Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. got to watch a Bobcat on a recent sit. also had a wolf walk by early one morning at 10 yards.
  2. fishing licenses were up 200k I guess this summer. not find anything on hunting license
  3. I have no idea for Wis.
  4. update. she seems to be healing up. flesh is scabbed over pretty good, healthy and eating. she is first one in every time we get in tree at that stand site.
  5. and he NEVER knew you were there!! Sucessful Hunt! Nice pics Don
  6. snow all melted off by mid afternoon sat. passed a broke off 8 again last eve. out this a.m. DEAD still out. I had a 10 yrd shot very steep angle. I not get leaned over enough. shot over back. Clean miss. Cant believe I even got to full draw. he was WIRED!!! They are on feet and scent checking, does are NOT ready yet. First doe will be a bit yet...cant blame a guy for tryin!...lol
  7. Sat this a.m. in the heavy snowfall, had this doe in mini plot. set up on inside corner of winter wheat.
  8. gonna get cool next two eve in the mid 20's and Sat,\., maybe snow here
  9. sounds like you took it as far as one could. Bet he shows up on cam.
  10. I used to enter every hunt in a spiral ring note pad. was interesting to go back on a cold winter eve. and relive each hunt..YEARS after! ...JEEPERS! It was AMAZING how it triggered back memories of that very hunt! Like Rhino I stopped doing that prob under ten years now. Kinda wish I woulda kept them some times....
  11. was out sat and sun. eve. no shooters on feet. sm bucks and the usual does and fawns.
  12. Fun to sit a new set, you just never know what may come by.
  13. Not hunted here for over a week. got too warm and it shut down. Cooler weather coming this week, maybe they be on feet in daylight then.
  14. Great story and one heck of a buck Al...that freak nasty sure has a ton of stuff goin on there
  15. Gotta give ya a little campfire poke Dave...all in good fun ey?
  16. that looks like a pretty good view of the place. Glad it all went well. If it was me, I may have poured a slab or footings.
  17. I can see why it is "THE KILL" Stand! NICE!
  18. ahhh!!! dang! I got a NOSEBLEED just looking at the pic DON!....lol I LIKE IT!
  19. Hey, Just wanted to extend condolences with the loss of your dog. Tough deal and it aint easy ! We also had that experienced this last weekend with Ashley and Breylens dog Remmy. Hang in there bud! If somebody got STEVE ON FACEBOOK, SEND HIM THIS LINK.