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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: New York\'s Largest Deer shot in 2004 awesome! maybe you'll get his brother this year!
  2. Re: Not so smart turkey..... yup! coulda had that one for dinner!
  3. Re: The Last Supper at..... [ QUOTE ] but a student with a good accountant gets back more than they paid. [/ QUOTE ] LOL! i have a good one... my dad's an accountant! Thanks everyone, i still have one more year to go, but i'm really looking forward to working at the GM Dealership over the summer and he said that i can come back full-time after next year too. and theres a good possibility that they will pay for my tuition next year! heck, i'm not complainin'!
  4. College!!! just about to go cook my last supper here. its been a blast down here, but i'm anxious to get home and get working! dad is coming down here tomorrow morning to get me and all my junk that i have down here well, its porkchops time!!
  5. Re: More pics with new camera! nice looking cardinal! man that camera that you got sure is a good one, it takes excellent pictures!
  6. Re: what do you think not a bad looking gun. like AJ said, i'd have to see it perform to give it a rating.
  7. Re: Has anybody seen.... yup, he was on yesterday, he had some major computer problems, and got everything straightened out. i saw him both on the forums and on chat yesterday.
  8. Re: How many use.................................. i just use the regular sunglasses, 100% UV Protection. but this summer i am thinking about getting a pair of polorized glasses. i tried dad's on, they worked great!
  9. Re: Son Of A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................ never give up! keep tryin, you'll get him!
  10. Re: Colorado Merriam Down awesome!! congrats on the bird, Bob!
  11. Re: Today is going to be the hardest day for me... Good luck! nope ya dont lose your turkey call...
  12. Re: Triming shooting lanes yep, i try and keep the shooting lanes as clear as possible. we'll do it when we put the stands out, usually in september or october.... deer season is the first two weeks in november.
  13. Re: Deer Mount 2003 (pics) awesome looking mounts Kirk!
  14. Re: Anybody at work you just cant stand?? i start work at the GM Dealership on May 2nd as an auto technician. i usually get along with everyone. if they get annoying... out comes the 1 1/4" wrench!
  15. Re: A few game cam pics great pics Mike.
  16. Re: The Big 5...0.... good luck, and all the best with the exam, gobbler!
  17. Re: Been shooting my guns nice shootin, ya shot some good groups!
  18. Re: Tim Andrus [ QUOTE ] Glad you like it Luke! just dont use it for a dart board target. lol tim [/ QUOTE ] LOL! dont think thats gonna happen!
  19. Re: Tim Andrus You da man Tim! you sure do a great job at representing Team Realtree with all of your efforts.
  20. Re: i am soo excited! yep! we have some woodies here in Ontario too, beautiful ducks. my uncle was with Ducks Unlimited and he put over 100 boxes out in the local ponds!
  21. Re: senior pictures? that sounds like a cool idea cole! i wish our pics could be like that. we could only have ours done in a chair, like a regular school pic.
  22. Re: what was your first animal. probably a squirrel that i popped off with the pellet gun up at my grandma's
  23. Re: Venison supplies mine is almost gone too. since i am at college, i gave most of my venison to the guy we hunt with. i kept some for myself, i'll be eating it when i move back home, which is tomorrow!
  24. Re: Game animals and gun laws yup, glad i live in Canada. they already made the stupid thing that we have to register all our firearms i'm sure they won't take the guns away though.
  25. Re: I just scored a 4 point awesome!! congrats on the extra horns!