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Everything posted by 3seasons

  1. Congrats on a beautiful bird.
  2. Congrats on a huge public lander. Good job. Sorry to hear that your fellow public land hunters act the same over there as they do here in MS. I often wonder if these guys learned any ethics of the woods. But man is it gratifying to get a bird after all of those others have failed.
  3. Just give him some time, every bird has his day. We have had some real good luck in some fresh cut cut-overs, everyone else just drives past them. In the past two years me and my dad have taken 3 and called up 6 in fresh cuts. Down here in MS just going by your map I would set up mid-day till dark at the end of the ridge closest to the creek were you hear him. They tend to like to roost close to water and on the end of ridges. You have both there, it may be worth a shot. If nothing else you may be able to roost him or see his path. Good luck.
  4. Congrats on a nice bird those are the ones you remember. Almost waited a little to long. Better late than never.
  5. WOW thats a good way to start off. Congrats
  6. Welcome, that was one heck of a season. Congrats.
  7. Niceuns. Congrats on a great hunt
  8. Looks good, i've been thinking of doing something like that myself.
  9. Dang that hurts just looking at it. That is crazy that it was kinda a delayed reaction, kinda like a dead snake. Good thing those weren't 1.5"ers. I've had them cut my hands and wrap my gloves up so tight that it feels like your wrist is going to break. I grab them my the head now, haven't had any problems with that technique. Congrats on the expensive bird.
  10. I know a lot of people that have had great luck with the b-mobile decoy just depends on the bird you are hunting. If it is a field bird then I would use it for sure. As far as roosting a bird, if you cant hunt that evening get out there around 5:30-6 kinda close(but not to close) to the general area that they roost in. Listen for them to fly up or if it is a field watch where they enter into the woods at. Thats how I roost them, every now and then Ill owl just to get them to gobble but thats about it. I don't like to mess with them to much(by that I mean calling to them late). If I dont feel like I can harvest the bird then I dont call to it. It makes them smarter faster.
  11. Cool story and hunt. Look out for those no shoulders(that one would make a nice hat band.
  12. Thats a heavy bird congrats. He has got everything to match the weight also, two beards and nice spurs
  13. Saw an ad for a new choke that is out on the market. It is called the strangler. Does anyone have any info on this new choke, just wondering if it works like they say. There is a 10min video on their site showing how it works, I personally was not that impressed with its performance on the video. If anyone else has seen it or shot it let me know what you think, I'd like to try one but $100 is steep to change from something I know works.
  14. Congrats on the birds, and on film to, cant beat that.
  15. Nice bird congrats to both of you.