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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. I will have to wait and see whats going on that weekend. Its my brothers birthday. I'm going to try and make it but I will have the kids. They really enjoy seeing Tim.
  2. Happy Birthday Shaun!!! Hope you get lots of ice fishing presents!
  3. You will have a tough time finding a Mathews in your price range unless you go with a Mission bow. I'll second the recommendation to try Elite. It will be my next bow. The new line of Bear bows look nice. A couple in your price range.
  4. Good story Lewis! Congrats Snake!!!! Cannot wait to see the pics.
  5. Welcome to the Realtree campfire. Looking forward to seeing one of your videos.
  6. I've had nothing but great service from Primos. They have fixed every problem I have had for free.
  7. My buddies wife makes a meatloaf with ground chicken and you put chicken gravy on that. It is the best thing you ever ate!
  8. My family has been cutting and wrapping our own meat for over 40 years. We use thesame method as Bowhunter97 but we use the thinner food & bread bags without the ziplock. We had a package of some 2010 ground meat last night that I found in the back of the freezer and it was great. The key is the plastic bag. If you are using just freezer paper then it allows air in and it won't last a over a year.
  9. This past Saturday I gave out a parking ticket to a 5 point. He would have been a nice 6 point but he is broke off. I will get him entered later this week. 10 points for the Hardwoods Heart Stoppers!!!
  10. Have you compared what your bill woud be if you switched to Dish network?
  11. RangerClay


    Knee mail from New York is on the way!
  12. You need to brush it in real well and watch the wind. You should have success then.
  13. I agree with Ethan. I used to try cover scents and wafers but all they do is make you smell like a human in a pine tree. Nothing can truely cover human scent. Wash down good, keep your clothes clean and watch the wind. It is the best recipe for success.
  14. Good one Lynn! Good luck this fall.
  15. I hated coughing up the big bucks for Carbon Express Maxima Hunters the first time. But wow, they are great arrows. I have no plans to change.
  16. I'll 3rd that. Far superior to the Ripcord.
  17. My season started last weekend. I patterned a big doe for 3 days and moved my ladder stand. Just my luck she walked right under my stand. Have you ever tried drawing your bow while pointing straight down? I never have and it uses a different range of muscles. Couldn't get the bow drawn and got busted. I've got a 4 day weekend and I hope to stick a freezer filler this weekend. Good luck everyone
  18. Check out the latest issue Petersons Bowhunting (November). They have put all the top mechanical broadheads to the test and its interesting to see how they did.
  19. From our local paper. Check out this loser who tried to forge a record book deer. Watertown Daily Times | State agencies, hunting clubs claim Watertown hunter falsified record buck statement
  20. It was that exact reason why I got rid of my Rage 2-blades!! Damn things always were popping open when they weren't suposed to. I didn't have any confidence in them because I was always checking it every 5 minutes. I sold them and went back to my Slick Tricks.