Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. I dont like it. I understand everybody is sick over the HIGH FRAUD they are finding..but hey, IT"S BIDEN what did you EXPECT!
  2. Just follow the Democraps rules. After official time is up, you put your field goal kicker out there and he kicks every ball they can find thru the uprights, including the scrimmage balls , every ball on the field, and any that just seems to appear oh lets say up in the booth, in the shower room, out in thr truck in the parking lot. AND THEY ALL COUNT! After all, EVERY BALL COUNTS!
  3. https://www.worldviewweekend.com/radio/audio/brannon-howse-november-4-2020
  4. If this country winds up with that piece of----Biden then,...it WELL DESERVES HIS SOLD OUT TO CHINA ADMINISTRATION! You though 8 yrs of Monkey ears was bad....
  5. I STRONGLY DISSAGREE WILLIAM!...The percentages were in MANY states 64% Trump 35% Biden..thats where this Scorecard gets used..it swapps the votes over to Biden as they come in under TRUMP..Fricken WAKE UP PEOPLE!! this is a coup de tah plain as day
  6. Hammer/ScoreCard is being used to do it! "17 "minute mark is a 3 Star gen. that KNOWS Whats going on! Dont be CLUELESS Trump had this by a LANDSLIDE!
  7. 17 minute mark is a 3 star general you NEED to hear!
  8. https://theamericanreport.org/category/home/the-hammer/
  9. https://www.worldviewweekend.com/radio/audio/brannon-howse-november-4-2020
  10. got way too warn here now, afraid daytime rut will shut right down here now.
  11. I have only seen 1 flock headed south this year! That was last wed afternoon, a flock of 200 snow geese.
  12. WILLIAM I KNOW POST IS VERY OLD, but, I sat Sat a.m. in winds that gusted near 50 mph at times. I heard two trees crash, and although I was in a very good strong Spruce, it was rockin! Deer movement? Nadda! Sat from 6.30 till 9.30 So, Sat eve, wind was howling all night, I woke up at 5.30, heard the wind, and rolled over and slept in. Pulled cards, and they told me I did not miss a thing.
  13. I was being facetious about the wait a couple years
  14. well if you vote Uncle Joe in...he's already predicting a "Dark Winter"
  15. well, now I know what made all the puffy blue feathers!!
  16. Heard first doe getting chased last eve. no visual. Broke off 8 we been passing heard it, and off to the races!!
  17. kinda think Id have to hold it together for a bit... Ya think i'd shoot. But just think what he will be in another year or two!! lol
  18. So I tried something new the other day. On the walk into my stand I played a flute, turned around when i got to my stand, and at 5 yrds!!
  19. wolf not unlisted, but one can get a cat tag