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Everything posted by Covehnter

  1. And I do believe that line made a shift to the north to put it there with all the hype about the Grand Slam. I thought it was through Orlando. . . . . . but whatever nwtf publishes is what they're gonna take if you are tryin' to put one in the books so good luck.
  2. Thanks to the mods for another great setup!! You guys make it happen!!
  3. Osceolas are not all Florida has . . . . get south enough so that when you sleep at night you can rest assured that the feathers on your wall came from a true black wing. In other words avoid the "probably's" and get south of Orlando. Hit the Cypress.
  4. I've killed several longbeards over the head of bearded hens, they liked them enough to follow them to the gun. In GA we can't legally take bearded hens but that's something I wouldn't do personally bc one less hen equals several less birds next year. Hens are just part of the game.
  5. I'll take it! And let's talk glass, I'm still looking for a glass to tote out west. Send me a pm with some details. You ever get a site up and running?
  6. Fine lookin idea to me! I am gonna have to figure out what I need to do about getting another one of those short billed caps to drag around with me on my adventures next year. I think I am gonna start tryin to knock states off for a 49 state slam by age let's say 40. Gonna have to start out west though cause I sure do love those Merriams and Rios.
  7. Congrats on the fine season. I've wondered about what those Canadian birds would think about a hen with a southern draw! those are some fine longbeards!
  8. Nice bird! Congrats! I just realized that I am done huntin for the spring and there are guys still killin longbeards. I WILL be extending my season next year.
  9. Somehow I find a way to keep a job through the spring.
  10. Tough year?!?!?! Heck Boom, just close the door!!! Bird in the bag!!!
  11. Who still has a tag they're tryin' to fill? Everyone got there fat boys all ready to enter? I had completely forgotten to finish up my part with the submission form, i'll get that in soon.
  12. My last minute excursion to SD paid off just an hour into the first day we were able to hit the Hills! It was the first thing that had went right for me since leaving home. Our flight in Atlanta was delay 1.5 hours which caused us to miss our connector in Denver and our first morning's hunt, you wanna talk about upset! Then finally arrive in Rapid City SD at 11:45am to find that my gun is on it's way to Washington. The gun was re-routed and made it to me at 3:00pm in the Rapid City. We eventually made it into the Black Hills at 5:00pm, it was sure good to be back! At 6:10pm I had my single season slam complete when I talked a gobblin' Merriam longbeard into 25 yards. I had the camera mount on my gun for the hunt also, best video we've gotten from it so far. . . . I'll get it up as soon as I'm able. Me, the bird, and the rental huntin' Nissan Versa!!
  13. Havent had a chance to get this posted up due to being outta town. This is what we were able to get done the last weekend of Georgia's turkey season. I had been watchin' this group of birds for the better part of a week. So the evening of mother's day my girlfriend and I slipped in and made a setup in an attempt for her first turkey. They came into the field and an hour later I finally struck a nerve with them using a hard fighting purr that drug the 6 juvi's to the decoys for a fight. After a sparrin' match with Scrappy, Jamie swept one of them off their feet with a swift blow from a 2 3/4" #6 Supreme. She was beyond excited, I'll have the video as soon as I'm able to find a little more time around the computer.
  14. Wow. You guys out west really have a lot of interesting elements and wildlife that is sure different from what we are able to find here in the southeast. What an awesome encounter.
  15. Sorry to hear that you weren't able to make things come together in SD and I hope everyone is well in the family. I was up your way for the last 4 days of SD season, tagged a nice longbeard Thursday to finish my season slam. I'll post it later today hopefully.
  16. If you know where that bird roosts that well, get a blind- get in a solid hour before light- pop it up under that sucker and wait for flydown!
  17. Thatta boy, nice bird! Sounds like you had a day full of longbeards and left plenty for next year. Did your bil get a nice bird too?
  18. Sounds like you've got the plan. All you can do is try and think like a bird. Don't be afraid to put the blind right out in the middle of the field if you think that's what ya need to do. No need to brush it in either. Just make sure not to bump the blind with birds close. Good Luck
  19. I told you he'd be right back! Now aim small miss small and bring us some feathers! Good Luck.