Pen raised birds are pretty stupid. In my estimation, I'd say 98% of them are killed by hunters on the first day. The other stragglers fall to predation and hunters within the week or so.
Wild birds are pretty tough if you don't have a dog. I usually wait for a snow so that I can track them. I've been fairly successful with that strategy over the years since selling my dog.
Believe it or not, I've actually been able to pattern a few pheasants. They tend to do the same thing time and time again. 3 birds come to mind. 1 bird's defense was to sit so tight you had to nearly step on him to get him to move. Did that 3 or 4 times to him before the season started, got him on the first snow that year.
The 2 I shot 2 years ago would loop out 100 yards, then back track to their original spot. Got both of them when after being bamboozled 3 times, I cut them off and caught them mid backtrack. Dropped both of them on Christmas day. The 3rd one got away as the limit is 2 in Ohio.
Another one I remember was this bird that would run to the end of the property, fly across a picked bean field, land in the far fenceline and backtrack towards the field. My buddy got him as I posted him on the fenceline and slowly walked the bird right too him.