Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. too bad you not get them in before last week, nothing like a good wet soaker to get things off!
  2. Pop up T Storms late today, looks as we may have another on the way, got my Honey Hole seed out as storm moved in. Hope it gets a good soaking right off.
  3. GREAT!..Lets rub HILLARY'S NOSE in it!
  4. pretty much sat in the shad and watched the world go by. Went to L and M late in the day to get a bag of Honey Hole seed for a small food plot by a bow stand. Then had a to stop at my fav. pizza place. FRANKIES Happy 4rth all
  5. Martin Hamann Mathews xt Man 62 Wis. Archery and Crossbow Sept. 12 - Jan. 3, 2021 Gun Nov. 21 - 29
  6. Willliam, yup that looks wet! mowed my clover for 3rd time today. Need rain here, got a bit Wed eve...just enough to keep things growing.
  7. masks make people feel safer, but yes the Covid-9 microns are smaller than what the masks can filter out. Plus if you do get covid-9 on the mask, and you touch the outside of the mask while taking it off, you now have it on your hands. Without eye protection, you can get it that way too.
  8. those younger bucks didnt like it much, not sure a Mature buck would either. Maybe if it had more of a round deer body shape than a flat body, kinda disappeared when it turned toward you. Made then on edge for sure.
  9. our County still only 3 confirmed one dead
  10. Happy Birthday! look forward to seeing the finished bunkhouse/stand....lol
  11. Hope that works out for you William! Here, we miss that chance by about two or three weeks . Only velvet buck I ever got my hands on was a car kill.
  12. Bet his Jacknife does too!!! ROFL Ya William..I know it's an old post..but hey..Buckey's as old as dirt..lol
  13. nice pics Dave..about what we got here too, minus the cow elk, you could substitute a bear every now and then tho
  14. seems I heard 900 got tested here and only found 1 positive last week...about half of people are wearing masks when out about..carry one, only required in two places that I have been in, Menards, and my eye Dr. office
  15. Here is Nascar's image of it; Guess the guy that tied it was a Boyscout? If it was there since last Oct., how would ANYBODY have known Bubba would have drawn that very door?
  16. the war Heg died fighting to free the "SLAVES" in; He would roll over if he knew he DIED for these IDIOTS! https://www.battlefields.org/learn/maps/chickamauga-animated-map
  17. IDIOTS; that's what we have been producing, there is NO other explanation! In Madison, Wisconsin, rioters threw a statue of Hans Christian Heg (an anti-slavery activist and abolitionist who actively fought slave catchers and died from battle wounds fighting for the Union in the Civil War), into a nearby lake.
  18. Had not heard that...last I heard he was still playing the "Victom"
  19. https://sports.yahoo.com/nascar-briefs-media-investigation-noose-193917408.html
  20. From that day on...If I was goin anywhare,...I WAS RUUUNANG!!
  21. got 2nd mowing done and top dressed clover with 0-0-60
  22. My little Bro got his biggest Northern to date early today. 39 Inches 13.9 lbs