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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Mothers! lol i remember those days, now i'm in college, and can keep my room however i want but college is soon over, and i am going home in 12 days, so i guess i'll have to get used to keeping my room clean again!
  2. Shaun_300

    Met Tim Andrus

    Re: Met Tim Andrus thats awesome! congrats on the new lid Jim!
  3. Shaun_300


    Re: GONE!!! cya man, have a good time in DC!
  4. Re: 290\" Elk Sheds wow! thats an awesome set of elk sheds!!!
  5. Re: the funniest thing LOL!! that is hilarious!
  6. Re: I shot two gobblers monday! great lookin birds man! congrats!
  7. Re: summer [ QUOTE ] shaun, so will that make you Mr. Goodwrench? [/ QUOTE ] LOL thats what everyone's been calling me!
  8. Re: Bill allowing gun-shop lawsuits defeated wow, starting to sound like Canada up here, you have to have your Canadian Firearms Lisence to buy ammunition!! and when you do buy it, there is always a big hassle, the cashier has to write down in a book: your name, lisence number, the type and caliber/gauge of ammo you buy. now THATS what i call STUPID!!!
  9. Re: Update, Just Incase You Wanted To Know! Keep on keepin on John! I'll be praying for ya bud!
  10. i dont know how many golf watchers there are in here, but i love watching it. the masters is my favourite event of the year. who are you pulling for this year? I am cheering for Phil Mickelson or Mike Weir, my two favourite players!
  11. Re: Tiger\'s putt yep i saw that too, man i think i would shoot about 200 on that course!
  12. Re: Pics with NEW CAMERA! Those are some awesome pics Ryan!
  13. Re: new picture great lookin bird. hope ya get him! good luck!
  14. Re: gobbler nice pic, and nice lookin bird!
  15. Re: Pics from a scouting trip awesome pics James! i love the one of the mountains!
  16. Re: PC Virus, why?? [ QUOTE ] I say smash their fingers with a ball peen hammer [/ QUOTE ] LMBO!! that'll fixum! i agree with you Rich, someone has to be pretty dang bored to sit around and make viruses and send them around to everyone. i guess they just get a kick out of making other people's lives miserable!
  17. Re: I\'m back from PA! Sounds like ya had a great trip Ruth! i'll be going on a roadtrip up to Kapuskasing, which is waaaaaaayyyyy up in northern Ontario. its about 7 or 8 hours from where i'm from. Can't wait! it'll be fun!
  18. Shaun_300


    Re: CSI i watch it sometimes, its a pretty good show!
  19. Re: Any painters out here? Where's Buckee when ya need him? he's a house painter!
  20. Re: Happy Birthday AJ.... Happy Birthday AJ!! have a good one buddy!
  21. Re: Please Pray for my Grandma Prayers on the way Ryan, hope Grandma gets better soon!
  22. Re: Back! 2 1/2 Days in Hospital! Good to see ya back Orlan, my thoughts and prayers sent to ya!
  23. Re: The big 2000! Congrats Russell!!! welcome to the club!
  24. Re: GOT PAY RAISE thats great va!! talk about a win/win situation there eh?
  25. Re: Cheap and easy i'd say hotdogs would be my favourite thing to eat over the fire get that, some ketchup and mustard, buns and you're all set!