With the wife going to dog shows in the next few weeks, hunting was going to be limited. Well the hunting Gods must have seen my situation as my spring season is over.
Went to one spot this morning, had a jake excited but he would not commit to the set-up. Plus he had to cross a river! Then I decided to hunt another spot in the next county. Weather was not the greatest, 30 MPH winds and scattered rain showers.
Well 8 minutes after I am set-up at the new spot, hit the box call a few times to hopefully get the sound out there with the 30 MPH winds, and two longbeards came in to my set-up. 20 yard shot, the Limbsaver Speedzone rocked his world!
His buddy stayed around for a few minutes, we are only allowed one bird per season or he'd be bird #2 for me!
Was an awesome hunt. Sadly I was all by myself on this hunt but it was a hunt I will never forget!
BTW: Those NAP Bloodrunners leave an awesome entry and exit hole!
Will post my score later. Have to run the numbers!
20 lbs.
1 1/8" spurs
11 inch beard
His beard shows signs he was a scrapper! LOL!!