Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Need to Vent...been holding it in for awhile TSB.....That aint right, you of all people should be excempt !! I guess moving to a liberal state should be a lesson for all of us!! Just think what the country would be facing if the likes of Kerry would be left to run things!!
  2. Re: Near Death Experiences... Ive had four....a shotgun, a combine, a tow strap, and a broken off tree limb.
  3. Re: I wasn\'t going to post this pic, but.... Hey...Id toast a cold...sprite with ya!!! LOL
  4. Re: Cull buck? A 21" 7 pt. does not tell me much about its genetics, or if it should be culled. If the landowner wont let it be taken, I dont know what we can help you decide....I let a 19 " 6 pt go this year with no eye guards...think he has much potential as he was only a 2 and 1/2
  5. Re: Shall We Dance?? Lil Blonde deerkiller has informed me that, yes, people still break dance, even at her high school!
  6. Re: Does Anyone Know Other Forum Members we have met msm1018 and James Vee, both live not far from us....Lil Blonde deer killer(daughter)has even dated a forum member too!!
  8. Re: Plans For The Weekend?? Im going to cut up some more firewood and then watch the PACK pound the Vikings!!!!!
  9. Re: Man in need of laundry help! [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] A man and his WASHER..... Hey..fisherguy the wife said to be sure to wash that thing alone.... [/ QUOTE ] That wont be a problem...he is alone!!
  10. Re: Ben Stein\'s Last Column They,(actors), never were stars in my eyes......the REAL stars and heros are the people who actually make this great country what it is.....the workin stiffs....thats right buddy....... thats us!!!!
  11. Re: Another Dream!!!(like this is going to happen) Man...Im only at 0ne cup in the a.m. now!......maybe its a lack of something??
  12. Re: Lets All Gather HERE For The Record Breaker!!! sorry guys..just got back
  13. Re: Excited For Tomorrow Good luck guys!!!Have fun and hunt safe.
  14. Ravin R10 man

    Deer vs Car

    Re: Deer vs Car I see he saved part of the liver......wonder what that person looked like???
  15. Re: Another Dream!!!(like this is going to happen) [ QUOTE ] LOL--that's funny right there. They're not from Iowa, are they? [/ QUOTE ] Now thats funny riaght thar!!!! I dont care who you are!!!
  16. Re: First Pics w/ Cuddeback!!!!! mot bad!!! So, do you download them to the puter them???
  17. Re: Who is the Biggest MORON? I'll see your hilary and raise you Barbara Boxer and the other Demacratic morans that contested the Presidential electoral vote!!!...Sorry Ryan!!
  18. Ralph and Vicky Ciacariulo took me on as a bowhunting prostaff member. Had my own camera guy filming my hunts and all....now that was cool!!! Made them promise not to touch my mounts!!!! LOL!!
  19. Ravin R10 man

    NO DEER?

    Re: NO DEER? get between bedding and food source, key in on where the does are, late cycling does will keep the bucks around.
  20. Re: Anyone Have any experience with this???? definately cut a crossing out where they are used to crossing.....and try to find an ambush site, a good tree stand or ground blind set up...stay downwind, or crosswind of the crossings you intend to hunt.
  21. Re: Didnt feel quite right you did right William... she would have to live with a poor placed shot and a possible no recovery to boot. Not a good way to start out!!!
  22. Re: Ryan Mcann(sp) hunt on home page Did you ever see steve bartkowski on monster bucks of north america???? He shoots this nice buck right in the butt, lucky he got liver, and realtree showed the shot too. he never was on any other hunts I recall.... unethical shot///ya Id say so.....I kinda got the same impression like you carbon when I read that story too.
  23. Re: DANE COUNTY WI BANNING Bowhunting as 2006 If this was real, we would heard of it by now....You cant form any opinion with only part of that article either. I also believe Wis. passed a right to hunt law not long ago.
  24. Re: ice fishing use caution actually no ice is ever safe.... a resort was plowing its ice road in Northern Mn. a couple wekks ago with a track vehicle about the size of a van. The guy got into a channle and went through! only 3" of ice, hardly enough to walk on.
  25. Re: Outdoorgirl\'s Trophies Great looking bucks Karen