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Everything posted by Born4it

  1. Re: Good Cut-on-Contact Broadhead I've heard good things about the Montecs, but one thing I have heard is that if you're taking anything but a broadside shot it tends to glance off Just what I've heard...but I use the 3-blade 100gr. Muzzys. Good luck in your search! Ryan
  2. Born4it

    NEW BOW!!!

    All right guys, I've been saving up for quite a while now (college students don't have cash flow...per say) and I've decided it is time! Farm King (local string) has all Hoyt bows 10% off and on top of that it's their "We pay the tax Weekend." So I'm goin out there and buying a 2005 ViperTec for just $540 I'm putting a Trophy Ridge XChanger stabilizer on it along with a Dusk Devil II sight and I'm gonna be shootin some Gold Tip Pro Hunter 5575's through a Muzzy Zero Effect drop-away rest I just wanted to share my excitement because I don't think the girl sitting next to me in the computer lab would appreciate it as much as you guys and girls Good luck to everyone in leagues, 3D shoots, turkey season, and next deer season-I'm already pumped! Take 'r' easy! Ryan P.S. Take a look at the bow if you want!
  3. Born4it

    Your Opinion:

    Re: Your Opinion: Being from Illinois and hunting fairly close to Pike, Adams, Brown, and those powerhouse counties I'd be a little biased, but I say yes, you have a much better chance of shooting a booner in Illinois or Iowa than in many other states. People in my state take for granted the fact that we have a chance to hunt HUGE deer!! I'm sure everyone saw pictures of Dexter's Buck (the Macomb Monster, which is where I'm from, Macomb), and he was hunting in McDonough county which isn't even considered a great, great county in IL. Now that I'm on my pedistal, I'd also like to point out the fact that my best friend's girlfriend checked that deer in at the station VERY COOL PICS SHE BROUGHT OVER THAT NIGHT!!!! As for Alberta, Sask, Montana, South Texas...I'm sure that you'd have a better shot at a big deer there than a lot of other states just because of all the hearsay. People wouldn't talk about it SO much if it wasn't a little bit true at least. Another thing we have to realize is that it depends on your herd, your ground, etc. i.e. If you use Quality Deer Management techniques and plant minerals for your deer, your chances would increase no matter what state you live in. That's way more than my 2 cents, hope it helped!! Good luck! Ryan
  4. Re: what types of..... $40 Hunters View hang ons!! College students gotta find a deal! Great stand for the price at Wally World. Good luck, Ryan
  5. Re: Favorite type of...... Definitely Advantage Timber for Illinois!! Easily my favorite. The others seem a little too dark colored, especially Mossy Oak!! Good luck, Ryan
  6. What's a brand new one gonna run me in a pro shop?? Thanks a lot, Ryan
  7. Ok guys...I've fished before, owned a few poles, a few lures and stuff. I've gone with my dad a few times, but we've never been big fishermen. Now I've got a few friends who fish quite a bit and I'm looking to get set up with a rod and reel. I'm thinking about getting a set up for panfish and a set up for bass/catfish and other larger fish. I'd like to get some good stuff without denting the wallet too badly. (hopefully get the rods and reels for around $75 total if possible). Let me know what I should look in to! Thanks a lot! Ryan
  8. Re: Check Those Strings!!!! I've got some first hand experience with not paying enough attention to my bowstring...I was goin out to my farm this fall all pumped about the evening's hunt and I opened up my bowcase and my string was snapped, frayed all over the place. Those were some of the most quiet four-letter words I've ever said I agree with the title! Check those strings!!! Good luck, RYan
  9. I'm buying a new Hoyt before next season and I'm looking for an estimated value on what I've got now for budgeting purposes. I have a 2000 Hoyt MagnaTec (good condition) along with... New bow string (shot less than 20 times)-$40 new Trophy Ridge Nitro Extreme sight (excellent condidion)-$90 new X-Ring stabilizer (excellent condition)-$31 new Quicktune two-pronged rest-forgot new price I also have about 10 Carbon Express arrows in perfectly good condition. Also, should I sell it as a whole or sell items seperate? Thanks for the help! Good luck, Ryan
  10. All right guys (and girls)...without thinking about price, what arrow shafts do you think are the BEST ones out right now? Most accurate, consistent, durable, grains per inch...that kinda stuff. I've heard good things about the Gold Tip Pro Hunter, the Beman ICS, and the Easton ST Axis, but I'm not buying three different kinds Thanks for your input! Good luck, Ryan
  11. Re: Easton ST axis...anyone used them I don't know where you guys buy your arrows, but at my pro shop and some of the ones around here they're about 86 bucks for a dozen, and you can get them WAY WAY cheaper on ebay, and some sellers will even cut them and fletch them for you before they send them! Just a suggestion Good luck! Ryan
  12. Can anyone tell me the difference in the ViperTec from the 2004 to 205 models? I know the new ones have the AlphaShox on them and have a slightly different shape/angle to the limbs, but anything else? Thanks a lot! Ryan
  13. Re: Hoyt Hunters I have a MagnaTec and will probably buy one of the 2005 ViperTecs very soon! Hoyts are where it's at man! Ryan
  14. Born4it

    Yes or No?

    Re: Yes or No? As they say in I do think that actual BAITING is a little bit like cheating though. That's be like putting a hot girl on a dance floor and shooting you when you went to talk to her.
  15. Re: Tip of The Week Nice reminder, thank you! Ryan
  16. Re: Tip of The Week Very nice idea, I recently heard that on a video and I totally agree. I can't believe I never noticed that before at our farm, like where the fences are bent down a lot...