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Everything posted by AdvantageTimberLou

  1. Prayers sent Steve, sorry I have not been on here much. Sorry to read this post on you. May God make you better my friend and grace the hands and minds of the doctors and nurses caring for you.
  2. Happy Birthday Corey! Hope you had a great birthday!
  3. My season has ended here in Michigan, had a great time being on the team. Close contest indeed!
  4. Merry Christmas to all my teammates! Wish you all the best and to those still hunting, good luck and be safe! 2nd place and closing in on 1st!
  5. First off, XT if I look like your brother, you have a good looking brother! I just posted a picture of the buck and the tag information in the scoring thread. As for my camo choice dog, I have gone to Realtree AP as Advantage Timber is just a thing of the past! I took this picture with the assistance of my camera on a tripot. Shortly after taking this picture and field dressing him, it started to snow. Was an awesome day!
  6. 6 pt. buck taken with a bow on Nov. 10th, 2011 AdvanTimberLou Team #6 Whitetail Freaks [ATTACH=CONFIG]11250[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11251[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]11252[/ATTACH]
  7. Happy Birthday Shaun! Enjoy your day!
  8. AdvanTimberLou Team #6: Whitetail Freaks 6 point buck taken Nov. 10th here in Michigan
  9. thanks is the buck I got with my bow....
  10. Hello guys and sorry I have not been around much. Been busy but not to busy to get some hunting in! On Nov. 10th at 10am while bowhunting, using my Primos "The Can" call, I called in a 6 pointer with a 14 1/4" spread. Broadside shot at 22 yards, double lunged him and he went 50 yards and crashed. Was very happy to get him. Still out doing some late archery hunting and hope to beat this guy if I can. Good luck to all those still out hunting, be safe and successful! I will post a picture soon so we can get the points added to the team.
  11. Hope he heals up soon, always cool seeing what Randy can do with a bow! Thanks for the update Darla, tell him Lou sends prayers for a quick recovery!
  12. Hello Shaun! Good luck with hunting season and the new place my friend. I don't get on here myself nearly as much as I would like to. Always know that my Realtree family is here though!
  13. watched the History Channel last night and got chills watching that footage all over sad what happened that day and never forget where I was and how I felt.
  14. Can't be too proud when your out pimpin! How you been muggs? I didn't win, lost by 14 likes. Hope to get on here some more, keeps me busy as do my two little girls... so internet time is a premium it seems! Thanks for the help today guys and hope to spend some time with my Realtree family!
  15. That is what I shoot and Blazers work awesome! They hold up extremely well and the flight is awesome!
  16. Hello everyone, old Lou needs some "likes" on Doinker's FB page. 2nd place has soared into a lead all of a sudden. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Contest over on Doinker's Facebook page, the winner is who gets the most "likes" on a picture they submitted and get a hunting stabilizer set-up. I sure could use some "likes" to catch the winner. You need to first "like" Doinker's Facebook page in order to "like" my picture. My picture is the 3D elk I shot at 45 yards with my Martin Onza 3. Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More Contest ends today at noon Pacific time. That is 3:00 eastern time. Thanks everyone!
  17. There might not be a turkey contest this year but everyone please remember our friend David on your hunts.
  18. Shaun_300 sent me a RT AP camo hat sporting a moose on it! Some fishing lures to hopefully catch some Saginaw Bay walleyes this summer, some golf tees that will definitely get some use this summer, and a big package of handwarmers that I was needing as I ran out over gun season. Those handwarmers are awesome on stand! Thanks again Shaun and hope you and your family has a Merry Christmas!
  19. Congrats on 21 years together you two crazy kids!
  20. I have some time off work now so after Christmas I am doing some late archery hunting. Should be fun, we got snow and its cold and the deer should be moving better than they did in November. Good luck to those still trying to fill their 2010 tags. Merry Christmas team!
  21. $85.00 tyd. Lowest I can go on these with me paying the shipping. USPS postal money order. These are new, I tried them on once.
  22. These are still available! Still time to have these under the Christmas tree!
  23. No longer available. These have been traded. Thanks. :toot: