Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Got into a mess of 'em this morning..
  2. Had some time today, so I decided to finally make the deer hoist I have been thinking about, so I dont have to pull a dead deer up onto my Ranger or Gator by myself.. It installs into the receiver hitch on either machine. Half way up I made a pipe rotator ring with a bearing inside. A boat winch I had and some metal I had laying around. Plan on making a couple 3 foot cable snares to make a half hitch on two feet, other one on two feet, and just hook both ends on the hook. Raise, swing, and lower. One man recovery with ease.
  3. Ultra; make sure you got window by bunk, so you can just look out and go back to sleep!....was at L&M looking at the commercial type blinds...WOW! My wallet jumped out of my pocket and ran for the truck!, Top it off, the stinkin BASE for the tower was as much as the blind was!
  4. funny how in "the heat of the moment", one can lose sense of, "this could be bad"! Good thing it was not a 12 Ga. with 3.5 inch loads! your nose would look like this;?
  5. sounds like a fun little hunt. Then you let that .410 beat you up?...lol
  6. There ya go! it paid to stay after him, they sometimes they hang up, sometimes they work right in.
  7. Congrats! Sometimes you deal with the card you got
  8. ROFL when I saw this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ_awgH--Q0
  9. I will say this; If this video does not put today in perspective for an individual, Then I would dare say, "You are out of touch with what it took to have and enjoy your FREEDOM"!
  10. make the new one big enough to lay down and take a nap in.
  11. Great, a Sow with four cubs; My Trophy Rock is now bear bait??
  12. got many looking like this little momma;
  13. Im gonna go with this as I remember, but hey...it's been nearly 43 yrs. ago;
  14. Just starting to warm up here some, fish have been really been lethargic. They will not chase spoons yet, so I caught some creek chubs in my minnow trap, and man did they turn on! My brother and I got our limit (10), before noon Sat., here are a couple 25 to 26 ave ones we kept. Threw several back.
  15. Stay at home did not change much here for me. Timber contracts came to a screeching halt, but planting season got fired up.
  16. Congrats! sounds like you had an exciting hunt.
  17. Today My Niece got her Gobbler...1 tag to go next week 4 for 4 so far
  18. somebody said a 12 pt was seen nearby..we never had it on cam or even seen it.
  19. I just had to check a couple other spots today...count is 17. Now I am Done..and I FEEL like it too!
  20. Brannon Howse has done a tremendous amount of research, and its amazing how the "dots" connect. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=brannon+howse&docid=60
  21. Perhaps Fauci is already doing their bidding and they need not to do anything.. one thing I will say is..Trump should have fired all Obamma hold overs when he took office...God knows how many are still in office and steering things to the left..