What happens when you are aiming at a deer and instead of bending at the waste, you drop your bow arm to aim? Would your arrow miss low or high?
This happened to me last night. Stand is 30 feet up and the deer was 10 yards from the tree. When I inspected my arrow there was no blood, no hair, no nothing. It was buried in the ground. I watched the deer and it acted like nothing happened. I watched him hangfor about 30 minutes before I got down to find my arrow. I found the spot where he stood for 15 minutes or so and found 3 drops of blood.
This little deer was close to a 145 8 pointer. I am just sick with myself, but from everything I seen from the deer, he will be fine and seemed to not know what was going on.
How long should I wait to get back out there and will he still be around?