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Everything posted by c_lou

  1. What happens when you are aiming at a deer and instead of bending at the waste, you drop your bow arm to aim? Would your arrow miss low or high? This happened to me last night. Stand is 30 feet up and the deer was 10 yards from the tree. When I inspected my arrow there was no blood, no hair, no nothing. It was buried in the ground. I watched the deer and it acted like nothing happened. I watched him hangfor about 30 minutes before I got down to find my arrow. I found the spot where he stood for 15 minutes or so and found 3 drops of blood. This little deer was close to a 145 8 pointer. I am just sick with myself, but from everything I seen from the deer, he will be fine and seemed to not know what was going on. How long should I wait to get back out there and will he still be around?
  2. Suppose to be 78 today and only 56 tomorrow, even cooler on through the weekend. I usually don't like to hunt early in the season, but these cooler temps should have the deer up and moving.
  3. From one Corey to another. Prayers from the land of cheese for a better road.
  4. I finally got out this past Sunday. 1 slickhead and 1 half racked buck. Both got a pass this time around. Next day out is looking like Friday. It's suppose to cool off real nice this weekend.
  5. If you leave, that changes our "un" official team name. I for one don't want that. You take care of what you need to. We will all still be here as part of the "2 Corey's and a bunch of other yahoos" team when you get your stuff worked out. Hunt when you can and soak it all up. Good Luck to you
  6. I am heading to beautiful Columbus OH next week for a work conference. My first time out won't be until I get back. Nights are cold and the leaves are changing.
  7. c_lou

    8 Pointer

    Congrats to your uncle, that's a nice buck.
  8. Very nice deer and a great way to start the year. Congrats.
  9. I finally got time to throw a few arrows downrange. Just as I remembered from last year, dead center. Now just to shoot and get back into the groove. It's cooling off nicely up here in Cheese land. Not sure if I will get out before the end of the month. I got a work conference in Ohio and then a family reunion the last weekend. Might shoot for the 30th, full moon. Good Luck to all those out in the field already.
  10. 2 days until the opener. I won't be getting out there this year. I haven't had any time to get prepared. Good Luck to anybody hitting the woods.
  11. We could just go with last year's suggestion... The 2 Corey's and some knucklheads. Kind of has a ring to it don't you think Dawg? I am good with anything.
  12. Checking in. Had a few of you goof balls on the team last year.
  13. I hope I get the first pick, Greg Oden here I come.
  14. c_lou

    Welcome baby #2

    Congrats on the newest addition.
  15. I'll sign up again. Perhaps auto draft can get me an even crappier team than last time.
  16. Since Greg Oden wasn't involved in the Finals, I didn't watch.
  17. Chris, Sorry to hear out your little guys issues. Hopefully they can get in there and do what needs to be done to get him on the road to recovery. Thoughts and Prayers from the land of cheese.
  18. I thought it was pretty good. I agree about the ending blurbs, they went way to fast.
  19. Not sure I would try that. I am only giving out those methods that I have read are safe for viewing.
  20. Get your #14 welder's glass, solar filter, or solar projection ready. Next week is your last chance to view the Transit of our Sister planet across the face of our nearest stellar neighbor. It's the last chance of our lifetime to witness it. I will be set up, if it's not cloudy, with my telescope and solar filter showing any that want a view. Don't miss out.
  21. Holy Cow that was one of the best back and forths I have ever read.
  22. Very Nice story. I once stalked a mouse in nothing by a pair of shorts, hunting boots, oven mit, and crescent wrench.