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Everything posted by muggs

  1. Well, Lyme Carditis results in heart block (not like blocked arteries, it actually means an electrical signal issue). It can be first, second, or third degree block (in my case it was 3rd degree block which is most severe). Since I have always been healthy and there was no family history of heart disease, etc... they made the diagnosis. The fact they had just seen a near carbon-copy case three months prior helped my cause as well. That being said, when I was initially admitted to an ER room, they were puzzled and thought I was just had heart failure. They told me I would need a pacemaker. It wasn't until I was taken up to the ICU where the electrocardiologist saw me. Right away he started asking me if I worked outside or if I was an outdoorsman. so he suspected it right away.Lyme Carditis also only affects the node that sends signals from the atrium to the ventricles of the heart. So when they see only that node being affected and nothing else, it points to Lyme Carditis. This is especially true if the affected person is a young male who spends a lot of time in the woods etc...
  2. So, I never used to take the threat of ticks seriously. I'd even go as far as to say I thought the idea that a tick could give you Lyme disease was more media sensationalism than anything else. That being said, I ended up spending 5 days in the ICU recently and was diagnosed with Lyme Carditis (a serious complication of Lyme disease). This all was the result of being bit by an infected tick while I was hanging my treestands in early Sept. I never saw the tick, never felt the bite, never saw a rash. Weeks later I started feeling light-headed when I'd stand up, and after a few days I started noticing I was short of breath when I'd just walk across the room. Finally, after about 4 days of symptoms I felt bad enough that I agreed to call my doctor. They told me to go to the ER, which I did and was admitted immediately after an EKG was done. Long story short, it ended up being a terrible experience with a few days of a pulse rate of 20-30 BPM. Good news is it is very treatable with antibiotics and I've since been given a clean bill of health. It was a 3 week ordeal though, and not fun for myself or my family. Lyme Carditis is normally very rare, but I was the 2nd case the hospital had seen in 3 months, so my doctors believe there may be a more severe strain of the bacteria out there (especially in PA and eastern Ohio where I live). Take the necessary precautions and check yourself for ticks (or even better have a good looking woman do it for you). Also, listen to your body. If you are experience symptoms like this, have it checked out. Other than that, hope you are all well. Michigan Football is still awful and they're overrated (they haven't played anybody who wasn't overrated themselves) and Urban Meyer is an aging Adonis.
  3. It shor is fast, dagnum
  4. Any opinions? I mean, their top teams went 2-5 in bowls and what I really love is that now that there is a fair system in place, no SEC team will be represented in the championship game. Oh, and how about those garbo teams from Mississippi? Didn't SEC hype have them ranked #1 and #2?
  5. What's up ladies and gents!? It's been a while, but I have something I'd like to run by the RT community. So, on Monday night I had three doe around my stand for about the last 20 minutes of legal shooting light. I had several opportunities at broadside shots at 30-40 yards, but since they were just doe and the light was fading I decided not to take any of those shots. I was actually planning on just allowing them to move out and then heading home. But then, one doe eventually worked her way to about 5 yards right in front of my stand. By this time it was getting dark, but I could still see my sight pins very well (have a lot of fiber optic bands that really do a great job of picking up light - even in such conditions). She was nosing through the leaves, looking for acorns and the only shot I had was a down though the back shot. I normally pass on that shot, but on her current course she would have walked right under my tree. This was so close and since the light was about to run out, I knew I would not have time to wait for a broadside shot. For better or worse, I convinced myself to take the shot and put some meat in the freezer. With the angle, I knew I could get the arrow into her vitals, hoping to hit at least one lung and her liver. So, I took the shot. I have bright up arrow wraps, so I was able to see the arrow hit home and bury all the way up to the blazers. Unfortunately though, with no exit wound on her lower body I could not find blood before she hit a thicket which was about 60 yards away. My friend and I looked for over 3 overs and could just not find any blood etc... I checked the next morning at sunrise and nothing. I'm really kicking myself for taking the shot and won't be taking a similar shot again. Really, I feel like I should have known better. But, in varied opinions, I know some consider it an acceptable shot. My question to you all is, do you shoot down through the back, or is this a shot you pass?
  6. Dude, you remember when my Buckeyes to pig sooie to the wood shed in the Sugar Bowl? That was before we had Urban Meyer too. Future is bright up here in Big 10 country.
  7. How long before Bielema gets canned?
  8. After the SEC's two best teams were exposed on the biggest stage, can the conference regain the undeserved media hype it once had? With two Big 12 teams, Texas A&M and Missouri, joining the conference and having immediate success (one making it to the conference championship it only its second year), is the Big 12 now going to get undeserved TV contracts with ESPN and CBS? Will we ever again get to hear entire crowds of lame-o's chanting the acronym of a conference instead of chanting their teams fight song like they should? Will terrible programs like Arkansas quit hiring overrated and over weight coaches from the Big 10 like Brett Bielema?
  9. Shooooooot, Son, little early der redneck... I tell ya what boys, dat der FSU look like a daggum SEC team, I tell ya what. Dey be fast like dem der SEC teams. Dey be playin' defonze like a dang SEC team. I tell a what, if FSU didn't come out so tight in the first half that woulda look like a dang SEC team blowin' out another SEC. Boys, I'm talkin' about the sEC here, hot dang. We got powerhouses like that der Kentucky or dat der Vanderbilt or dat der Ole Miss. Super SEC Teams ya'll.
