Well letting the little ones walk paid off. I harvested a nice 6 ptr, should have been an 8 but both brow tines were broken off. He is my best buck to date.
He came in to the stand with about 20 mins. of light left in the day. He was quartered away from me at 8 yards when I got to draw back, me looking at his right side. The arrow went through the liver and right lung, he twisted alot when I drew back. He went about 75 yards. Being he went into a nasty swamp with briars, I recovered him the next day.
16" inside spread
10 3/8" tip - tip
17 1/2" greatest outside
18 1/2" right main
8 1/2" & 6" right tines
17 3/4" left main
7 1/2" & 7 1/8" left tines
4" & 2 7/8" right circumferance
3 7/8" & 3 " left circumferance
He looks funny because I had already pulled the rear quarters and backstraps.