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Everything posted by Hoosierbuck

  1. Your one cousin could be your sister she looks so much like you. WTG teaching the young ones. Good job, cuz! You know you are their favorite cousin now, for sure! HB
  2. It isn't always easy to be the man that your family needs you to be. Sometimes it means doing the hard things-taking the dog for the final ride to the vet, saying NO when all the other dads said whatever, or jabbing your bride with a needle on a regular basis. WTG, bud. HB
  3. Hoosierbuck

    Poison Ivy

    No matter how good an idea it seems, put the belt sander down and walk away... HB
  4. Betrayed. Scorned and spat upon. Beaten and tortured to the very brink of his death. All of it undeserved and unjust. All on account of us and our failures. What did he do? He forgave them, and prayed for them that the Father might forgive them, also. Such is the love of Christ, unlike any other love you or I will ever know. HB
  5. Well, it does not seem like we got this thing organized in time, and work just took a bite out of my butt. I am still liking the idea, though. Perhaps after the spring turkey seasons?? HB
  6. That is a great idea, Steve. I am not set up to guide or host anything, though. I own exactly .52 acres. The thing I liked about going through the Wounded Warrior Project is that I don't handle any money, and $.83 of every dollar goes directly to aid real heroes in getting a life back on track. The logistic framework is in place and supporters can donate direct at a special page on their site, and they generate the thank you's (think tax deduction.) HB
  7. That is a great idea, Steve. I am not set up to guide or host anything, though. I own exactly .52 acres. The thing I liked about going through the Wounded Warrior Project is that I don't handle any money, and $.83 of every dollar goes directly to aid real heroes in getting a life back on track. The logistic framework is in place and supporters can donate direct at a special page on their site, and they generate the thank you's (think tax deduction.) HB
  8. That is a great idea, Steve. I am not set up to guide or host anything, though. I own exactly .52 acres. The thing I liked about going through the Wounded Warrior Project is that I don't handle any money, and $.83 of every dollar goes directly to aid real heroes in getting a life back on track. The logistic framework is in place and supporters can donate direct at a special page on their site, and they generate the thank you's (think tax deduction.) HB
  9. Oh hey hey hey...I am not running 40 miles. I will march it. Think a brisk walk. History (2 marathons) has taught me that my quads seize up after 20 miles of running. I am thinking this is a go. I'll get back to you with more details!! HB
  10. I am thinking about my 40th birthday. I want it to be memorable. Today I am 39 1/2, officially. I was thinking about what to do to mark my 40th while on a run tonight. I am not running another marathon. Here is what I came up with-a 40 mile march to mark the day and raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project (a well-respected charity to help reintegrate wounded veterans into society-Google them up, or find them on FB). Would you be willing to get behind something like this? I can't think of a better birthday present that the warm fuzzy from knowing I helped do something good for these folks that have laid it on the line for my country. Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback, please! Thanks! HB {Apologies to my fb friends since I published this there, too.}
  11. I was thinking the pictures you lost probably were bikini shots and some dude that's never seen a bikini live took them. The antlers, though...I guess anti, or and unscrupulous poacher type. Who knows why some people continue to walk the earth, though clearly brain dead. They do keep me in business, though. HB
  12. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, 13 years and counting. HB
  13. I do like the ease of using a good gut hook for the whole 5 seconds it's in play, but often it is not worth the extra effort to carry something additional or remember it. One of the best gut hooks I have ever used is the cheap plastic Gerber version of the Wyoming guthook that uses utility knife blades. That thing will unzip a moose or elk. Most often, however, I just use a regular blade. HB
  14. Whatever time the 2 year old realizes he has overfilled his diaper. "Daddy, I'm WET!" in the dark at the side of the bed. Usually around 6.
  15. Just found out today that the court of appeals affirmed the conviction in my cold case murder from last February! I am jacked! I knew they would, but still, it's very gratifying to see in print. This link has the decision: http://www.ai.org/judiciary/opinions/pdf/03081002ebb.pdf Normally evidence of other crimes and misconduct does not come in at a trial for a different crime, but there are exceptions. For example, where one crime is strikingly like another such that one person likely committed both. That was the case here. This was the oldest cold case trial/conviction on record in St. Joe County. Murder in 1981, trial in 2009. You may remember me being all fired up about it then. This is the icing on that cake. HB
  16. Here are my thoughts, fwiw: If you truly believe he did not have permission and over-bagged, turn the information over to the F&G and be done with it. Do not try to handle it yourself or involve others in trying to shame this guy into-what? UNdoing what he did? Either turn it over to law enforcement or let it go. All the rest of it will do is engender hard feelings and probably not solve the problem, which is this guy is likely a violator. Say you confront him and he apologizes, then what? He goes on to poach elsewhere, but leaves your little area alone? How is that better for the resource? This is one of those deals where now that you have this information, you are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem. If he did not do it, a thorough investigation will clear him, if he did, he gets what he gets. HB
  17. I am leery of anyone that I don't know in some context who wants to "friend" me by virtue of having a "friend" in common. I think that people with 1500 "friends" are up to somethign. It could be as simple as just trying to collect as many friends as possible, I don't know. (Except for the celebrity types, which I understand.) I got a friend request last week from a little gal who is a hunter and got to me through like Tom Miranda or something. Point is, I don't know her, I'll never meet her, she has 1500 friends, and she is a little hottie. No way in heck would I put her on my friend list. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Even if the worst thing is my wife seeing it and saying, "WHO is that???" Still more trouble than it would be worth. HB
  18. Swampy, You have not posted anything a fair minded person would find objectionable. They may not agree, but nothing was offensive. fb must be leftist liberal. I have never had anything deleted that I know of. I have some pretty lefty friends on there, too. HB
  19. Those things are classics. A buddy of mine had one growing up, er, I mean his dad had one.... HB
  20. You might be surprised about a good, AMERICAN business like that. One time I knocked a Leatherman off the side rail of my truck and watched it fall to the concrete. It landed just right and broke a part off the locking mechanism. It was totally my fault. I felt bad and put a $5 bill in to cover at least shipping, explaining that it was my bad, totally. They cleaned and sharpened the tool, replaced the broken part, and put my $5 back in the return envelope. No kidding. Leatherman rocks. HB
  21. Anything ever come to fruition on this? Did we pick a date and place, or did life get in the way of our grander plans? I need a get away here in a few weeks. (The weekend after Easter would be great!) Anybody up for Willow Slough on April 10? HB
  22. Happy Birthday, bud! Hope it's a great day. Enjoy the new t.v.! HB
  23. Here's a glimpse into a world that is long gone for various reasons. When I was a kid, one of my many jobs was at a home improvement chain that no longer exists. I was too young to drive there, so dad gave me a ride. Once I was there, however, I ran a propane forklift in the lumber yard and throughout the store with customers walking all around me. I laugh about that one all the time. Had one of us kids dropped a bunk of lumber or a skid of driveway sealer on a customer, that store would have been history right then. It's a sad simple fact that life in a lot of the world ios not like it is here. A lot of kids over there are not going to go to college no matter what. They are not going to go down to the park and shoot hoops. School means nothing to them, and they are thrilled to be able to help put food on the table. Life is not about how much fun you have or making sure that your inner creativity is allowed to thrive in freedom andf peace. Life is about having enough food that your empty belly doesn't keep you up at night. I am not saying child slavery is ok in any way, but you need to look at it through the eyes of the ones that live there, not looking down from our ivory towers. HB
  24. Thanks, William. After a week like that I love my job. The week before with all the stress of getting ready, I hated it. Funny how that works, isn't it? HB