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Everything posted by hogwild63

  1. On most every other BB I frequent, I am just hogwild but that was taken when I registered here so I tacked on 63 (born in 1963). I wish I could drop the 63.
  2. 7+ years as a probation officer for Dallas County and 2+ years to even get vested in the pension plan. Not going anywhere else at least until then.
  3. How about if we all pray that boy is able to see and hear the game... just maybe.
  4. Finally! Thanks VermontHunter, I finally got to enter. I had given up as I was getting the loop as well.
  5. yep. As a probation officer, these are the toughest cases to deal with. Thankfully, parole officers deal with these cases more often. The problem is, it is real tough to adjudicate these cases. Hopefully, it will get easier as more education about shaken baby syndrome gets out. I think I have some information around here somewhere. Prayers sent for all involved.
  6. That's exactly what they hope you will think. I asked a telemarketer for HSUS if they had an anti-hunting stance and they said they did. I asked them not to call my house again. They called again and asked for my wife.
  7. I am using Trinity Credit Counseling, www.trinitycredit.org This site will tell you the difference between debt consolidation loan and debt menegement program. I have about $30k in credit card debt from a previous failed business (plus other issues I won't go into). It is very tough but worth it as they will handle the communication with the credit card companies and make the proposals as well. All of my cards are below 10% interest. You will make one monthly payment to them. They have stuck by me when things are tough (like this month and last summer ). PLEASE read the information on debt consolidation before you do anything. This comoany is not a rip off.
  8. The best alarm system is a dog... A BIG DOG!
  9. Seems like the guys from Wisconsin have a problem with Jessica... or is it with Tony.
  10. Vote for Gumball! For those of you who hate Bryant Gumball, go to this link and vote!! http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/story/7606260?MSNHPHMA
  11. Congrats. Is this how I get to be a moron too?
  12. Nice T-shirt. glad you had a good Christmas!
  13. I haven't pulled the trigger on an animal in over 4 years as we lost our lease after 15 years on the same place when the land was sold. The last year on the lease was dedicated to getting my son his first deer, then getting invites for my son to hunt each year after that. I got on another lease this year and my buck went to my son. I can get a mature spike and 2 does. I went hunting this past weekend with my brother-in-law and he took a doe. We skinned and quatered it ourselves. I had opportunity to take my doe several times but I don't have the money right now to process it and did not want to mess with another deer. But, I sure did enjoy being out in the country watching the deer and helping my brother-in-law with his deer. It's a 5 hour drive to the lease. Living in the city, limited opportunity to go to the country and plenty of wildlife to see, makes it hard to leave. I don't know if going every weekend and deer hunting being slow paced has anything to do with loosing the desire for deer hunting and taking up the passion for a more exciting duck hunting. Maybe if a monster came out while you are in the stand would get your blood pumping again. The mere possibility of that happening keeps me wanting to go out again and again.
  14. We were burglarized on October 2nd. They kicked in the back door in broad daylight and stole $1000 worth of jewelry, a bike, 75 DVD's and my hunting backpack. I believe they took off when my wife drove up (the front and back window shades were separated as if someone were looking out). It's tough knowing someone invaded your home. Even with all the arrest reports I read, I can't imagine coming home and finding a loved one has been killed. I believe we were fortunate they saw her drive up instead of her walking in on them. These criminals should never see the outside of prison walls. I will lift up all those affected up in prayer.
  15. 3:00am - the 13 year old has a cough get a cough drop, go back to bed. Yes, he peaked. 5:00am - Can we get up now? No, go back to bed. He played his game boy in his room until 7:50am. 7:50am - Can we get up now? OK, go wake up your sister.
  16. Oh, I hate hearing things like this right before Christmas. Prayers sent from Texas.
  17. "and on th eother end of town, Schartz was getting his"...
  18. sigh... I feel their pain... I feel your pain... I feel my pain... Then again, man we are blessed!!!!!! Sit back and realize that God left his Throne to come down to earth in human form to feel OUR pain. Merry Christmas!!
  19. I guess size does matter. Sorry, couldn't resist. This does not sound like good natured teasing. As long as you didn't have to wipe the milk off her lips, I don't see what is the big deal either. Regarding the above post, taking injured deer from the herd is also good management. Also, just because the deer is 50 lbs does not mean it is not a mature doe.
  20. hogwild63

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    This is happening to me as well. I am not deleating my cookies either.
  21. Here is my son Michael with his 8pt he got this year. He is 13. Here he is with his Black Hawaiian ram at age 11. ONT] Here is Michael and I with the ram. Here is my daughter Lauren. She is a few years older than this picture. This is what it is all about right here! Good idea, TT.
  22. Here is my son's (Michael) 8pt from this year taken in Menard, Tx.
  23. You share the moment with the rest of us. Thanks to everyone involved. Great Christmas story.
  24. Thank you very much, davet! I'm sure we could arange a raffle for the cabinet. PM me the details of what you were thinking.