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Everything posted by Born4it

  1. Re: Waxing your String Definitely use a little piece of leather! It makes it much less painful. Good luck, Ryan
  2. Re: Do you know where you will be? I'll be on the edge of a standing corn field (sounds stupid huh... ) that they've torn all up. There's a creek behind me and a funnel to my right, so hopefully they'll all come right in front of me for about a 15 yard chip shot! Good luck, Ryan
  3. Re: Anyone tried the Muzzy MX 4\'s? Anyone?
  4. Re: Your Chosen Broadhead? 100 gr. G5 Montecs. They're sharp and fly like a dream! Good luck, Ryan
  5. Re: 06-07 RT Forum Deer Contest - SIGN-UP Born4it (Ryan) 20 years old Oct. 1-Middle of January (Illinois) Shotgun seasons-weekends before and after Thanksgiving Muzzleloader season-2nd weekend after Thanksgiving Thanks a lot, need2hunt! Ryan
  6. I'm shooting 250gr. Shockwaves through a 50 cal TC Encore, and I'll be shooting 150 grains of powder. I want the cleanest powder pellets on the market or the easiest to clean. Thanks for the input! Good luck, Ryan
  7. I think last time I changed it I did something different than what I'm trying to do now. Now all that happens is a window shows up with a bunch of weird pictures and asks me if I want to use one of those. When I click submit it tells me that I have an invalid picture type. Thanks, Ryan
  8. I'm pretty sure they're new, and I can't decide whether to buy them or stick with the G5 Montecs I used last season. Thanks for the input! Take care, Ryan
  9. Has anyone tried the Mossy Oak clothing that's supposed to kill your scent? I think it's called like APX or something like that. The pants are used as a base layer and are insulated and the shirts can be worn as an undergarment or on the outside. Thanks for your input! Take care, Ryan
  10. I was wondering if this is sound that you absolutely need a call to make. I was going to buy one, but I think I can make the sound with my mouth and have heard of people doing it. If you think I should buy one, do you have any favorites? Thanks, Ryan
  11. Re: Albino Peacock (pics) That's awesome! I didn't realize how huge their tailfans are! Take care, Ryan
  12. Re: How Canada got its name. Nice! Heh heh!
  13. I shoot a Remington 870 12 ga. that carries 3 inch shells and has a super full choke. What is the best shell I could be shooting with this gun? Thanks for the input! Take care, Ryan
  14. Re: COUNTDOWN TO TURKEY SEASON!!!!!!!!!! I'm lookin at April 10 here in Illinois! Only 10 more days! Good luck everyone!!! Take care, Ryan
  15. Re: Primos FREAK trouble!!! Help please! Thanks for the replies everyone...I have it up and running again...sounds like a gem! I glued it around the surface where it attaches to the pot and then used the stone part of my slick stick to rough it up. Take care, Ryan
  16. Re: What turkey vest do you all use? I used to use a Guide Series from Gander Mountain, but I just bought a Primos Gobbler Vest and I'm really excited to use it filled up and ready to go! Take care, Ryan
  17. Re: Like to froze but Success! That's an awesome bird, guys! Congrats on a great hunt! Take care, Ryan
  18. Re: whats the prime time for turkeys? I hunt in Schuyler and McDonough Counties, and I'd have to say that something can be said for your first few days in the woods along with late second and most of third season. Depending on the pressure in your area and how many turkeys there are, I know people that kill their birds in the first few days they're out, partly because they haven't learned that your particular calls are coming from a person (not educated yet), and it's still just a tad soon for the hens to be receptive to breeding. You might catch some anxious gobblers answering your calls early, but when I fill out the application for my extra permit, I always ask for third season. I guess you could say it's like the rut around where I hunt. Third season is around the third week in April and it's when they start getting ready to breed. That's when I've known them to be most receptive to calling. That's my take, but remember that it depends on certain factors in your area, too. Overall, just get out there as much as possible! Good Luck!!! Take care, Ryan
  19. All right, I've been a supporter of Primos since I started hunting, and last year I went out and bought the Freak slate call in crystal. It worked for a while and sounded great! No problems...but after a while, it started to sound awful! I've tried everything to get it to sound the same again. I've tried conditioning it all over again with the rough sand paper then the fine sand paper and the course green pad they give you to smooth it out a little. All it does is squeak now. I'm wondering if maybe I scratched it all the way down to where there's no original surface left, like there's none of the crystal remaining, but I didn't go THAT crazy on it. I've got the Power Crystal and recently bought the new Jackpot, both of which are crystal and require roughing up on your own, and they both work fine. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Take care, Ryan
  20. Re: Quotes by Turkey Hunters. My girlfriend said this on our first date, which was obviously turkey hunting last season. I was teaching her about calling and after a while she said..."This is CLUCKIN' awesome!" I couldn't help but laugh. It was the start of a great relationship! Take care, Ryan
  21. Born4it


    Re: heart They'll go a little farther than if you poke out both lungs, but don't count on losing the deer on a heart shot! Take care, Ryan
  22. Re: GIANT DEER STATE OF CHOICE ??? Almakee County, Iowa or Pike County, in McDonough County, IL so it wouldn't be a far jaunt, but that's where the bruisers live! Can't complain about Schuyler though, that's where the farm is and we've taken some nice deer! Take care, Ryan
  23. Re: what broadheads you all use 100 grain Montecs...used to use 100 grain Muzzy 3-blade. Take care, Ryan
  24. Re: Hoyt or Matthews? It's not really a question of which brand is better, but a question of which fits you the best. Like what's already been said, shoot every bow you're thinking about buying and pick the one that's the most comfortable and has the features to fit you. Take care, Ryan