Re: Southern Pride
I don't post often in this room,but thought I would put in my 2 cents.
I understand both sides of this debate.I agree with Wtnhunt that there is still a lot of racism in this country,but it has turned 180 degrees.Certain things are to the point now that that blacks can get away with more and get by with less.Governmant funded projects are one example....a certain percentage of these projects are required by law to be handed to african american contractors,regardless of their quality of work or the price of a job.If you have a white man and a black man bid on a certain job,the odds are stacked against the white man getting the job.
I can also see News point,that these kids are just out to raise a rucous and cause trouble.If thats the case they are not doing anything but drawing attention from the law and I gaurantee they will be caught doing something wrong eventually and will realize that they brought it on themselves for acting like meatheads.
As far as the confederate flag goes,I see no problem with it.I drove a jacked up 4X4 in high school that had a confederate bumper sticker,but I'm not racist at all.For us it was a symbol that we were country boys who hunted,fished,worked hard and played hard,and nothing more.