  10. Dah, damgum ya'll! Future is bright for dem der Buckeyes. Dey wasbe wit out some of der best playas and. SEC had all dem der impressuv wins ginst powwa houses like Duke and Houston, ya'll! Really dat der impressuv, ain't it? In property English this time. Nothing is lamer than touting bowl records as proof of something. LSU, a supposed power, barely got passed an average Iowa team. Two Big 12 teams came into the conference and did very well. Yawn... FSU is gonna show ya'll suppin' tonight.
  11. Hey Y'all! Man, dat der daggum SEC know how to play sum football, y'all! Dat der 'Bama and their snake in da grass Head Coach are sum great ball playas. #SECspeed #SECdefense
  12. This is the best Ohio State team I think they've had in my 33 years on this planet. Their schedule is a joke and I think they should go undefeated again, not that it will be that big of an accomplishment. I think the lack of schedule strenght will keep them out of the title game.
  13. Awesome tips, guys! I have't tried slamming two rocks together. That will probably do the trick. I knew I could count on you guys. I posted this on the Mossy Oak forum and all those guys did was laugh at me. Can you believe that!? One guy said snipes aren't even real and my neighbor is playing me for a fool. Hahahaha, well, jokes on that guy. What a dummy. Snipes aren't real he says...sheeesh. I can't wait 'til I nap one. I'm gonna have a good laugh at that guy's expense. Anyway, in the meantime, namaste guys!
  14. So, my neighbor...real smart guy, tells me about these little deers we got in the neighborhood. They're called 'snipe.' He says they're real small and fast. They only come out at night. It's illegal to shoot them, so you gotta catch them in a burlap sack (which my neighbor was nice enough to provide). He says the key is you gotta be limber and quick, gotta keep your wits about you too because next thing ya know, you're not careful you can take a branch to the eye or something, ya know, cause it's dark and all that. So I've been doing yoga 3x per week and boy I tell ya, never been more limber. Still though, I'm having a heckuva time trying to nab me one of these SOBs. I haven't even seen one! Thought I came close once, but that turned out to be a racoon. Thing bit me and I've been running one heckuva fever ever since. You guys doing any good on the snipe? Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!
  15. You see here folks? Prime example of what I'm talking about. It only takes this nimrod two sentences to confuse himself. 'Bama is an incredible program. And if you'll read the OP, you'll see I've never disputed that. But just becaue 'Bama's good, doesn't mean we can gloss over LSU's loss to Clemson or Florida's loss to freaking Louisville. Kentucky, Tennessee, Ole Miss, Miss St... the conference as a whole is over-hyped because of a few good teams.
  16. And even still, THE ENTIRE COFERENCE GETS CREDIT FOR ALABAMA'S SUCCESS. (Muggsbow slaps his forehead in disbelief). The final three should be 1) Alabama 2) Oregon 3) Georgia
  17. The WC is the one positivie and intelligent thing the NHL has done...maybe ever. If the NHL wants to market its brand, that game needs to be in a major US market. Canadians already love hockey, that's not the issue. They need to increase the brand within the US. That game needs to be in a major US at a historic venue. Wrigley Field, Fenway, they're on the right path. I think Bettman is terrible, don't get me wrong, but moving the WC to Canada would be a mistake. If anything, maybe make it a series of games at multiple venues, some of which could be in Canada.
  18. I am going to hate doing it, but I'll be rooting hard for the Irish tonight. Brian Kelly is a terrible human, but by comparison, he looks like John the Baptist next to Nick Saban. Plus, all these SEC hilljacks are already unbareable. I can't imagine what would happen if the over-hyped, over-covered, SEC wins another one. If I had to lay a bet, I'd bet on 'Bama though. I'm a little worried Golson is going to turn it over. You gotta give the offensive edge to 'Bama too. I am not sure the Irish can cover Amari Cooper all night. We'll see though. Would not shock me if Notre Dame wins it.
  19. Urban Meyer is from Ohio. So, when he was at Florida, the SEC had a winning coach from Ohio. That would be the accurate statement.
  20. Haha...nothing gets past you does it, bud?
  21. You gonna make me bring up LSU, dude?
  22. Is looking very over hyped wouldn't you say? What confernece does Louisville even play in? Conference USA? Have no idea... all I know is Florida was ranked 2nd at one point. What a joke. How about Miss. St., a team once ranked near the top ten losing to Northwestern? Northwestern is probably the 5th or 6th best team in the Big Ten. Michigan is probably the 5th best team in the Big Ten and it took SC and the 'Ole Ball Coach everything they had. Wasn't SC ranked 4th or 5th at one point? What bowl game did Arkansas play in? Oh wait... Listen, this settles it. The only people who think the SEC is so great are the talking heads over there on the 4-letter sports network and dudes who look like these guys.
  23. muggs


    In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.
  24. I see you're from Iowa. I remember in grade school we had to take the Iowa Basics tests to see where we stood amongst other students in the country. I'm curious, did you take these while you were in school? I'm guessing if you did you didn't fair too well in the reading comprehension area. If you've been reading what I've been typing, what I've been saying all along is this: 1) I hate the SEC and Notre Dame. I've hated Notre Dame since I was a child. My SEC hatred as recently developed. 2) Muggsbow's ND hatred > Muggsbow's SEC hatred. 3) I think ND has a fairly talented team, but they're a little early. I think they have a great defense and a nice runningback, but I think their QB Golson is too young and inexperienced to win a National Championship. He is a liability. 4) No doubt, 'Bama and LSU have had some stellar teams recently. I think Georgia has a lot of talent. There are some other solid teams too. 5) I think the top teams in the SEC are better than the top teams in other conferences. 6) I think the bottom teams in the SEC are horrendous. 7) Thusly, this insane hype the entire conference gets for a few teams is a little silly. It's hard darn work with you people. Sheesh.