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Everything posted by 3seasons

  1. BTW- what part of MS you from? Ryan I'm from South-SouthWest MS about an hour south of Jackson
  2. Thanks I would have fished with it if I had known it ate earthworms.
  3. AK ill try to get some of her she's loves anything in the outdoors. My hunt is in Quebec with Tuttulik outfitters.
  4. Congrats to you and your son. Sounds like yall are in them. How are the birds acting, Ill be up that way May 1.
  5. Same as most I like to hunt with my Dad..We had 3 blowing it out this morning but a coyote spooked them. As far as someone else it would have to be the man who I spent a lot of time with when I was growing up. My Dad and him were great friends so I spent a great deal of time with him and his wife. They were kinda like my third set of grandparents. Some of you may have heard of him.....Bruce Brady.... He is greatly missed. http://catchadream.org/
  6. Has anyone ever seen one of these? It looks like a mix between a slug and a worm but I haven’t ever seen one before. Notice the head kind of resembles a hammerhead shark. Pretty cool. Any ideas?
  7. While I was outside today after getting back from turkey hunting I couldn’t help but notice that the wind was blowing about 15-20mph with some nice gust also. I’m headed out in August on a Caribou hunt with my dad so I figured that this would give me some good practice for the trip. After shooting a few groups I finally got the hang of the strong wind. My little girl (2yrs old) was handing me my arrows as I shot counting them down along the way. I was ready to stop but she wanted me to shoot one more group and this is what happened with the first two shots of my last group.
  8. Glad to hear from you sharp. Good luck when you go.
  9. Congrats... Great bird with a bow and public land; doesn't get any better than that.
  10. Found this on my front porch this afternoon, thanks Redbeard this Madhatter call is kind to the eye and sounds great. I can’t wait to try it out in the morning, pending we don’t get blown away by the storms. This 4 track call is made out of a fine piece of cocobolo and came with two pegs made out of bubinga and cocobolo. Thanks Redbeard for such a fine call. Hopefully I can post some pics of a bird or two in the near future.
  11. Found out this morning I'll be headed out to Kansas either the first or second week of May depends on the weather. I cant wait.
  12. Has any on your seasons started? How is it looking where yall hunt? Friday I called up 2 jakes about Noon to within 15yds 3 different times. Sat. I had a visitor set up about 70yds from me. If the birds had hit the ground he would have shot me. So I got up and had a chat with him. First words out of his mouth, “I know that I’m over the line a good bit but most of the time the birds are on my land and I just wanted to get closer to them”. He had his niece with him and wanted to show her a bird. I had a good conversation with him and told him he could stay as long as he didn’t shoot anything. I’ve never crossed his line when the birds were on his land. I wound up making a big loop in the woods and came out about 11am I could here him calling from a different spot and 2 birds gobbling. I had to work at it but I managed to call both birds off of him to me but all I could see was their heads so I didn’t shoot. (I was scared they were the jakes from the day before.) Needless the landowner had a talk with him after that hunt. Sun. before Church I heard him closer to his line, and had 3 birds gobbling. I wound up calling one in after and hour of working him. He got to 28 steps and I must have YANKED on the trigger because I smooth missed. I still have no idea what happened. The next shot blew a tree in half . I never found a feather or any sign that I touched him. I hope I didn’t touch him at all. Guess it happens. Bad part is I was joking with a good friend on Sat about missing. Should have knocked on wood.
  13. WOW thats awesome Best of Luck on the other 2. Are yall hunting public land are private.
  14. Cove congrats on another great bird. Looks like your having a great season.
  15. Awesome hunts and great pics... Congrats
  16. 3 mornings 3 birds My dad limited out in 3 hunts. What a year. What do you all think about Giving Sharpspur till april 1.
  17. Has anyone heard from sharpspur? I sent him a PM but I have not heard anything. Has anyone else's season opened? How are the birds acting in your area?
  18. Huge congrats to you and your son, Ranchand. Thats 3 great birds and some nice HOOKS. Hope you score on your Merriam bird. Al looks like your season is picking up. It has been tough where I hunt here in MS. Not much activity at all. I hope things will pick up soon.
  19. Hey Paul, what part of KS are you hunting. I've got a trip up there in May I cant wait. We will be in East KS. From what Ive heard its awesome.
  20. Congrats on a quick limit. I'm going to make it down there one of these days.
  21. Nice bird Al, I was wondering if anyone else's birds were acting funny in South West MS
  22. Awesome hunt and great pics. looks like it would make for some tough hunting though. How long are you going to give them to rest;)
  23. Cove, congrats on a NICE bird. Great way to open the season. How did the video turn out?