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Everything posted by Texan_Til_I_Die

  1. 3% Vitamin E 2% Aspirin 2% Ibuprofen 1% Vitamin C 5% Spray Starch 87% Fix-A-Flat
  2. Re: S.F. to vote next year on plan to ban handguns [ QUOTE ] Firearms would be allowed only for police officers, security guards, members of the military and anyone else ``actually employed and engaged in protecting and preserving property or life within the scope of his or her employment,'' according to the measure. [/ QUOTE ] Does that mean that I could hire myself to guard my own property and pay myself a salary, then carry a handgun? What a bunch of lunacy!!! I don't even know where to start with this pile of crapola. [ QUOTE ] Barnes said Wednesday that the initiative is a response to the rising homicide rate and other social ills, noting: ``We think there is a wide benefit to limiting the number of guns in the city.'' [/ QUOTE ] The reason you people have all of these "social ills" is because YOU HAVE NO MORALS TO BEGIN WITH!!!! DAMMITT!!!
  3. Re: Bush dodgers (joke) And like all good humor it has its basis in truth!
  4. Re: I wish Va. would place a four point rule! Yep, told ya' to get ready to shovel the poop ... The gift of prophecy is upon me! I must be turning into a god
  5. Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada The RIGHT here is the right to self protection, and in today's society that means owning a firearm. How else is my 5ft 2in 110 lb girlfriend going to defend herself against a 6ft 2in 220 lb intruder? And don't say pepper spray or martial arts - those are fine IF you have a firearm for a backup when they fail, but they'll get you killed if you don't.
  6. Re: I have Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer ( pic ) Hope that doesn't traumatize any of the kids...
  7. Re: I wish Va. would place a four point rule! Brother Ore - I think you may have just opened yourself up to receiving a big load of poop when you mentioned intentionally violating game laws. Lots of folks in these forums are likely to unload on you over that. Better get ready...
  8. Re: If you could... where would you? South or west Texas. Its the only place I know of where you can take a 150 plus buck, a turkey, a javelina, a feral hog, and a limit of quail all in the same day off of the same ranch. And if you still have some time left, you can probably get into some good duck hunting at one of the local ponds.
  9. Re: E-mail from my cousin in Israel. I hope he finds what he's looking for over there and stays safe in the process. I think Arafat's departure will definitely help matters if for no other reason than the fact that he was totally against a peaceful coexistence with Isreal. There was nothing the Isrealis could say or do that would ever make him call off the terror campaign. No guaranty that whoever replaces him will be any better, but at least there's a chance with Arafat gone.
  10. Even as a new Gallup poll shows that the public values “values” less than November exit polls suggested, another survey from the same outfit released today showed a historic surge in Republican party affiliation. In Gallup's latest poll this month, those identifying themselves as Republicans jumped to 37% of the public, with Democrats now clearly trailing with 32%. Democrats have long held more party members than Republicans. During the Clinton years, the bulge was about 5% to 6%. As recently as late-October of this year the Democratic edge was 37% to 34%. Gallup noted today: “Post-election shifts in partisanship after presidential elections or midterm congressional elections are not routine, but are also not uncommon.” Another Gallup poll also released today showed that, contrary to many press reports, “values” ranked well behind the war in Iraq, terrorism and the economy as a prime concern of Americans.
  11. (Associated Press) - Colorado man dies from bubonic plague. A 66 yearold Pueblo man has died from bubonic plague in what health officials said was the first death in Colorado related to the disease since 1999. The plague victim died Wednesday, December 8, at a hospital after being infected while rabbit hunting in Park County, health department Director Chris Nevin Woods said. She said the man had an open wound on his hand and may have been exposed while skinning an infected rabbit. His death was the third case of plague in Colorado this year. Humans can get the disease through bites from infected fleas or from handling an infected animal.
  12. Texan_Til_I_Die

    pc died!

    Re: pc died! Windows XP Backup Made Easy
  13. Re: This post is for the stupid, blind...or libera This is a perfect illustration of what the anti-Second Amendment groups want to accomplish. Its all about taking away our right (and abilitiy) of self defense. Its not about reducing crime, since virtually all of the statistics prove gun control doesn't do anything to reduce crime and in many cases actually INCREASES violent crime. For whatever reason, they think its the government's role to protect individual citizens and that those same individual citizens are not fit to make the decisions and take the actions necessary to defend themselves. I for one neither expect nor need protection from the government. That's why I have a CHL (concealed handgun license), that''s why I always carry where legal, and that's why I practice my marksmanship continously.
  14. Re: List of hotels, which of these are good to go Fairfield Inn and Comfort Inn are both national chains and every one that I"ve ever stayed in were fine.
  15. First a little set up info: We have a problem in much of Texas with an overpopulation of feral hogs and people have started setting traps for them as a means of controlling their numbers. The traps are quite effective and usually only catch hogs. Well this time they ended up with a little something extra... And after spending a couple of days in the trap, what's the first thing he does? Get's a drink!!! And then goes merrily on his way!!!
  16. Re: Any Latin Scholars Out There? [ QUOTE ] Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7 [/ QUOTE ] Well, close. At least you were thinking "Beatitudes". Its: Blessed are they who go around in circles, for they shall become big wheels!
  17. Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada ParrotHead - I assume you're referencing Buffett there? I've seen him 15 or 20 times live - great show!
  18. Re: Another Grey Area Makes me glad I live in Texas. Much simpler rules and regs.
  19. Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia formally known as California. White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language. (Thanks to Congress & Big Business) Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock. Baby conceived naturally . scientists stumped. Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage. Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the Middle East (formerly known as Iraq , Afghanistan , Syria and Lebanon ). Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels. France pleads for global help after being overtaken by Jamaica . Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036. Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only. 85-year, $75.8 billion study: Diet and Exercise is the key to weight loss. Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs. Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed, they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut. Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative. Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights. Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches. New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2036. Congress authorizes direct deposit of formerly illegal political contributions to campaign accounts. Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with congressman. IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent. Florida Democrats still don't know how to use a voting machine.
  20. Here's one for you: Beati illi qui circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae !
  21. A college professor, an avowed atheist, was teaching his class. He shocked several of his students when he flatly stated that there is no God, the expression, "One Nation Under God", was unconstitutional, and further, he was going to prove there is no God. Addressing the ceiling he shouted: "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give You 15 minutes!" The lecture room fell silent.. You could have heard a pin fall. Ten minutes went by. Again he taunted God, saying, "Here I am, God. I'm still waiting." His countdown got down to the last couple of minutes when a Marine just back from active duty in Iraq and newly registered in the class walked up to the professor, hit him full force in the face, and sent him arse over teacups from his lofty platform. The professor was out cold! At first the students were shocked and babbled in confusion. The young Marine took a seat in the front row and sat silent. The class fell silent...waiting. Eventually, the professor came to, shaken. He looked at the young Marine in the front row. When he regained his senses and could speak he yelled, "What's the matter with you? Why did you do that?" "God was busy. He sent me."
  22. Re: IL Muzzleloader MONSTER Good Lord! That's the ugliest deer I've ever seen. Wish I'd shot it!!!
  23. Re: Rifle question... Mine's not a 270, but its the same action and its 4 + 1. Never heard of a 6 unless someone has modified it to use detachable mags or something.
  24. Re: Public Hunting Land Public land for mule deer - southeastern Utah Private land for whitetails - west Texas
  25. Re: Sportsman for bush... BTW - carbohunter, how do you think they get the carbon for your shafts? If you're really serious about protecting the environment shouldn't you be "woodenshafthunter from trees that naturally fell over" or something like that? Sorry, couldn't resist the dig...