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Everything posted by Texan_Til_I_Die

  1. Re: How do you down size a photo format?! HELP!!!! Microsoft Imaging (included with most versions of Windows) and Photo Editor (included with Microsoft Office) will both do it. PM me if you need detailed instructions.
  2. Re: ACLU I'm not that pessimistic. I think that if enough constituents raise enough commotion, the legislators will listen. That's the one thing they fear the most, an informed and involved electorate. Maybe they can grow some cahones...
  3. Re: A little eye candy.......... What do you think of a 1911 for carry? I currently carry a S&W 69 in 9MM but the accuracy isn't too good and I'm also thinking of going to something larger. I keep a 6" 357 in my truck that shoots great, but it's too large for concealment.
  4. Texan_Til_I_Die


    The ACLU has been taking a beating here lately (deservedly so IMO) so I thought I would post this bit of information. Did you know that the bulk of the funding for ACLU lawsuits comes from you, the taxpayer? It's true - the ACLU receives reimbursement from the federal government . Here's how it works: 42 U.S.C., Section 1988, of the United States Code now allows judges to award attorney fees to plaintiffs in civil-rights cases brought against local governments, thereby putting the taxpayers on the hook and oftentimes funneling public money to the ACLU. If you object to this or just think the ACLU is a useless or harmful organization, you should petition your US Representative and Senators to revoke or change 42 U.S.C., Section 1988, of the United States Code.
  5. Re: There goes my 4 wheeler. OK Canadians, let me think about this for a minute. I get free health care if I live there but I pay a 15% sales tax. If I buy $15,000 worth of taxable items per year that comes out to $2250 per year. Times the number of years I live there and pay taxes, say about 50, that comes out to $112,500 total that I'm paying for health care. Whether I use it or not!!! No thanks.
  6. We see and hear a lot about "Faith Based" charities and organizations that are designed to help the needy. But when was the last time you saw or heard of an "Athiest Based" charity??? God Bless you all and Merry Christmas!
  7. Re: World Record Whitetail? [ QUOTE ] The World's Record is known as the Missouri Monarch. It scores 333 7/8. The Hole In the Horn Buck from OH scores 328 2/8 as #2. The Beaty buck is now 5th place. Those farm raised bucks are pumped full of steriods and such. Nothing real about their racks. Calling them world records would be like saying Berry Bonds and Pete Rose should be allowed in the Baseball Hall of Fame. LOL! [/ QUOTE ] Don't think they use steroids on the deer, but they are the result of an intensive breeding program and they get the best possible nutrition from birth. They are also kept away from other bucks so there's no fighting.
  8. Re: World Record Whitetail? [ QUOTE ] I heard the pen raised monster named Goliath died two weeks ago. We was a 400 class deer!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] Here's Goliath's pic from August of 2003. Hadn't heard that he died.
  9. Re: World Record Whitetail? The Lovstuen buck may be the biggest ever taken by a hunter but there's a MUCH bigger one in captivity. His name is High Roller and he scores an amazing 377 2/8 B&C Gross. And unless I'm mistaken, that's more than the current world record Mule Deer! Here's what he looks like...
  10. Re: Thinking and dreaming already are ya?? I'm actually thinking and planning for the next several years, not just next year!
  11. Re: Post Season Scouting The guy that runs the big ranch I hunt on has several quail hunts booked for Jan and Feb, so I'll probably guide a few groups and use that time to do some scouting. Might as well get paid to do my scouting!!!
  12. Re: deer hunting gun I agree that a 357 is about as small as you would want to go. Don't think a 45 ACP is suitable at all. If you don't like the idea of a 44 mag, think about a T/C in 30-30 or some other light "deer rifle" type caliber.
  13. Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada [ QUOTE ] You guys just don't get it...we have no rights given to us by God, it's all been given to us by the government! That's why your guns will soon be taken away just as the nativity scenes that depict the baby Jesus are being taken away. This country is very quickly going to **** and it's the people that believe that God should be taken out of the equasion that are at the wheel. [/ QUOTE ] FYI - Did you know that the founder of the ACLU was/is (not sure if he's still alive) an avowed communist? One of his clearly stated goals is to make the US a socialist state.
  14. Re: best land to hunt You can buy prime deer hunting land in west Texas for about $300 - $350 per acre. Its semi-arid, so its not good for much else, but you can find some that's loaded with deer, turkey, quail and rattlesnakes.
