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Everything posted by 3seasons

  1. Yeah the pic is grainy for some reason. I see what your talking about. ill see if i can get a better pic.
  2. It happens stick with them things will turn around
  3. Way to go, glad you had the knowledge to give him a check. Congrats. All i see is a red X see if you can post another pic.
  4. ?? whats wrong with it?? Not sure what your asking but here goes. There is a drawing of the actual deer in the middle of the skull jumping a fence. A friends wife painted it, the pic is grainy for some reason it looks real good. While it was drying it fell off the peg and the skull broke in half, we had to piece it back together thats why some of the nose bones are missing. Other than that there is nothing out of the ordinary that i can see. Did that help, i can get a close up of the drawing if you want to see it.
  5. Hey guys got a lot of good feedback and some intrest. If interested pm me or check out the classifieds. Thanks glad yall liked them
  6. This is a Bear Broadhead based Euro mount base. Made out of Cypress, Base or wall mount(1 or 2 left) My dad hand made the first 5 and had a friend make a program on a CNC machine He has a few that he would sell. $45+shipping Let me know if interested.
  7. How do you submit a photo I entered all the needed info and cant find the submit button am i missing it somewhere. I cant see it on my screen
  8. Congrats heck of a way to start off with a bow.
  9. Here are some European Mount Bases that my dad made up. Thought I would share them with yall. Its based off of the old Bear Broadhead, made out of Cypress.
  10. This is just my $.02 so take it for what its worth. Here in MS there is only a short window of opportunity to take a mature buck like that. Something similar happened to me last year. I was getting pics of 3 nice deer all at night one day walking to the stand one was in the plot at 3pm. That being said, if you can, i would try to hunt all day especially after a rain like yall just got and are getting right now. The bucks will be up on their feet after it settles down to refresh their scrapes and look for some does. Stick with it he'll mess up one of these days, just hope you are there when he does. hope this helps
  11. Nice bird for Thanksgiving. Prob better for you than a butterball. Congrats.
  12. Nice buck congrats. Way to stick with him
  13. Awesome A 61\2 yrs old is a true trophy buck no matter the horn size
  14. Thats awesome congrats great deer.