Well, finally made it home...long week..The island of NewFoundland is awesome spot , Now I know why they call it the rock!!!!
It will go down as one of my toughest hunts.. Weather,terrain were unforgiving. The 1st day we saw 15 moose , did 2 unsuccesful stalks on great bulls one took a hour to get there and the bull had left. the other one steve Gruber and I thought we had it figured out but the big boy had other plans and exited the wrong way( go figure) .
Second day ,rain/fog only 4 moose sighted no chances.
Third day rain/fog/wind..we rode the argo's up on a ridge to glass and Steve spotted a bull that had heard us and was trotting away. I had just got off my argo and had loded my rifle when Steve motioned me over and to hurry. I saw where the bull should come out and had to run 2-300yards to get set up. Besides falling down once the muskeg was a tough run.. Bull came in to view at 300 yards , finally stopped and I took the shot wack! and he's still standing..another wack and he goes down!!!!!!!! I turn around to see Steve and others cheering and then they yell turn around...I did to see my bull standing again 3rd shot again in the boiler room and hes down for good!!
He;s no Yukon monster justa good NF bull probaly 30 inches or so and huge body!! I cant tell you how exciting it was and to have it all on video to beat all.. look for it next spring on Outdoor America on the Outdoor channel..
Now the terrain was either rocky in the mountains along with spongy muskeg which made walking a grueling walk and the stuff they call tangle foot is amazing.
Ill get some pics up soon living on 2-1/2 hours of sleep