Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Do You Feed Deer?? i used to be able to feed on the back side of my property and keep the deer a 1/2 mile away from the road....however the all knowing dnr now wont let us do that, but its ok to feed within 50 yards of a business open to the public(as long as its more than 50 yards from a highway posted at 45 mph). SOOOOOOO now the deer will all come across a county highway to get fed. all 100 of them!!
  2. Re: Rate the rut... Second week of Nov. we saw a good rut here, most of the activity was nocturnal thanks to the "T" zone and earn a buck crap. Even as late as Nov.23rd I saw a doe get bred. After gun season we had bucks chasing hot (late) does. Actually the 11 pt I killed with my bow was one of them. Secondary rut was hard to tell, but I had that 11 pt's harem under me at the time he came in to check on them....
  3. Re: Lots of buck action (latest deercam pics) I'll second that second one for sure
  4. Re: getting lots of pics... looking good Todd
  5. Re: Now its the UN\'s turn to bash America You know.....some people can walk the walk...and others....well, they sure can talk
  6. Re: i want to bow hunt again Take a good look at Hoyt bows, and yes the buscuit is the only way to go.
  7. Re: What\'s your plans...... I'll hit the rack after eve. news,.. and see ya in the morning
  8. Re: Nice buck on this roll..... Todd you got the batt. thing right, but in my opinion, it takes better quality pics.
  9. Re: for those with pin sights One pin set for 30
  10. Re: Pork--the other white meat...... Id love to come help ya out...just a little too far away.
  11. Re: First shed antler today Saw the biggest ol buck I ever had come in this afrernoon....he just dwarfed the other deer , looked like he could go 250 easy!! NO ANTLERS!!! Head like a bull too!! Pretty much just sitting taking inventory, although I got a doe tag to fill if I want.
  12. Re: First shed antler today found another one today half an 8pt side
  13. Re: Nice buck on this roll..... nice todd
  14. Re: What did Santa bring ya for Christmas.... Santa had nothing to do with it, but I got the best gift anyone can get. Jesus born in a manger. The rest is just more "stuff"
  15. Re: Heavy Clothing its really not a problem, as I layer with lightweight heat retaining pieces. Ive sat down to -20, granted you only stay out in a treestand for the last hour and a half in that type of weather, but thats when the deer move the best here anyway.
  16. Re: Got a doe this afternoon! Alright!! congrats finn....your son will remember that for life.
  17. I found my first shed today, a half rack of a 6 pt.
  18. Re: Stealth Cam pic 8pt. dont know why they go redX???? UBBCode:
  19. Re: Another Stealth cam pic Ill try it again then UBBCode:
  20. Re: 2004 Trophy Album One of the shooter bucks I was after UBBCode: Lil Blonde and her gun kill UBBCode:
  21. Re: Remembering those high school days of sports! I ran cross country in my freshman year.....after that I quit sports couse it interfered with hunting season!! I figured why do all that and lose out on my hunting?? After high school, nobody is going to remember it anyways.
  22. Re: Wooooo! A Merry Christmas to all you Packer fans!! Best game all season!
  23. Re: between a rock and a hard spot Man....our officers would be here in a flash!!! The same night!! and even watch for then to come claim the deer!
  24. Re: Christmas story... sometimes the small things can really add up
  25. Ravin R10 man


    Merry CHRIST mas!!!!!!!!!!!!!