My last minute excursion to SD paid off just an hour into the first day we were able to hit the Hills! It was the first thing that had went right for me since leaving home. Our flight in Atlanta was delay 1.5 hours which caused us to miss our connector in Denver and our first morning's hunt, you wanna talk about upset! Then finally arrive in Rapid City SD at 11:45am to find that my gun is on it's way to Washington. The gun was re-routed and made it to me at 3:00pm in the Rapid City. We eventually made it into the Black Hills at 5:00pm, it was sure good to be back! At 6:10pm I had my single season slam complete when I talked a gobblin' Merriam longbeard into 25 yards.
I had the camera mount on my gun for the hunt also, best video we've gotten from it so far. . . . I'll get it up as soon as I'm able.
Me, the bird, and the rental huntin' Nissan Versa!!