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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: WHAP!!!!! I\'m a 4 pointer!!!!! congrats! keep them posts comin!
  2. Re: Funniest song I\'ve heard in a while.... LOL! i just downloaded that song.... man thats priceless!
  3. Shaun_300

    Jug Lines

    Re: Jug Lines cool! i havent heard of, or saw jug lines before i came here and heard you Oklahoma boys talking about them. they look pretty neat. not too sure if they are legal up here or not.
  4. Re: THIS IS MY WEEK. congrats to you and your family Steve! maybe the second one will be born early on my birthday, december 4th!
  5. Shaun_300


    Re: CHAT? yeah i'll be in there in a sec!
  6. Re: Beware of idiots sorry to hear about that horst. some people THINK they know what they're doing... my trade is the same. bad mechanics do crappy work and give all the good ones a bad name. i know the feeling. hope everything works out for ya man!
  7. Re: Is this a virus??? yup, i'd say get rid of it IDH, its not worth riskin.
  8. Re: What does deer hunting mean to you? what an awesome poem BCBOY! great piece of work!
  9. Re: My most memorable hunting moment my most memorable hunting moment was this past november. when i took my biggest buck. it was November 5th. we did 3 chases that morning, and we were just about to head back to the hunt camp for lunch, when Murray suggested that we may as well chase the swamp while we were in the area. we all agreed so we went to the area, Murray was the chaser, so he went to where he was going to start the chase, then Wayne was the last watcher, so he dropped us all off on our watches, i was the first watcher. he showed me this one spot, and said "i dont know if you want to sit here or not, its kind of thick". it was an area right on the edge of a creek, with lots of brush, but it did have a couple clearings where a good shot could be made. he said there was another spot about 40 yards up where i could watch, and i could pick whether i wanted to come back down to the creek or not. we got up to the other spot, it was a wide open marsh, perfect! but something told me to go back down to the creek, so i listened to my conscience and went back down. it was about a half hour in and i knew Murray would be coming out of bush soon, he would be coming in my area. so i put the butt of my gun on my boot and was holding the barrel. i heard one stick snap. i thought it was Murray. all of a sudden all i see is a huge set of horns coming straight for me down the swamp. i put the gun up quick, and waited for him to come into a clearing. he stopped about 15 or 20 yards from me, i put the crosshairs on the front shoulder and let that Remington 700 .300 Win Mag howl. BOOOOOMMMM! he jumped about 5 feet off the ground, and landed and over he went. that's a hunt i will never forget!
  10. Re: Brothers First Turkey Hunt great pic and awesome video coverage!! congrats to your brother! what a great bird!
  11. Re: Open morning MO awesome! congrats on the birds man!
  12. Shaun_300

    new member

    Re: new member cool! jump on in mr. trout! you'll love it here!
  13. Re: We have a new Pope !!! yep, saw that on CNN, the same question popped to mind, why would they elect someone of that age to be the pope? i know now, thanks guys!
  14. Re: Bigfoot hunt on EBAY LOL wow..... i'll jump right on that!!
  15. Re: Pic with new camera! nice pics man! awesome lookin mounts!
  16. Re: Show pictures of animals that you have killed its ok longcarbine!! heck i'm 18 and i still post in here!
  17. Re: NEW POPE CHOSEN! yup! i heard it on the radio, then turned on CNN and saw it!
  18. Shaun_300

    Greg's 2nd

    Re: Greg\'s 2nd good job guys! congrats on the bird!
  19. Re: What a night...... [ QUOTE ] just don't let her see the comment "It is straight in so it hit fat ".... you might be the one heading for the hospital [/ QUOTE ] LMBO!! amen to that!
  20. Shaun_300

    what kind of boat?

    Re: what kind of boat? check this one out, this is my favourite type of boat. i only have a 14' Misty River right now. i'd like to get a bass boat once i start working, like a Ranger or Nitro, 17-18' with a 150 on it but here's a nice fishing boat that would be comfortable and nice to fish out. Lund has a wide selection of boats, take a look at the other ones too! Lund 1700 and 1800 Fisherman
  21. Re: Gander Mountain in my area soon!!!!! sweet deel!! i wish they'd have those in Canada the New York border is less than an hour from here, but you have to stay in the states for more than 72 hours or something to be able to bring stuff back to Canada without paying duty!
  22. Re: Some current plot pics nice lookin plots wtn! the deer are gonna love it!
  23. Shaun_300

    I'm pumped up now!

    Re: I\'m pumped up now! nice smallie! we get them pretty big up here, biggest i caught is 5 1/2 pounds, i've seen them close to 7lbs though
  24. Re: Pic with new camera! Testing Testing 1,2,3.... looks like it takes pretty good pics!
  25. Re: Fishing Scenery Pic great pic Heather!