. I have seen an osprey 2 years running now. I haven't duck hunted in a number of years, but one of the last hunts I was on, my buddy and I were picking up the decoys and as I turned back to grab more, stepped out from behind a giant tree, I scared the bajeebers out of an eagle that was on final approach on one of our decoys! That's pretty cool Willam.
  7. Had a little 3 point respond to grunt and rattle this morning. Half hour after he left 2 does with their fawns came busting out of some pines looking back over their backs. 5 minutes later a little 6 point dogged the nearest doe back into the pines. Talked to a buddy last week and he saw a shooter 8 doggging a doe. Little guys are getting started. Warm temps predicted here this week. Hopefully I'll get a chance to hunt a little more soon. My son is done with football and my daughter has 1 more game, so that will free me up a bit.
  8. Tominator


    Depends on the audience. Around the kids, yep, they love them, especially my daughter. Tend to hold back with other company, except for my sister in law. She absolutely loves a good fart.
  9. Watched for a bit this morning headed to the stand. Didn't see any.
  10. I'm trying. Still in college, still have my online class I'm teaching, daughter still busy with band, and son still busy with football. No paper due the week of the 30th, daughter is done with competitions tomorrow, son has 1 more game if they win Sunday, so I'm hoping to get my buddy down here next weekend or the following for a hunt or two. Past that, maybe some after school stuff during the rut.
  11. It was necessary. The other tumor was real. They burned that one, so no pathology there.
  12. I don't honestly know anymore. It used to be a way to hang out with my dad and uncles. Then it was a blood sport, competitive, forsake most everything including friends just to kill something. Then it was a way to get away from it all, solace, alone time, peace. Then some big life changes with family and health and it became a catharsis to hunt with friends, I didn't care to go out alone, the kill didn't mean as much to me. Now...more life changes and health issues that have spread to my 2 sons and wife, and now...I honestly don't know what hunting means to me. I know what I want it to be, but I can't make that happen just yet.
  13. I had my follow up visit with my surgeon yesterday. Doc asked how I was doing, checked on the infection that developed last week (which my son's surgeon took care of when I took him in for a checkup last Thursday), and suddenly popped up from his chair and said "hang on, I forgot something, this was pretty cool..." Doc comes back in and says "remember that little thing on your abdominal wall that wasn't on your liver?" and I said "yeah" and he hands me the pathology report and says "it wasn't a tumor at all, it was some leftover spleen tissue..." So dumb ass me says "so that's good news right?" and he laughs and says "that's very good news..." We had a decent laugh because my son's surgeon was my surgeon back in 2006. When I asked him to look at what I thought was an infected incision he says *tongue in cheek* "why do I have to clean up Bloomston's mess?" So Bloomston, my liver surgeon says "so looks like I was cleaning up Ellison's mess, eh?" I asked him it that was like the epitome of surgeon humor, first guy makes a crack about cleaning up a mess, and it turns out during the surgery he had to clean up the other guy's mess. lol Well, maybe you had to be there, but it was a kind of funny moment. Long story short, Bloomston says I should keep making mortgage payments because it looks like I might be around for a bit.
  14. Chuck, they suck. btw-why am I getting minute to minute updates on FB from you?
  15. Winner winner, raccoon dinner.
  16. Yeah, but Staind (which is pronounced like what happens to your drawers after eating chili) good, right?
  17. Hmmmmm, now I'll have to watch the movie....AGAIN.... That will make it about 30 times. My brother had that whole scene memorized. Actually taped it to a cassette and replayed it over and over until he learned it. Anyway, yeah, Staind good. :yes:
  18. Agree. There's one clown on TV that I won't even consider watching, Alan something or other. The guy should be a politician because he campaigns that high fence, genetic engineering, deer farming, etc. is the way to go and the greatest thing since sliced bread. I tend to disagree so I don't watch him. I haven't met a ton of "pro hunters" but the ones that I have are pretty good guys. Our own Tim Andrus is as down to earth as they come. Waddell, Will Primos, Strickland and a couple others were cool too. Foulkrod was a DB the day my buddy tried to talk to him, but he may have been having a bad day, who knows.
  19. I'm your huckleberry, you suck.
  20. Stud... Great pic too. I arrowed my best on October 12th too.
  21. Funny. This one time, when I was a kid, I was rabbit hunting with my dad and uncles. We all unloaded and started eating lunch. 10 minutes into lunch one of us stepped towards the treeline to take a tinkle, and out pops a rabbit, lol. That rabbit wasn't 10 feet from us the whole time we ate lunch.
  22. Good job Muggsy. I've seen them from time to time while hunting...had a pack of them run right underneath me when Tom and I were out in Illinois, but never have had an opportunity to shoot one. Tom centered a little tree in that little patch of woods across the road from me a few years ago. I think I got his arrow, but couldn't get the broadhead.