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Everything posted by hutchies

  1. hutchies

    Oh no

    Re: Oh no You will never know til you catch him during rifle season.
  2. Re: deer guns Howa 30-06, 30-30, or my good ole winchester slug gun.
  3. Re: Quick scope question. Is there even really of a question on what you should do? Use the 243!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Re: Hot Dang!! More Wal-mart Deals!! Like I have previously noted I bought my Howa 30-06 at walmart last week for 300. Marked down from 420.
  5. Re: Oklahoma Deer Camp 2004 was awesome!!! Wish it would cool down here I am tired of fighting mosquitos.
  6. Re: man i hate missisng exceptionaly on big bucks I hate beginners luck.
  7. Re: Big 11 Point Buck (pics) Holy Schnikees! Nice deer
  8. Re: Monster Doe ..(Wig\'s special) Wish we had does like that here.
  9. Re: MOSNTER DOWN!! Beat Ya SaskMAN! I knew it was fake as soon as I saw the picture. First off look at the lighting on him and compare it to the background then look at the deers front legs. You can tell it was chopped.
  10. Re: It\'s a good time to buy guns at Wal-Mart! I am gonna go have it bore sighted and then take it out to the range. I will let ya know how she shoots Monday.
  11. Re: Maybe I gave the wrong answer Been with mine almost 5 years and have a kid together and we are still not married. My parents had a rough married life so I have a real problem with tying the knot.
  12. Re: can I shoot 00 buckshot threw my turkey gun? I don't think that you can. I think you need a rifled or straight barrell for that.
  13. I was shopping today when I came across a Howa 1500 30-.06 Synthetic Stalk and Stainless Stell Barrel marked down from $420 to $300. Needless to say I just added a new gun to my collection. I brought her home put on the rings and put on a scope I had that is a range finder scope and has Ilumination crosshairs with the twist of a knob. Anyway today was a good day.
  14. hutchies

    Staying dry

    Re: Staying dry I solved mine the easy way went down to wal mart and bought one of those ameristep ground blind. Sat in the rain for 4 hours the other day and was dry as a bone. I bought the outhouse version which is made for 1 person. Not bad for $50.
  15. Re: Do you butcher your own deer? Have before but I prefer to spend $50 and let them do it all.
  16. hutchies

    GO VOTE!

    Re: GO VOTE! Already done. Go W! My buddy said he is gonna vote for Ralph Nader just for kicks.
  17. Re: Just want to see what others veiws are... I would start sitting in there stand and wait for them to come back.
  18. Re: Roadkill10....Buck (pic) I agree with the hang a ring on it. Its a six. My neighbor killed a 14 pt. last year but they call it a 13 because it was on 3/4 in. long.
  19. Re: Nice WNY deer Nice buck.
  20. Re: Cell phone in the woods? I always carry mine on vibrate. I am bad about falling asleep in my ground blind and afraid I am going to fall out of my treestand. Plus my grandmother is in bad health.
  21. Re: Question on smoking I made a deal with my mom. She smoked for about 30 years and I told her if she quit that I would quit. I quit first finally she quit about a year later. now she gets sick whenshe smells them.
  22. Re: !SIX DAYS! I am right on the Oklahoma/Texas line and I know what you mean about the mosquitos as well as red wasps, hornets, bees and everything else.
  23. Re: Calling in deer! Wish the weather would cool down here it has been anywhere from 70 to 90 degrees everytime I hunt.
  24. Re: new to the hunting world Congrats on the new addition. My daughter is 18 weeks old now and she is already growing up too fast.
  25. Re: Question for the cold weather hunters When I used to hunt in Abilene, TX we had 5x8 blinds and at the start of season we would put a box of matches, pack of toilet paper,10 bottles of rubbing alcohol in each stand. I normally was taking clothes off after lighting a fire.