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Everything posted by AdvantageTimberLou

  1. Awesome job Wacoyote! Congratulations to you and your daughter. I have been out with my 3 year old daughter chasing turkeys and will take a deer if it comes near our Ameristep ground blind. Got my vacation plans from work to hunt the rut hard this year! Best of luck team and congrats again to those that have had success.
  2. Well, one can't say your life is boring Ruth! LOL!! Can only get better my friend!
  3. Looks great William, thanks for sharing the progress.
  4. Craig's a good man. Wish him all the best as well as his family. Myself I don't get on here like I use to but does not mean I don't like this place. I am a classifieds moderator over at and it takes the majority of my internet time....well that and the addition to Facebook! I do wish all of those that leave, do come back someday and check in and say hi.
  5. I still remember that night on here when Buckee, BowtechTurkeyHunter, and myself put two and two together and realize our friend David was part of that terrible tragedy. Never slept that night. Still miss our friend, he was one of a kind and basically an Angel that God put down here to save people. This new news makes you shake your head and wonder who is watching who?
  6. Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. Best of luck in the dating years!
  7. Guys, I know Rodney from and he is one of the nicest guys around. Class act and if your lucky enough to get picked. You will like what Athens has to offer. He represents them well! Great to see you posting over here Rodney! Lou
  8. That is cool. Myself I am an engineer and the wife is an accountant! I had one class in accounting and you all can have those debits and credits! You touch more young people's lives Chris than you may ever know. Awesome to see this young man take the time to let you know it!
  9. That is simple awesome Gary. You know I do these deals with my friends and then when you see how the item touches someone's lives.....makes it all worth it. Looks great on your dad Gary. You made my day! Take care and thanks for sharing.
  10. Great looking doe Wimpy, congratulations my friend! Awesome job!
  11. Prayers being sent my friend, hope God shines down on you soon, you could really use it.
  12. Congratulations on the first of hopefully many more!
  13. What a great buck! Congratulations and glad you found him.
  14. Congrats Jason! Great looking doe my friend!
  15. I have one of Gary's necklaces, top quality work here folks and well worth his price. Thanks again Gary!
  16. I think we just have to PM an administrator/moderator to change it. I went out Sunday afternoon, seen 8. 2 spikehorns with 6 does, 2 of the mature does were bigger than the spikehorns. Also got a turkey tag and went out Sunday morning, heard some, just couldn't get them close enough. Best of luck everyone! Be safe and have fun!
  17. Congrats to both of them on some successful hunts. I met them at a Hunting Expo earlier this year. They simply are a treat to talk to and so personable. Plus they seem made for each other. Wish them continued success too!
  18. Sorry to hear about this. At least no one was hurt. One thing that is a blessing, it never caught anything else on fire. That is why my dad with his trucking company never parks his trucks side by side by side for fear of losing multiple trucks instead of one. By the looks of it, thats a Peterbilt isn't it? Sure looked like a nice truck. Sure hope you can put the driver to work. If he is willing to travel to Michigan, I am sure my dad could get him behind the wheel driving again. Best of luck buddy, sorry this had to happen.
  19. That is a great buck! Congrats lil Strut! Awesome deal!
  20. What a cutie pie! Congrats grandpa!
  21. Man Gary you are busy but man that looks like a fun and exciting schedule. I will get out this weekend myself. Racing season is over now. Good luck team! BTW: Are we going to be called "Realtree Bone Collectors" as a team name?
  22. You got a good woman Al, then again if she married you, she is reaping the rewards as well. You have a soulmate indeed, best of luck hunting this year my friend.
  23. Cool deal Gary. I have yet to get out but plan on soon. Got a stock car race in Toledo with my friend Steve this weekend.