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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: My mount just got in!! awesome lookin mount buddy! Congratulations!
  2. Re: I\'m gonna be in a magazine! congratulations man! that is awesome!!!!
  3. Shaun_300

    Cooking Eggs

    Re: Cooking Eggs LOL!! isnt that true eh guys?!
  4. Re: 1 year on realtree forums!!!!!!! Congrats! time sure does fly when you're havin fun!
  5. Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUS! Happy Birthday to MUDRUNNER too!
  6. Re: I must say!! tell your son to sign on up! its a great place for the youngin's to come in and learn some stuff, and communicate with other hunters. i am 18 and i still come in here and participate!
  7. Re: Rest in Peace neat pic Nut!
  8. Re: how long u need 2 be a member 2 be a spike,buck? 50 = spike 100 = 4 pointer 250 = 6 pointer 500 = 8 pointer 750 = 10 pointer 1500 = 12 pointer 2000 = Monster Buck
  9. Re: Hobbies In the winter i snowmobile i'll post some pics of that for the southerners! i also hunt timberwolves and ice fish a lot in the winter, our lakes get between 30 and 36 inches of ice on them during the winter, so we can't take a boat out to fish in the spring, i go for walks in the woods, get the boat out in late april or early may and do some fishin. i go 4-wheeling year round, in the summer i fish all the time, and i also love to golf. in the fall i hunt waterfowl, small game and deer. i love working on cars, i am in college to become an Automotive Technician. thats about it! here's one of me doin a catwalk on the skidoo i was doin about 120k in that pic (75mph) here's one of me "carving" (riding sideways on one ski) doing this at around 50mph here's my home away from home in the winter thats the fish shack, its awesome, we have a wood stove in it and keep it about 75F in there here's what i cruise around in in the summer! here's a nice sunset over the lake in July of last year
  10. Re: Golf! oh yeah! i love to golf, probably start golfing mid-may once all the snow is gone and the course dries up a bit! Can't wait!
  11. Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUS! Happy Birthday Gus! hope ya have a great day!
  12. Re: Yeah I got my HEMI sweet deal harvdog, you're gonna have fun with it!
  13. Re: gas prices yeah i would think in a toyota, that they just "reccommend" premium fuel for the gas milege. the premium burns slower than regular, but regular is cheaper, i think it all works out about the same i think. it is best to run premium in ANY vehicle, i am an automotive student in college, and the instructors say its best to run the high test in any vehicle if you want to maximize engine life, run a cleaner fuel in your vehicle. but at these prices? ya right... gas is expensive here too. dang near 90 cents/liter up here!
  14. Re: Mild Winter.... Now for the insects. it has been really mild here in the past couple weeks. yesterday it was 57F yes, thats warm here yesterday when i was walking back here from class, a dang wasp was buzzing around my head, if i didnt have about 40 pounds worith of textbooks occupying up hands, he would have got the swat.
  15. Re: Cool Leaf River pics! awesome pics Mike!
  16. Re: Saskatchewan Shed Hunt 2005! great pics guys, awesome lookin country out there!
  17. Re: Shed Hunt Success! Pics! awesome! it sounds like you guys had an great time and had lots of fun!
  18. Re: spoons or spinner bait I'm a big topwater fan here! Torpedos, pop-R, dying flutters, jitterbugs, they all work great here! torpedo's are by far my favourite. also i use the plastics for smallmouth fishin, they work awesome too. and ya can't forget the chrome big-o's! the bass and pike love them!
  19. Re: Meeting Forum Members! Also, Oneida_Man and his family are coming up for vacation for a week at my grandma's, the first week of July! gonna teach Martin how to fish... hopefully i can hook him up with some big pike!
  20. Re: OOOUUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! back when gas was REALLY high here, up around a dollar a liter, it cost my grandma's husband $105 to fill his 2001 GMC Sierra 2500HD... it has the 6.0L V8 in it....
  21. Re: another one bites the dust!!!!!!!! dang, that sucks!!! i know the feeling....TRUST ME! man, there is nothing i cant stand more than people not paying you back money you loan them, or anything else for that matter! good luck on finding a new huntin buddy
  22. Re: Anyone going to Canada? good one
  23. Re: Meeting Forum Members! thats awesome! Muff and I might be turkey hunting together within the next month or two, and i'll probably end up fishing with fisherguy this summer! fisherguy goes to school in Ottawa, which is 20 minutes from me, and Muff is a couple hours south of me.
  24. Re: OOOUUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dang you guys have it good! i just calculated all that into Canadian units and calculated how much that truck would have taken to fill up here... $72.85 heck it almost takes 40 bucks to fill the Toyota Corolla!
  25. Re: Hey everybody howdy ruger! glad ya popped in and visited home again!