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Everything posted by hutchies

  1. Doing well. Live in Ardmore now. Not a lot of time to hunt. I run over the road trucking. Started my own company. Middle daughter is a senior and my boy is in 8th grade. Doesn’t seem like many years ago I was posting pics of him sitting in my lap fletching arrows as a toddler with me. Where has time gone? One of these days we need to all get together. Get Kyle, Kev, Dale, and everyone.
  2. Been years since I’ve been on. Don’t get to hunt much these days but going out this week. Making up some fresh arrows and ran across this. Think I will wrap it up and see if I can’t bloody one for an old friend.
  3. hutchies

    Been awhile!

    First time I’ve logged on in years and look who I see. Get after them my friend.
  4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]13868[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]13868[/ATTACH] How many remember these? I still got a few arund and and loaded one in the quiver to take to the woods today. :poke:
  5. Check out the Mission Craze and PSE Chaos!
  6. Yeah buddy we open Monday too............since I changed jobs this will be the first time in 11 years I don't get to hunt opening morning.
  7. Most have to order it. Some might have it in stock. If they do it will be zebra strings. Buy a better product. They don't last long.
  8. Congrats buddy............I'm a little jealous. Just hoping to have time to hunt this year with the new job. Knock down a big one for me while I'm working.
  9. Winners choice is a good option. JBK bowstrings is much cheaper and I sell a bunch of them at my home shop. They do a great job and warranty 18 months for $70
  10. Figured I would pop in and see if everyone is ready for season..........:gunsmilie:Lets Rock!
  11. Try backing the stop up to where it isn't in contact with the string all the time. Other than that install some limbsavers and string leeches.
  12. hutchies

    2012 Hoyts!

    There wasn't much change from the XTR cams to the fuel cams either.
  13. hutchies

    2012 Hoyts!

    As good as they look I have no reason to leave my Turbohawk. Still shoots great and just as fast as all the 7" brace height bows they put out this year.
  14. No doubt in my mind its a brisket shot.
  15. I know I'm few and far between on here these days but wanted to wish everyone the best of luck that is opening season tomorrow. Be safe and shoot straight....... Hutchies
  16. We are almost there.........Picked my wife up a QAD to replace her Whisker Biscuit and got her a HHA set of sights. She doesn't need 3 pins. Her max will be about 25.
  17. Steve it sure seems like people are looking for things to believe in to bring out the patriotism.........this is one of those things.
  18. Yes sir they had the traveling liberty bell here today for the funeral. We had about a 200 bike turnout for the funeral.
  19. Rode with the Patriot Guard Riders in an escort for a local soldier that passed away in Afghanistan. American flags lined the streets as people paid their respects. We had about 125 motorcycles total and it was quite a train for the 20 mile ride as we passed people weeping and standing with hands on hearts or full salute. I've never experienced the patriotism that I saw yesterday. Here are some pics from the airport.........
  20. Anyone used one. Kev I think you had one didn't you? I've got a bitz but since local shop closed I've had an interest in people wanting arrows custom wrapped, fletched, and you know the whole 9. Anyway sure would be easier if I can do 6 at a time and not shell out $400 for 5 more Bitz jigs.
  21. Got a API safety system today that is identical as the HSS pro except the api has pockets inside and out. Picked the wife up a Bushnell Chuck Adams rangefinder. Gonna get her the Lady's Pro HSS and I think we are ready to go. She has been shooting her bow 5 days a week.
  22. 1. TT Spring Steel Micro adjust 1 hole with wide and narrow .10 blades...............$50 TYD 2. Sold 3. Sold 4. Tec Hunter String Suppressor...................................................................$40 TYD Please add 4.3% if using paypal. I ship everything TYD insured. Only trades I'm interested in are HHA 5519 or QAD Pro LD.
  23. 1. TT Spring Steel Micro adjust 1 hole with wide and narrow .10 blades...............$50 TYD 2. Fuse Whisker Biscuit...............................................................................$45 TYD 3. TT Shakey with XL Windage.......................................................Sold pending funds 4. Tec Hunter String Suppressor...................................................................$40 TYD Please add 4.3% if using paypal. I ship everything TYD insured. Only trades I'm interested in are HHA 5519 or QAD Pro LD.