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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: What beauty! [ QUOTE ] Just make sure you shave first. [/ QUOTE ] LMAO! hope ya heal up quick turkeygirl
  2. Re: Need prayers for my Uncle.... wow, what a tragedy prayers sent to your family.
  3. Re: Ever been on a blind date?! go for it man! like OJR said, ya have nothing to lose!
  4. Re: Honest Question... Honest Answer..... your lucky you don't live in Canada, we HAVE to register ALL firearms. just another farce from the government
  5. Re: Pets [ QUOTE ] Ive got a gecko, about 6 or so cats and 20 dogs [/ QUOTE ] 20 DOGS?!?!?! jeepers, do you run a pound or something? LOL man you would have to be a millionaire to feed all those dogs!
  6. Re: My brother is taking his Hunter Ed. Party Hunting is legal here in Ontario, but for instance, dad couldnt be at home in Ottawa, and me up at the hunt camp an hour away and i use his tag. thats illegal. but if dad is hunting with us, and i already used my tag, i could shoot a deer and put his tag on it. thats cool that your bro is taking the course! my grandma got married to a guy from Ohio last april, and he moved here, so past weekend he had to do his Ontario Hunter Safety course, and his Canadian Firearms Course.
  7. Re: mike waddell user name? i havent saw him in the 6 months that i've been here, it'd be neat to see him around here though! i understand that he is one busy guy. probably not too much time to post on the forums.
  8. Re: chicks_hunt_to AND huntingmama happy birthday girls!!
  9. Re: Good Day for Baby Browns congrats on the fish Gary!! sounds like ya had a great time!
  10. Re: Pets no pets yet, used to have fish like catfish, bass, sunfish etc. i am planning on getting a beagle or lab pup after i get out of college next april
  11. Re: Essay Contest thats great! congratulations! glad ya had a great time man!
  12. Re: Gonna Get Socked! no boomers here, just wind, cold and rain... Glad we dont have any twisters in Ontario! well i shouldnt say that, we get the odd one. maybe once in 5 or 10 years. last summer one ripped across the lake. it was awesome! luckily it didn't do any damage.
  13. Re: A hot one! great bird slaw! congratulations!
  14. Re: 3rd attempt!! good luck man! hope ya got one!
  15. Re: Opening Day Gobbler (pics) awesome!! congrats on that really nice bird!!
  16. Re: Second Bird of 2005 - First ever with 2 beards!! awesome bird man! congratulations on the double-bearded bird!
  17. Re: Happy Birthday bigmacz71 Happy Birthday!!
  18. Shaun_300

    Dang Rain!

    well it WAS nice here in south-eastern Ontario for the past week. temps in the low 20s (70-75F) and sunny. now the weather has changed, it is cooler, and raining cats and dogs supposed to clear up by tomorrow. then more rain saturday. oh well, at least it will be good on friday, thats when i move out of the college residence and head back home!
  19. Re: major meltdown sounds like a headache! good to have ya back Lewis!
  20. Re: My Opening Morning Longbeard (pic) Congrats on the bird Nick!
  21. Re: Update on T-Bone??? yeah i heard that he lost some pounds too too_pointer. i remember him popping in here a couple months ago and telling us. he's probably a really busy guy!
  22. Re: Just A Little Vent-- this is a pretty weird time to put your kids in school if ya ask me... Why not just wait til september? (or august if you start in august) Those kids will have to put their rears in gear if they want to pass!
  23. Re: Porcupine Gus, whatever you do, make sure your dog isnt around that area, especially if your dog is curious. those porcupines will swat him with their tail, or if the dog comes in contact with any part of him, he will get a face full of quills!
  24. Re: Stinkin Glasses! yep, i had the same problem back in grade 7. (6 years ago) they prescribed me with a weak pair of glasses. i couldnt see any better with them, so after 6 months or so, i stopped wearing them.
  25. Re: What a night...... good to hear she's doing ok jeramie. that part about sticking your finger in the wound..... ugh..... that made me shiver!