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Everything posted by njbowhntr

  1. Anyone own one of these? I am thinking about the 4-12x. Been searching around the net for a bit here and all the reviews seem to be really good. And for the price. It is for my new .308, sorry wifes new .308.
  2. hunterbobb is very correct. I did type that incorrectly. It is the recoil lug that is glass bedded, not the locking lug.
  3. Not sure how that range report is going to work out. We are gearing up for a shut-down at work. We started Monday-Saturday 10 hour days. This is supposed to go till about Thanksgiving. The good thing is I will have the money to get the trigger replaced when the job is done. And enouth for a scope and new mounting system, I am thinking something with a picatinny rail or the DNZ mounting system.
  4. Got the call last week, and picked it up in friday. I dropped off the wife's Remington short action receiver at the gunsmith in January. Well it is finally back. He started off my blueprinting/trueing the receiver. Then he polished the bolt and matte finished the receiver. After that he sent it out to ER Shaw for a 2.5 contour stainless steel .308 barrel. But for some reason I did not get a 2.5 contour, I ended up with a 3 contour. No worries though, I kinda like the heavier barrel. Then he fitted the Bell and Carlson aluminum bedded stock I have for the barrel. Final fit included glass bedding the locking lug. I also added a Remington detachable magazine to the mix. For now I put the old Leupold low rings and my Nikon Buckmaster 3-9x40mm on top. Final weight of 10 lbs. Well here she is:
  5. I tried to pattern them out of my 870 in 12ga and 20ga. Could not get them as close as the Lightfields. They were not bad, just not as tight.
  6. I do not walk with an arrow knocked. I do not still hunt with an arrow knocked. It is just one more way to get yourself hurt by your own arrow. We never mean to fall, it just happens. And if you have an arrow knocked, the fall just became alot worse. I have shot alot of deer still hunting with the longbow, and I have to knock the arrow before shooting. Here is a question taken from the NJ bowhunting exam: 35. T F You should walk to your treestand with an arrow knocked in case you see a deer along the way. Just so you know, the answer is "F"alse. 35 T F You should walk to your treestand with an arrow knocked in case you see a deer along the way.
  7. I have been looking at heading down there, but not for a few years. I did find this. You could try the phone # it gives. I will be giving it a call on monday or tuesday. http://www.wvdnr.gov/Hunting/D4WMAareas.shtm#52d4
  8. If you want to keep wood, then just work on the stock you have. You can just strip it down, give it a good sanding, and re-finish. I have never used them, but I have read many stock finishing articles on the web. It seems that the Birchwood Casey products have great reviews. They give you the instructions for a satin (cut) finish or a gloss finish. And in-expensive.
  9. Well the stock option has been changed. Today I ordered a Bell and Carlson Medalist in olive drab black web. Rifle-accuracy has them inletted for a DM. So all I am going to have to do is open the barrel channel. I will probably still have the gunsmith glass bed it while he is doing the barrel channel, it could not hurt.
  10. Certain Burris scopes are made in the USA. I know that their Signature Select scope is made in the USA, because I own one. The Euro Diamond's, Black Diamond's, handgun scopes, the Scout, and the XTR's are made in the USA also.
  11. Well I finally dropped off my Remington 700 short action to the gunsmith. He is blueprinting the action. Then it is getting sent to ER Shaw for a 24" 2.5 contour stainless .308. When it gets back from that he is going to open up the channel on the stock and glass/pillar bed for me. Then I get it back to finish off the finish on the stock. I am going with a Boyd laminated stock. I will have to open up the bottom for a detachable magazine. The only thing is the time frame, Shaw is saying 4 months. But for the price I have nothing but time.
  12. I have been shooting LR for about 3 years now. I have taken 2 nice bucks with it. At the range I can get 1" groups at 100yards out of a 336c, if I really put my heart into it. Mostly shoots 1.5" to 2" groups. As for deer. I shot the first one at about 70 yards. He went 30 yards after impact. Both lungs were destroyed with a large exit hole. As for the second deer, well only a 8 yard shot. He went about 20 yards. Took out near shoulder, both lungs and massive exit wound. I am hooked for life. A friend of mine got his buck in NY with the LR ammo also. 70-80 yard shot. Deer went 40 yards after being hit. Same as above, both lungs gone with massive exit wound.
  13. Congrats. Your link is invalid. So no pic.
  14. Pops hunting in High Bridge tonight. He said he saw about 20 deer in all. All does, yearling does and buttons. But at least he saw deer. Tomorrow night I will be out with him. Hopefully the wind lays down in the afternoon or near dark.
  15. Well pops sat in his stand tonight. But can see my stand from his. He said there was a small 6-ptr and a doe under my stand for almost an hour. Then right at dark he said a really big bodied deer came out of the woods to his left. It crossed the over grown field and then started to angle towards my stand. He said at this time the 6-ptr got real antzy. He could not get the binos on him because he had a small button under his tree. But at least we know there is another big something walking around.
  16. I feel your pain. I sat yesterday afternoon. I saw all the resident buttons and does. Oh yea, the resident spike also. As for this morning, nothing at all. I think I saw one about 100 yards off, but too quick to tell if it was my eyes playing tricks or a deer. Dad is out in my stand tonight. Will see.
  17. That is one goofy rack. Congrats on a great shot.
  18. You could try contacting Bullseye Outfitters. They are located in Pa. They are a booking agent for outfitters. I have heard very good things about who they book for and how they treat their clients. I am going to be using them for a fly in bear hunt in Canada in the next few years.
  19. Well you should change your signature then. Because you do not love the hunt. Many hunters have had harder times than you and still made it out. Because they really did "love the hunt." You are using the line because you think it is cool, not because you mean it. If your word is that weak, then I say sell everything because you are not a man of his word. If you really believe the words that your signature says, then you will be in the woods again. It is up to you. You have to decide whether this is a passion or just something you do to get out of the house. If you are serious. Let me know what you have for sale. I like yard sales.
  20. They started talking about this several years ago when they could not figure out why some coyotes in the area were about 1.5x the size of coyotes in this area. A farmer friend of mine shot a coyote/wolf mix as far back as 1994, she weighed 83lbs.
  21. Congrats on a great deer there.
  22. Congrats to both you and your daughter. That is awesome.