  15. Re: West Texas Deer [ QUOTE ] What part of TX are you hunting? Congrats on the deer. DTH [/ QUOTE ]Between Sweetwater and Snyder
  16. Check out the cartridge ballistic tables in the Rifle forum. I've used both and prefer the 7 MAG just because I hunt an area where extremely long shots are possible, but at "normal" ranges you won't notice much difference in the terminal performance. The 7 MAG will definitely recoil more.
  17. Here's a buck that one of my friends shot last weekend off of the lease. And I was at a Christmas party - What was I thinking??? This is the type of deer we're hunting, probably why we only kill one every 3 or 4 years. Seeing this sure does make it a lot easier to pass up those 18 - 20 inch 10 points....
  18. Re: Math Class I'm just waiting for someone to correct the Spanish - not too sure if its right???
  19. Re: ATTN: RT Hunting on ranches If you hunt Texas, you almost have to hunt private land. There's very little public land (as a percentage of acreage) available, although that's slowly changing. Now what in the world makes you think its easier to hunt low fenced private land (or high fenced for that matter, but that's another topic)? The deer can come and go as they please, same as on public land. No guarantees they'll be there tomorrow. Especially the better quality deer. I thought I had a 20 inch 10 point patterened pretty tight. Saw him leaving a wheat field three different mornings. Passed on him so that a kid I was bringing out could get a shot and sure enough, he just disappeared. Nobody shot him, he just vanished. I've hunted that same location 8 or 10 more times and haven't seen him again. Saw another, bigger 10 point only once - should have shot him but I passed. Some bucks I've seen 8 or 10 different times, but almost every time I go I'll see a new one for the first time. Its just not as easy as you might think.
  20. Teaching Math in 1950: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit? Teaching Math in 1960: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit? Teaching Math in 1970: A logger exchanges a set "L" of lumber for a set "M" of money. The cardinality of set "M" is 100. Each element is worth one dollar. Make 100 dots representing the elements of the set "M." The set "C", the cost of production, contains 20 fewer points than set "M." Represent the set "C" as a subset of set "M". Answer this question: What is the cardinality of the set "P" of profits? Teaching Math in 1980: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20. Teaching Math in 1990: By cutting down beautiful forest trees, the logger makes $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the forest birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down the trees? There are no wrong answers. Teaching Math in 2000: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $120. How does Arthur Andersen determine that his profit is $60? Teaching Math in 2005: El hachero vende un camion carga por $100. La cuesta de produccion es.............
  21. Re: ur gun Ruger Single Six Convertible - 22LR / 22MAG Ruger MarkI - 22LR Ruger MarkII - 22LR Taurus - 357MAG Star Firestar Plus - 9MM T/C Contender - 44MAG, 223, 22LR
  22. Re: Nearly 1/2 of Americans favor restricting Musl There's only one part of these "Restrictions" that I favor, and that's the so called "Racial Profiling" for terrorists. Actually, "Religious Profiling" might be a more accurate term. Its a sad fact, but a fact none the less, that the biggest threat of terrorism currently comes from people who are Muslim. Therefore it only makes sense to focus our scrutiny on Muslims when we're trying to detect and prevent terrorist acts. Here's another example: If we've got a rash of carjackings being perpetrated by white males under the age of 30, why would the police show any interest in a black 60 year old female? Profiling is just another tool for law enforcement or the security community to use.
  23. Re: Pet Nine Point My aunt and uncle that live north of San Antonio had a pet that they raised from a fawn. It ran around loose all of the time, no fences at all. It would come up and eat out of your hand. Loved to play with the dogs and would lick their old black cat until the cat was soaking wet. The deer would actually walk up on their back porch and stare into the windows until someone came out and fed or petted it. Oh yea, the last year they had it, it was a 10 point with a 22in spread - gross around 160 or so...
  24. Re: Broke my favorite knife!! I shot a doe earlier this year and didn't have my regular hunting knife with me, just my little pocket knife. When I gutted her, I didn't have anything to split the breast bone or the pelvis until I thought of the lopping shears in my truck. Talk about making quick work of it - took about 10 seconds to open the chest cavity and another 3 seconds to open the pelvis. No mess, no fuss. So when I got her back to camp and started skinning her, I used the loppers to take off the legs, worked great for that too! You guys really need to try this, you might just throw those saws away. P.S. - Get the good type of loppers that have an anvil on one side and a blade on the other. The two bladed scissor type aren't near as good.
  25. Re: funny named saloons/hangouts In Temple, TX. - "He Ain't Here"