Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. when I dairy farmed I hung my hunting clothes in the barn. Deer would come downwind and never got spooked at all
  2. Thatta Boy!! still need more to sign up!! We have three teams of 3 at this point.
  3. ADJOINING 3RD CROP ALFALFA WAS HARVESTED ON SAT., PRETTY SURE the deer went into the beans for now, half mile the opposite direction.
  4. I wouldn't play any of them! sports is a "pastime" for entertainment value. I never have followed any of it. I was too busy producing food right out of High School...something that was important to humanity's existance.
  5. Dakota, tell the judge, if they resist arrest, loot or set fires, they should be SHOT! ok velvet not off here yet as of last eve.
  6. Hope you are not affected there William! Wife still ok even though contact at Kwik trip with public as a cashier is unavoidable. Like Dave said, gotta live life as normal as posible...it's way tooo short not to!
  7. Ditto! Seems a bit far fetched to me....we do know DNR has tracking collars for research, so it could be possible I suppose
  8. yes, either way knowing he came by or not, I was going to be there. i had last encountered that buck two weeks prior. he was the target buck for me last year. he very well could have passed entirely beyond my property, or chose a different route back to feed where I figured he may go. I thought it was as fair chase as possible
  9. IF the black men or ANY color man would NOT resist arrest....(THE UNDERLINING PROBLEM),.....they ALL would be ALIVE today! WHEN did it become "THE THING TO DO""??? IT'S NOT WORKING PEOPLE!!!
  10. 2 week from now...I will be in my "Happy Place"'!!!!!?
  11. Taod River B.C. Friday, Aug. 28, 2020 Carter E. reported Incoming: increasing numbers Time: Not Provided Weather: Not Provided Temp: 41-50 degrees Wind: Not Provided Comments: Geese (Canada's/Specs) starting south. Some ducks starting to push south. numbers increasing slowly week by week.
  12. I actually shot a nice 8pt last year because of my cam. i pulled the card mid day, saw a buck heading up to bed, and figured he'd be coming back thru to feed late...he did and I shot him. Still had to put the time in, because of wind, I woulda been in that stand anyways... That buck could have went anywhere and went past a stand I was NOT in...all the cam did was tell me he came by.
  13. Great idea..."portions"...lol you know, that way I could pack one for lunch...
  14. I see a few more threw the hat in the ring, Al just signed up too. Comon guys, we need a few more soon, sign up today! shucks used to be this place was rockin this time of year. You do realize, the winning team is going to hunt RT Farms in Nov.??
  15. Gotta honor a man with principals! I sure hope that problem doesnt keep you out of the woods Don!
  16. sorry to hear William, so far, no sign of shedding here with 2 weeks till bow opener.
  17. Thats kinda like road hunting in a wayWilliam. Yes Dave the "journey" of the hunt is the key, whether you kill or not. Some of my best hunts I never fired a shot or arrow.
  18. lock down was useless, all it did was keep it from running it's course. We spiked and now it;s flattening. good luck with the kiddo's
  19. If I get oil in my "air box", it usually results in me having to change my shorts! Haa!
  20. No Argument. lol? Where do you draw the line?, side view fish finders,underwater cameras, list goes on and on Dave.
  21. HSS lifelines and vest a MUST. I may fall, but not far.
  22. most guys would be considering a Crossbow, but if I remember, you are not a fan of them.
  23. brought back a line from "Go Ask Alice" "and you just had some kind of mushroom and your mind is moving low"...go ask Alice etc...lol
  24. Geez Don, I hope you can get that healed up!