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Everything posted by njbowhntr

  1. How was the rack? Where did he get him at?
  2. Congratulations on your buck. There is nothing like the first one. You will remember him forever.
  3. Congrats on an awesome buck
  4. Very nice buck. Congrats. You gotta love it when your hard work pays off.
  5. Well letting the little ones walk paid off. I harvested a nice 6 ptr, should have been an 8 but both brow tines were broken off. He is my best buck to date. He came in to the stand with about 20 mins. of light left in the day. He was quartered away from me at 8 yards when I got to draw back, me looking at his right side. The arrow went through the liver and right lung, he twisted alot when I drew back. He went about 75 yards. Being he went into a nasty swamp with briars, I recovered him the next day. Measurements: 16" inside spread 10 3/8" tip - tip 17 1/2" greatest outside 18 1/2" right main 8 1/2" & 6" right tines 17 3/4" left main 7 1/2" & 7 1/8" left tines 4" & 2 7/8" right circumferance 3 7/8" & 3 " left circumferance He looks funny because I had already pulled the rear quarters and backstraps.
  6. I understand the wanting to save money thing, trust me. But, you should have a set of arrows set up just for the recurve. The feathers will be more forgiving off the shelf, and shooting a helical will help the arrow in flight also. Arrow wise I shoot the Gold Tips Traditional carbon with feathers. As for broadheads, definately a cut on contact. At present I am shooting the G5 Montec. I am probably going to switch to the Wensel Woodsmans 150gr for next season.
  7. I agree 100%. I do own a Remington 870 w/ rifled barrel, it shoots well. I have shot the H&R, great shooting gun. It is a bit on the heavy side. But what a shooting gun.
  8. I have never been elk hunting, so I have no information for you. But I would like to say congratulations on drawing a near impossible tag. Good Luck
  9. The only Bear's Paw archery that I am familiar with is a guy who makes custom longbows and recurves in Montana.
  10. I do not own one, but have been looking at one for a few years. I want mine for deer hunting in the thicker woods of Maine.
  11. For factory ammo I shoot Remington Core-Lokts. Everytime I put my shoot where it is supposed to go, deer travels no more than 50 yards after hit. For my dad's Rem 700 .300 Mag I shoot the 180's, at the range I was getting sub 1" at 100 yards. If it is not broke, Do not try to fix it...
  12. So far I only have one with the compound bow. My next bear hunt will be in the spring of 2009, using the longbow on that hunt. But if I was going to rifle hunt it would probably be 30-06 or maybe 308 if over bait, spot and stalk would be the 7mm STW.
  13. It is kinda costly, but a nice sand pile for a backstop. You, and the people around you, will feel alot safer when shooing into a 20ton pile of sand.
  14. I have been shooting a longbow for 2 seasons now. Last year I did hunt a couple of days with the compound, and even took a buck with it. This is going to be the first year that I will be exclusive, but I still own the compound. At present I shoot a Steve Welte "Deathwish" Longbow that is 64" tip-tip. It is set at 53# @ 28". I am hurling the Gold Tip Traditional carbon arrows topped with 125gr Montecs. Soon I will be shooting a Neil Jacobson's Bear Paws Takedown Longbow set up at 56# @ 28". My buck from last year:
  15. Congrats on a nice looking buck.
  16. I had that happen last year trying to get my new license at the Wal Mart in Phillipsburg. Now I just go to Rendevous in Flemington. At least they are good with the computer process.
  17. I have yet to shoot a deer with them, but the Hornady's are for me. I have had excellent results with them at the range out to 200 yards.
  18. I keep my eye on it to see what is going on. I do promote the hunt. But I will never hunt in it. For some reason NJ feels that archery is not a valid way to shoot a bear. Until that happens I will not be hunting it, but I will promote it any chance I get.
  19. njbowhntr

    G5 Broadheads

    I shoot the G5 Montecs 125's out of my longbow. They shoot the best out of any other fixed/cut-on-contact I have tried. And they are quiet in flight.
  20. Personally I like my 7mm STW. But in a pinch I guess I like my .243 also.
  21. NJ has figured that they can not outlaw hunting. So they are just trying to make it so expensive that you just have to quit. I think it is ridiculous. But I guess for now I have to keep paying and figure a way to work with different groups to get this changed in the future.
  22. Do you do any hunting on the naval bases down there Master Chief? I hunted on Oceana and I think it was Dam Neck, where the OS's go to A-school.