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Everything posted by mandyjo62

  1. My dad & I ran into this little fella today. Thought he was just a fork horn at first, but then something didn't look right.. then he looked a little fuzzy.. So we couldn't let him live Knew it was a long shot, but Dad shot him with his Contender pistol, with a .35 barrel on it, 2x scope only, at 200 yards. I watched in the binoculars, could see an instant ruffle in the hair when he shot, so I knew he got him. Waited a few minutes and sure enough, he was down in a draw waiting for us to come get him It's amazing what that little gun can do :clap: Has drop tines on both sides, right in front of his ears. They had to have driven him nuts!
  2. Ughh...Sickkk. I hate snakes lol Luckily no copperheads here. Just western diamondbacks... You should really do something with them though besides waste the skin
  3. Just wanted to know because my brother can get Baretta clips cheap. Thanks anyway.
  4. Does anyone know if you can use clips from other 9mm pistols (Baretta, etc) in a HiPoint C-9 pistol?
  5. mandyjo62


    All are welcome to add me Mandy Jo Wiley Roundup, MT
  6. Ohh and I forgot to mention that I love my HiPoint C-9 pistol... for gophers
  7. Cutee *ahem*... am I still young enough for someone to take me fishing? Shaunyyy? Hahaha.
  8. Shaun! Buddy! I have missed you.. so this is what you have been up to.. fishing without me I'm jealous lol haven't gotten to go fishing at all this summer..
  9. Definately get her something that is very adjustable. I'm 16 and can shoot 40-50, she'll develop the muscles if she practices enough. It would be smart to take her in and let her shoot different bows to see what she is comfortable with. The people at whatever shop you choose to go to should be helpful with picking out a bow as well.
  10. Alright I wanna know.. 1. Weapons of choice (type of bow, arrows, caliber of rifle, etc.).. 2. Preferred game... 3. Places you have travelled to for hunting purposes 4. Anything else you wanna tell =D I'll start. I prefer my dad's custom 30-06 over any rifle really, have killed two deer and an elk with it. I used a .308 on my first deer.. and a .243 on a doe. I shoot a Golden Eagle bow with custom Realtree wrapped carbon arrows Out here in Montana I hunt mulies and elk, I love bowhunting for elk. The only place I've gone for hunting is North Carolina, I won a hunt through the Hunters Helping Kids program, which was really lucky. Let's hear about you other youth out there!
  11. Hey guys, I'm still around lol. I'm 16 so I'm still just a kid :turned: You're right gobblerroller, there really isn't any activity anymore.. Hmm... let's start something interesting lol
  12. Through a friend that my parents met on a Ranching forum. He kept talking about it so I had to check it out. Good thing I did
  13. Does anyone know of a good place to get camo fabric for a prom dress? Mom finally gave in and is going to make me one for next year... we want to get fabric and a pattern a.s.a.p... she's worried about making it good enough:p
  14. I don't like Tom Cruise much, either, but really wanted to see this movie.. So for my birthday we went to see it =) My boyfriend & friends & I were some of the youngest people in the theater, definately a good movie though!
  15. Well.. sorry guys, my season is over, no mule buck =( Last day I was going to take any 4x4 I came across but I never got a chance.. Saw some deer in a far pasture, parked the pickup & took off towards em, walked like a mile, & belly crawled up over a hill, just to see the WIDEST mulie I've ever seen jump the fence to the neighbors' place going after a doe. Mannn was I mad =[
  16. My dad worked at a meat processing plant ages ago so my parents & I do all of our own, always have since I can remember. Besides regular cuts we do summer sausage, jerky, breakfast sausage, polishes, etc. =]
  17. Well guys I finally got a doe. I gotta get my buck this weekend too cuz the season ends on Sunday.
  18. Hey, I'm working on it! The bucks are just starting to look for does right now, and I can only hunt weekends because of school =( Will try to get a buck & a doe this year though.
  19. Continued prayers for your family, hope it is just an infection.
  20. mandyjo62

    please pray

    Prayers sent for him and his family. Hope everything works out okay.
  21. Thanks guys, it means the world to me. It's a great feeling knowing we can always count on our Realtree family for support.