Re: whats the prime time for turkeys?
I hunt in Schuyler and McDonough Counties, and I'd have to say that something can be said for your first few days in the woods along with late second and most of third season. Depending on the pressure in your area and how many turkeys there are, I know people that kill their birds in the first few days they're out, partly because they haven't learned that your particular calls are coming from a person (not educated yet), and it's still just a tad soon for the hens to be receptive to breeding. You might catch some anxious gobblers answering your calls early, but when I fill out the application for my extra permit, I always ask for third season. I guess you could say it's like the rut around where I hunt. Third season is around the third week in April and it's when they start getting ready to breed. That's when I've known them to be most receptive to calling. That's my take, but remember that it depends on certain factors in your area, too. Overall, just get out there as much as possible! Good Luck!!!
Take care,